
Chapter 420 Pass the greed test by being greedy but not greedy

The stone tablet is engraved with strange characters. Each character looks very simple, but when it falls into the eyes, it seems that countless changes have occurred in an instant, twisting and changing, and then they seem to condense into the world. Everything, this is the root of this magical world, the source of magic, and all mysteries come from this stone tablet.

This seemingly ordinary stone tablet contains all the mysteries of magic!

These mysteries are the test of the Greedy Secret Realm for Ye Chui. These vast magical knowledge will have an extremely strong attraction for Ye Chui, making Ye Chui give up everything to understand and learn more. The greedy heart will be in the Under the stone monument it will never be extinguished.

What makes people feel a bit ironic is that Ye Chui once used [Dragon Power] to hone his will. His will has become very strong, but his strength is to become strong. Now this stone tablet seems to be A shortcut to power, how could Ye Chui resist the pursuit of power in his heart? His greed is the pursuit and belief in power.

Among all the trialists, the test Ye Chui faced was undoubtedly the greatest.

If he leaves the greed test, it actually represents his denial of his path to power. And just as the unknown being on the Iron Throne said, Ye Chui's greed test is also the most costly of all the tests. A: The original sin test in the Dragon's Lair follows a certain pattern. It will create original sin tests of corresponding difficulty based on the strength of the tester. There is no doubt that Ye Chui has been the first person to accept the original sin in the past countless years. The most powerful of those tested, and therefore his test of original sin was the most difficult. There was even a source of magic emerging from his trials.

The temptation of the source of magic is a test of his greed!

Ye Chui's magic talent is not high, but his unique understanding of magic is unparalleled in the world, which allows him to understand and comprehend magic faster and better. But despite this, if he wanted to fully understand the entire stone tablet, it would take him nearly a thousand years.

The first person to understand this stone tablet should be the Magic Emperor, but the Magic Emperor was not tempted by greed, which allowed him to comprehend the mystery of the stone tablet in stages, allowing him to understand the secrets of the stone tablet after a certain stage. Just stop and comprehend and then perfect your realm. And thus get a longer life.

But Ye Chui didn't have that time.

Under the temptation of greed, his attention was completely attracted almost as soon as he saw the stone tablet, as if he never wanted to walk away from the stone tablet for the rest of his life: just like him at this time, he opened his eyes wide His eyes were fixed on the source of magic, and he didn't even want to blink anymore.

Jarvis and Lier looked at each other, both of them seemed helpless. But there were no other unnecessary emotions: it seemed that they had seen Ye Chui's appearance after coming into contact with the source of magic countless times.

"Sir, the greed you have to face is undoubtedly the biggest, and no matter what, you will not be able to defeat the test of greed, because giving up represents the denial of your past struggles." Jarvis continued on the side.

While reading the information on the stone tablet, Ye Chui struggled to separate part of his thoughts to analyze Jarvis's words. He already understood how difficult the test in front of him was for him: "This... this is indeed true for me. What is invincible...this has nothing to do with will, but the foundation of my existence..."

"So..." Jarvis said with a bit of a naughty smile. "Since you can't conquer greedy desires, then simply let your greedy beliefs go to the end. Corruption can be greedy. You have to understand all the information on the stone tablet - this is what you once said, so you made a plan A huge plan that lasted for thousands of years.”

"What...what kind of plan..." Ye Chui asked with difficulty.

"When you first entered the Secret Realm of Trial, sir, you understood that you could not conquer your greed for magical mysteries. At that time, your heart was filled with despair. In the first few years, you could not even move from the stone monument. Finally you made a decision..."

Jarvis explained softly, describing the scenes that Ye Chui had experienced in the past thousand years but that he had no memory of -

In that dark corridor, Ye Chui, Smeg and Li'er were teleported to the Secret Realm of Greed's Test, which was the primitive forest where Ye Chui appeared before.

At first, Ye Chui didn't feel anything strange. They kept wandering in this primitive forest and encountered headless monks several times during the process, but they all passed the crisis safely.

Although Ye Chui didn't like Smeg, he still allowed him to stay with him as a companion for the time being.

What Ye Chui didn't know was that Smeg's greed test was Ye Chui's Lord of the Rings.

The Lord of the Rings came from Frodo. Smeag knew about the existence of this magical ring long before entering the Demon King's trial, and his greed for the Lord of the Rings was discovered by the mysterious being on the Iron Throne and made it into a To test him.

