Whether toasted bread is delicious or not actually depends on two aspects.

One is the heat.

Cold bread is in a dry and hard state. It is very tough and difficult to tear. There is moisture inside.

Bake the moisture to the appropriate level, and the bread will become dry and crispy, not so tough, and not so hard.

Therefore, this kind of bread is usually cut into slices and baked before eating.

Bouillabaisse is also served with garlic mayonnaise.

Garlic accounts for a very large proportion in bouillabaisse, not only in the fish soup, but also in the sauce used with bread.

The reason is also very simple. Because they stay in a humid working environment all year round, fishermen need something to remove moisture to keep their bodies warm.

Garlic and chili are actually a bit similar to the seasonings commonly used in Sichuan and Chongqing.

Coricchio picked up a piece of bread and squeezed it slightly, his expression serious.

This feels right.

Bake until crispy.

Jamie also tried it and looked at Jiang Feng with an incomprehensible look.

Baked so good!

Jamie was shocked again!

Colicchio could only feel that Jiang Feng did a good job.

But Jamie saw something more.

Jiang Feng's bread was baked almost perfectly!

The crust, which is a bit hard when pressed, is actually already crispy. If you press it harder, some crumbs will fall out.

And when it is dropped on the plate, the sound is very crisp.

Not only does the plate make a crunchy sound, but the bread itself also makes a sound when the moisture is baked to just the right level.

Just right!

Let Jamie do this baking. He feels that when he is in good condition, he can probably reach Jiang Feng's level.

Jamie is the best French chef in recent decades!

In the field he is familiar with, he can only make toast like Jiang Feng when he is in good condition!

This is outrageous!

After a moment of shock, Jamie's face showed a bit of defeat.

He has given in.

Jiang Feng baked it under such a high temperature, and he felt that Jiang Feng was already doing better than him.

Even if Jiang Feng's garlic mayonnaise is like garbage, Jiang Feng's overall cooking is better than his.

After all, even if the sauce is not good, just soak the bread in the fish soup and it will taste quite good!

Jamie knew he shouldn't, but he really swallowed, even a little greedy!

He unconsciously imagined how Jiang Feng's fish soup would taste when paired with toasted bread!

"Let me try it first."

Colricchio scooped half a spoonful of sauce, put it on a small piece of bread, and then ate it in his mouth.

The moment he entered the mouth, he felt a very silky mayonnaise texture.

This kind of garlic mayonnaise If the taste is good, it must be sifted several times.

If the sifting is too rough, there will be particles of minced garlic and some mayonnaise particles that have agglomerated.

The taste will not be tight and it will appear more Cheap.

But it won’t work if you sift it too finely. If you sift it too finely, there will be no texture inside and it won’t taste good. It’s better to have a little bit of particles occasionally so you can taste a bit of texture.

Jiang Feng did it perfectly!

Corey Kio was amazed!

As Coricchio chewed, the bread and sauce gradually merged together. The garlic taste was very light and appeared together with the salty and sweet taste. It was not obtrusive and set off well. It has a sweet and salty taste.

It is just like the pickles in Thousand Island dressing, it is very flavorful!

Then there is the aroma of oil.

This is the original taste of mayonnaise, and it is very delicious to chew.

The bread is very crispy, and when you first bite it , the sound it makes is the same as eating crispy rice.

But it itself is very soft, and it quickly merges with the sauce. As you chew, the unique sweet taste of carbohydrates appears.

Coricchio finished one piece, and then ate another After a while.

After finishing the second piece, he took the third piece.

Rong Lijun raised his eyebrows and asked,"How long do you want to eat?" Zhou

Linan was also greedy:"Yes, hurry up and compete. After the competition is over, I will eat quickly. I am so greedy.""

Of all the people present, only Zhou Linan really wants to do it!

Jiang Feng's bouillabaisse is really good and delicious, and it reminds him of the feeling of going to Provence.

Although Zhou Linan still prefers his place in Jiangnan The scenery of a villa.

But the feeling of being in a foreign country and freely looking for local delicacies was also very pleasant. He wanted to eat something quickly to recall this feeling.

Colicchio said a little dissatisfied:"Let me eat more"

"Let’s talk about the results first. Rong Lijun said,"After we decide the outcome, you can eat whatever you want." Colicchio spread his hands and said,"I've already eaten the third piece. Don't you know the outcome?""

Rong Lijun's eyes lit up.

Jiang Feng's expression remained unchanged, and he had already expected the result.

Jamie was a little slumped, but he had no intention of refuting.

He already felt that Jiang Feng had won, not to mention that he had tasted Jiang Feng's sauce..

The cooking is also very good!

It has a completely local taste!

Jiang Feng should have used the sauce bought locally.

The sauce produced in different regions also tastes different.

The raw materials Jiang Feng bought are very good, and the way they are processed is also very good. , there is nothing to be picky about the method.

To be honest,

Jamie feels that even if he competes with Jiang Feng to make bouillabaisse, he can’t win.

Jiang Feng’s bouillabaisse is completely master-level!


Jamie is it Master.

Even better than a master!

Not to mention, Jamie cooks half-baked Chinese food.

Jamie’s Wensi Tofu can only score 6 points, barely passing, while Jiang Feng’s bouillabaisse is more than 10 points!

No! Who is qualified to rate Jiang Feng!

The gap is too big!

The other secretaries and bodyguards brought by Coricchio were a little surprised


"No way, Mr. Jamie actually lost to Jiang Feng?"

"Are Chinese chefs so good?"

They are usually very busy at work, but they also know Jamie's reputation, which is enough to show how famous Jamie is in Europe.

Jamie is so famous because his cooking skills are good enough and he has got enough big customers.

Before the competition with Jiang Feng, no one from these Europeans thought that Jamie would lose to a Chinese chef.

However, the result surprised them.

Song Jin and Jiang Jianye were a little excited, but very restrained. They won!

But they had to Calm down, after all, the people of their time and the memories of foreign guests were still a little reserved and didn't want to lose their composure.

Rong Shuang and Jiang Youyou were much more generous. They high-fived each other and hugged each other to celebrate.

The two beauties, one big and one small, looked very happy and very eye-catching.

Jiang Feng was very calm.

Rong Lijun asked:"When will my goods get to the dealer?"

Colricchio said:"Within this year."

"After all, our agreement is to let you earn 500 million euros more every year. I will let you earn it, but the money you lose on the road does not count, right?"

Rong Lijun looked at Colicchio and said nothing.

He knew that Colicchio would not do this. This is no different from refusing to admit defeat.

Since Colicchio is willing to admit defeat and does not force a playoff, then This proved that Coricchio wanted to fulfill his promise.

Seeing that Rong Lijun was not fooled, Coricchio felt that it was not interesting, so he took another piece of bread, spread it with mayonnaise, and soaked it in the fish soup. , eat it in your mouth


After Coricchio admitted defeat, he stopped tensing up and showed a happy expression.

The taste is so perfect!

Incomparably harmonious!

Jiang Feng grasped the taste of each step into his mouth just right!

Coricchio swallowed After taking the food in his mouth, he said:"If I can eat bouillabaisse every day this week, I can let them take over your goods today.""

"Starting from today, you can do your business steadily with us, how about it?"

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