Omniscient and Almighty

Chapter 39: Draw a sword and look around at a loss

  Chapter 39 Draw a sword and look around at a loss

   Wild yam, garden ginseng, and sweet potato are the three ingredients shown in the dream to make vermicelli.

The wild yam garden ginseng has been handed over to Dashabao, and the sweet potato is the old-fashioned yellow-hearted sweet potato. Jia Gongzi is worthy of being a well-informed columnist who claims to have tasted all kinds of delicacies in the north and south of the Yangtze River. After the pictures were published, without a second thought, several large-scale yellow-hearted sweet potato plantations in China were listed.

   In this way, Xu Guangling can stay at home, just stay at home and wait for the delivery.

These three things are all excavated in autumn and winter. Today is September 3, the solar calendar. There are still ten days before the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is slightly earlier than the time for excavating these three things, but if you prepare in advance, you will about there.

   Of course, there is no need for Xu Guangling to worry about this kind of thing now, the two big brothers in Jianghu are still very loyal.

   What is Xu Guangling going to do? He has to prepare all the follow-up corresponding matters, such as contacting the powder workshop, then rent a yard or warehouse or something, and then hire some people.

Although making vermicelli is not a complicated thing, and Xu Guangling does not do much, because it is the first time, it has a great trial nature, so I plan to make a few hundred pounds, and then make some familiar vermicelli. Even if the people are divided.

  If the vermicelli made is really good, then make corresponding plans in the future.

   And if it's not so ideal, it's both the first and last time.

  The general idea was finalized first, and the three of them agreed to contact them by phone at any time on the follow-up specific matters. Then Xu Guangling quit QQ and turned off the computer by the way.

Most of the time Xu Guangling opened the notebook, he just checked the data, and if there was no data to check, he basically didn't need to open the computer. As for hanging out on the Internet, Xu Guangling didn't have this kind of mood in the past, so the notebook ten It is not uncommon for things to be closed for half a month, and it is often really "dusty".

   turned off the computer, and Xu Guangling roamed the room at will.

Young Master Jia's three questions had touched him a little, of course, it couldn't be because of shame, but through these three questions, Xu Guangling suddenly realized a problem, that is, engaging in any line of work requires corresponding accumulation and precipitation. .

   For example, a chef, he really can’t do it now!

   You can't just make "Nine-Pin White Jade Soup", right? Then nothing else. - No chef is like this!

   But what is he good at?

   Or, in the future, what will you do?

  Before, the whole person was groggy, and he was a monk for a day, and he had to eat and drink anyway, so naturally he never needed to think about it in the future. Or to put it another way, at that time, in Xu Guangling's consciousness, there was no future at all!

   He doesn't think about what to do tomorrow or the day after.

   For him, there is no tomorrow, let alone the day after tomorrow. His past, present, and future are all like a cloudy sky, a foggy ground, blocked by a gloom. In such a situation, time is meaningless.

   But now that he has come out of that state, what will happen in the future has become the first thing before Xu Guangling.

   You can’t sit idle every day, and then go on like this until you get old. This shouldn't be what his parents want him to look like, no, absolutely not!

   From the point of view of being good at, whether it is his father's writing or his mother's music creation, he is relatively good at it.

Let's talk about writing first. He has been taught by his father since he was a child and has been immersed in his own eyes and ears. When his father was still alive, he already showed a certain skill and aura, and it can be said that he has achieved a little. It's not a stroke or a word written, but so many books are not read in vain.

   There is still a saying in the ancients that "if you are familiar with 300 Tang poems, you can recite them even if you don't know how to recite them." If he starts to write now, he only needs to get acquainted with him for a while, and his skill must be higher than that of his father! There is no doubt about that.

   Then let's talk about music creation. In terms of ability, he is not lacking, and yesterday's creation of "Dream of the Future" made him vaguely feel that now he may really have the talent to eat such a bowl of rice. But another point has to be considered, that is, the current big music environment in China is actually not that good.

   or to put it a little bit more directly, it's not just a matter of "not so good".

   The working environment is much worse than at the time of my mother. In fact, even back then, my mother complained about this problem in front of my father and him more than once, and admitted that if I hadn't entered the industry early, and had been involved in more and more complicated activities, if I were simply engaged in "music creators", I would have been busy all year. , not to mention income generation, it would be good to satisfy the family to drink porridge.

  Guangling doesn't really care how much money he makes. No matter how little he earns, he should be able to support himself. However, such a working environment means that it is likely to be a mess. And Xu Guangling had little interest in such a circle.

   Of course, it may not be as bad as he thought, and he will have to get involved in it to know exactly how it is. Maybe it’s actually better compared to his mother’s time. The badness he feels is only a superficial phenomenon. But since it is not ruled out that such a possibility exists, and it is not necessary to engage in music creation, Xu Guangling is a little hesitant.

  Perhaps, as I said with Dasha Jia Gongzi on QQ before, it would be better to treat music creation as a casual and part-time job? After a little actual contact, if you find that the environment is really good, and he does have talent in this area (knowledge and ability at the ordinary level, he is absolutely not lacking), then from part-time to full-time is not a bad idea. .

  Writing, perhaps the same can be considered.

   After excluding these two industries that he would instinctively think of, which are also the industries he has learned and been exposed to since he was a child, what else can he do?

  As my mother said, go to school to be a professor? If you take this road again, the problem should not be a problem, but it may take some twists and turns. The setbacks are actually nothing. The real problem is that after experiencing the affairs of his parents, Xu Guangling has an instinctive sense of boredom or emptiness towards the kind of life that is destined to be done step by step.

   To put it more seriously, he has a somewhat empty view of his entire life.

   Although this situation has improved now, the overall tone has not completely changed. Before the complete change, Xu Guangling did not feel that the normal nine-to-five life was suitable for him. ——There is no vitality left in the first place. If it is worn down again, what will be left of the whole life?

  Thinking like this, Xu Guangling felt that the world was so big that he couldn't move.

   This is the real "drawing swords and looking around at a loss".

  Thinking about it, Xu Guangling suddenly laughed at himself again. Considering this for the time being, it's not really necessary. Not to mention the fact that there are vermicelli in front of him, let's talk about Taijiquan, maybe he will have to dominate him for a while!

   If he really wants to consider a career, he has to adjust his work and rest first!

   So how long will this situation of sleeping soundly for a whole day after doing Tai Chi once?

  Xu Guangling doesn't think it will continue forever, there's no reason for that! The metabolism of the body always has a fixed law to follow, even if it is temporarily broken, it is to move towards a new law. But I hope this time is not the few years that Zhang Lao said before that he needs to eat a lot.

  A few years, even two or three years, is really too long!

   After thinking about this piecemeal, it was already late at night, Xu Guangling checked his phone, it was half past two in the middle of the night. Considering that he had to go to the park at four o'clock or simply like four o'clock, Xu Guangling decided to lie down on the bed for a while, anyway, there was nothing to do for a while.

   And I have no interest in reading for the time being.

   Then the next moment, something Xu Guangling did not expect happened again. Just as he lay down, his head was resting on the pillow and his eyes were slightly closed, but within three or five breaths, drowsiness came quickly again, and then he fell into a deep sleep again.

   And a dream, another dream! In this sound sleep, like a late-night epiphyllum, it quietly bloomed.


  Thanks to "sekck" for the support of the referral ticket.

   (end of this chapter)

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