It was obvious that Smeg had not conquered his greed.

He stole Ye Chui's magic ring.

At that time, in order to avoid being chased by the headless monks, they came to this high mountain. There seemed to be some taboos on this mountain that prevented the headless monks from setting foot here. Then Ye Chui saw the source of magic. He was immersed in it for several days. In the Mysteries of Magic, Smeag took advantage of that time to steal the Lord of the Rings.

Fortunately, before that, Ye Chui released Jarvis in order to take care of Li'er, and also took out many daily necessities from the Lord of the Rings.

Ye Chui was even indifferent to the fact that the Lord of the Rings was stolen. At that time, his heart was completely occupied by the vast magical knowledge.

After Smeg left the mountain, he discovered the cave in the cliff. He lived in it. Under the influence of greed, the demon spirit quickly took over his body and made him its host, and then began to Little by little, Smeg's body was transformed...

For the first few years, Ye Chui was completely immersed in the mystery of the source of magic.

Li'er was alone guarding Ye Chui. As an elf, Li'er had a desire to eat, but she didn't really need to eat. But that experience is still a painful memory for the elf.

She called Ye Chui's name next to Ye Chui, her eyes red from crying, but she couldn't divert Ye Chui's eyes from the stone tablet.

Jarvis had tried countless times to get Ye Chui to wake up from that addiction, but he had failed. Ye Chui is getting thinner day by day, and even with the dragon's blood baptism, his body is getting weaker and weaker...

A few years passed like this, and one day Ye Chui finally woke up.

He did not defeat greed, but because his understanding of magic had reached a certain stage, the stone tablet's attraction to him temporarily became less attractive. He looked at his thin and weak body. Seeing Li'er squatting next to him, dressed in rags like a little beggar, Ye Chui's heart was piercing his heart at that moment, and he was in great pain.

Ye Chui didn't want Li'er to continue to suffer with him, but at the same time, he couldn't give up his understanding of the source of magic, so at that moment he made a difficult choice.

He wants to send Lier out of the Secret Realm of Greed.

During that time, although Ye Chui's realm was still at the peak of the ninth level, his understanding of the magic matrix had reached an extremely high level. His understanding of magic also became more thorough, so he created a magic matrix. That magic matrix could send Li Er out of this secret realm of testing, but for this magic matrix to be effective, it must be helped by something—— Transfer order.

The teleportation order is a teleportation prop used to enter the entire Demon King's trial. The magic matrix it contains is very powerful, just like a key to secret realm teleportation. If Ye Chui wants to send Lier away from this world, in addition to the magic matrix he created, he also needs the help of the teleportation order.

But the teleportation order has always been stored in the Lord of the Rings, and the Ring has been stolen by Smeag.

Ye Chui tried to find Smeg, but found that Smeg had already turned into a monster. His greed for the Ring was so powerful under the bewitchment of the demon spirit that it was impossible for him to give up the ring, and he It is even more integrated with the demon spirit. It has become a powerful existence that Ye Chui cannot defeat.

After this attempt failed, Ye Chui thought of another way...

"Do you still remember the setting of the teleportation order?" Jarvis told Ye Chui in front of the source of magic, "In a team, if the captain with the teleportation order dies, then the teleportation order will select the next member of the team. Although I am not very sure that a team member becomes the new captain, sir, you have roughly judged from the previous experience that the method of selecting the next captain by the teleportation order will be based on the player closest to the captain when he died. Once a captain is selected, the teleportation order will automatically appear next to that new captain, and the person closest to you in the Secret Realm of the Greed Test is undoubtedly Li'er."

Ye Chui was still immersed in the source of magic, but he still understood what Jarvis meant and the choice he had made countless times before: " order for Li'er to leave here, I...killed Kill myself.”

"That's right." Jarvis confirmed, "Sir, you killed yourself. You couldn't refuse the temptation of greed, but at the same time, you couldn't bear that Lil suffered with you, so you killed yourself to create something for Lil. A chance to get out of here.”

"Then... then why are we still here..." Most of Ye Chui's thoughts were focused on the source of magic, and he could only spare a small part of his thoughts to think about these issues. He was now like a movie Same as an overloaded computer.

"Sir, your greed is the pursuit of magic, but you have ignored Li'er's greed test." Jarvis said with a smile, Li'er standing next to him couldn't help lowering his head, this joyful The elf's eyes were a little moist at this moment. Jarvis continued, "Li'er was just a child at that time. Her greed was very simple, that is, she could stay with you forever..."

