Coricchio swallowed.

Jamie reached out and pinched the lid of the pot with a nervous expression.

According to normal logic, the taste of his pot of fish should be very different from Jiang Feng's.

After all, they all use the same fish soup.

At most, the taste is slightly different because the fish soup has been stored for a longer time.

But Jamie is worried.

What if the taste is really different?

In front of Jiang Feng, Jamie always felt that his previous experience was useless.

The gap is too big.

The mixture of admiration, adoration and frustration left him a little confused.

The pot lid is opened.

Heat came out instantly.

Jamie picked up the fork next to him, took two pieces of fish, put them on the already heated plate, and poured the fish soup on them.

This fish soup is very precious.

Jamie served Coricchio less and served himself a little more.

Coricchio asked with a bit of dissatisfaction on his face:"Are you so stingy? You only gave me so little?"

Jamie was also a bit dissatisfied:"You can still go to eat fish soup tomorrow, can I go?"

Normally Jamie would not talk to Coricchio like this.

Although the relationship between the two is not bad, Colicchio is the sponsor after all, and Jamie is not too young, so he usually pays attention to his words. but.

In front of this pot of fish soup, Jamie can't care so much!

Such a precious fish soup would be great to give to Coricchio!

Colicchio was not angry, but rather pleased with himself:"That's true."

Thinking that even Thomas had to spend a lot of money to eat the food cooked by Jiang Feng, but he could eat the fish soup made by Jiang Feng for three days, and it was so casual. Eat, you can eat all three meals.

Coricchio felt an inexplicable sense of superiority!

Jamie stared at Coricchio and shook his head. envious.

He has nothing else to say except envy.

"I'll try it first."

Jamie forked a piece of fish, put it in his mouth, and tasted the taste carefully.


There was a look of relaxation on Jamie's face, and he took a deep breath.

The taste is almost the same!

Almost the same!

As long as he uses Jiang Feng's fish soup, he can make a taste similar to Jiang Feng's!

There's no problem with his taste!

Moreover, Jiang Feng is really good!

The more Jamie tasted this fish soup, the more he thought Jiang Feng made it well.

Although it is fishy, ​​it is well made!

This seafood flavor is really good for people like Jamie who like to eat fish. Yes, he liked the taste very much.

Coricchio also quickly took the fork and tasted a piece of fish.

"Well, the taste is a little different."Colricchio commented.

Jamie said matter-of-factly:"The fish Mr. Jiang uses is better than ours."

The ingredients at Colicchio's house are all very good.

However, when Rong Lijun looks for ingredients for Jiang Feng, he always looks for the top ones! They are very good, but there is still a gap between them and the top ones.

The texture of the fish , and the taste of the fish itself, there must still be a little difference.

But the impact is not big.

Coricchio said with a little regret:"If I had known better, I would have bought a few better fish and then made fish soup. Jamie shook his head:"When the fish arrives, the taste of the soup will probably change. This is already very good. The taste is almost the same.""

Colricchio said in agreement:"It is true that"

"pass me the bread"


Colricchio tasted the bread made by Jamie, and suddenly remembered something, and said with a bit of pain:"I should have ordered some sauce, your sauce is not as good as his."

The sauce spread on the bread is made by the chefs themselves in better restaurants. It is the same as the black bean sauce made by Jiang Feng.

The sauce Jamie uses is also freshly made.

But Colicchio tastes better , the taste is much different from the sauce made by Jiang Feng.

The mayonnaise made by Jiang Feng has a more delicate texture and a more uniform taste.

Moreover, Jiang Feng’s sauce seems to have some melon fruits added, and the taste is different. After the sweet, salty and soy flavor subsided, there was still a feeling of sweetness.

After finishing the meal, my mouth was very sticky.

At that time, Coricchio was shocked by the fish soup made by Jiang Feng and did not pay much attention to what Jiang Feng made. As for the sauce, I just think that Jiang Feng's sauce is also very good. This person is really good.

However, now that he has eaten the sauce made by Jamie, Colicchio suddenly tastes a difference.

Jamie ate the toast and also Feeling a little boring:"It's really a bit bad."

Before, baking bread was also Jamie's specialty.

In other words, as long as you are a French chef, you can usually make this basic sauce.

But compared with what Jiang Feng made, Jamie felt that he made it It really doesn't work.

Compared with Jiang Feng's, the ratio of sweetness and saltiness in his sauce is obviously worse. It's not as perfect as Jiang Feng's sauce.

And there's also some gap in taste and aftertaste.

Jamie is actually there too The sauce is made with pickled cucumbers, which brings a bit of sourness, which can better reflect the sweetness, and makes the sweetness less thin and less greasy.

But obviously, Jiang Feng does it better. The ratio of melons to sauce should be Better than Jamie


After Jamie finished eating the piece of bread in his hand, he suddenly sighed in Chinese.

This was a Chinese sentence he learned when he was learning to make Wensi tofu with his master.

It's amazing.

The sauce made by Jiang Feng, now he thinks about it carefully Thinking about it, I realized how awesome it is!

The grasp of details and taste is truly unparalleled!

"He must have had a far superior palate than the average person."Jamie said with great certainty.

That's absolutely the case.

If Jiang Feng didn't have a palate beyond ordinary people, he would actually wash his hair upside down!

The mayonnaise that Jamie makes now is what he got after summarizing quite a few recipes. The best one.

Not only does he do this.

French chefs who have a good relationship with him, and even Japanese chefs, will refer to his method whenever they use this kind of mayonnaise.

This is After discussion and tasting by the guests, the taste came out.

As a result, the mayonnaise made by Jiang Feng himself tasted even better than what they made!

This is definitely not a ready-made recipe!

It can only be made by Jiang Feng himself Matched!

This is the scariest part.

Although Jiang Feng only improved this formula and did not create a new one, the difficulty of this improvement is no different from creating his own.

Jamie thinks Jiang Feng’s taste is simply You did it to the extreme!

Colicchio also nodded repeatedly:"Indeed. Jamie stared at Corricchio and suddenly said:"Can you tell Mr. Jiang for me tomorrow and ask him to give him more sauce? I want to see if I can replicate the taste he makes." Coricchio waved his hand:"I'll just ask him for a little more, and I'll bring some back to you.""

For a businessman, Corricchio doesn't mind learning from others.

As long as it's not illegal.

A large domestic Internet company started by imitating, but in fact, this imitation model is not from this large manufacturer. Original.

This method was very commonly used in the early days when big companies were making fortunes.

Coricchio thought that just imitating it would be enough.

Jamie stared into Coricchio’s eyes and asked,"Do you want to offend Mr. Jiang? Are you sure you can afford to do this?"

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