Ye Chui's body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"Just as you guessed, sir, when you died, the teleportation order automatically appeared next to Li'er from the Lord of the Rings. Under the magic matrix you designed, the teleportation order can indeed send Li'er away from this trial. The secret realm, but..." Jarvis paused, "Li'er didn't want to leave. She cried for three days and three nights, guarding your body and didn't want to leave here for a moment."

"Then...then what did you do?" Ye Chui had vaguely guessed something, and his voice began to tremble...

"Sir, do you still remember those magic fluctuations we recorded when we were in the mountain village? The function of those magic fluctuations is to reset time and restore everything. At first, I wanted to take Liel away, but in the end I changed my mind. I want to bring you back to the world, and the magic matrix recorded at that time is the only way."

Jarvis's voice became lighter: "So I told Li'er my idea. We buried your first body together, and then began to study the way to reset time. Fortunately, before that, Mr. I have conducted detailed research on the information contained in that magic wave, and some insights and understandings have been recorded in my magic crystal. However, it is still not easy to make a time-resetting matrix. I cannot use magic at all. And Lier is an elf. She was born with the blood of learning elf magic, but she is not as good as the most basic human magician in other types of magic. However, we succeeded in the end, and it took us a hundred years. time, I don’t know how many times of hard work and failed attempts, the time reset was finally successful. You reappeared in this world in the same posture as when you first came to the Secret Realm of Greed, and your memory remains at the moment you left the dark corridor. , even the Lord of the Rings will automatically reappear on your body, but this secret realm seems to judge that I am already a person, so I, who was supposed to exist in the Lord of the Rings, did not reset with you."

Ye Chui's expression was shocked. He seemed to understand everything instantly, and it didn't even require him to think too much -

"I cannot defeat my greed for the source of magic, and my lifespan is also limited. I cannot fully understand the source of magic in my lifetime, so I need to constantly reset time to spend a long thousand years... This is my plan!"

His voice was trembling with excitement: "I can't fight against my greed, so let me completely understand all the mysteries of the source of magic, and let me be greedy. At that time, my greed will The test passed naturally.”

"Yes, that's it..." Jarvis said with a smile. Obviously, Ye Chui's obvious cheating style made him very excited.

"But..." Ye Chui quickly understood a huge problem, "Every time I am reborn, time will be reset. Then wouldn't the previous enlightenment be in vain? What's the use of thousands of years?"

"No, of course not." Jarvis laughed, and there was even a bit of lewdness in that smile. He took out an orange-yellow magic crystal, "Sir, this is from the black The dragon crystal found in the corpse of the flame dragon has the largest storage space. You will continue to store your insights into this magic crystal every time for thousands of years. When you reset the time and resurrect, you only need to touch With the information stored in the dragon crystal, you can restore all the memories and understanding of magic in the last reincarnation. In this way, you have accumulated your understanding of the stone tablet bit by bit, and now a thousand years have passed... Mr. , before the last time reset, you had thoroughly understood all the magic mysteries in the stone tablet, but you were already old and frail at that time. You said that of course a successful practitioner must leave in the most perfect form, So you killed yourself again and for the last time, and this time, we are leaving this greedy secret realm!"

Jarvis said before that the last time he explained these things to Ye Chui was for this reason.

Ye Chui's time reset this time will be his last. He will fully understand the source of magic and pass the test of greed with a greedy attitude!

"It's just..." Ye Chui suddenly felt some kind of worry, "So that's what happened. I have died countless times, but... will the person I am born after each time of death be reset, will I still be the same person... …”

"Sir, you have considered this question before, and the answer is yes." Jarvis explained with a smile, "You have been studying this problem in a certain life, and you found that every time you reset is actually a time reset. The body is reorganized, but the soul remains completely unchanged. It just loses a certain amount of memory, but essentially you are still you."

"I see..." Ye Chui completely let go of Xin Lai and took the dragon crystal handed over by Jarvis.

What Ye Chui, Jarvis, and Li'er didn't know was that it was due to the interference of the successive time reset matrix that the time flow in this greedy secret had a certain degree of confusion and crossover, so the Iron Throne Only the unknown beings above cannot peek into everything that happens in this secret realm...


ps: Please recommend me and ask for monthly tickets~~~ (To be continued.)

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