Jiang Feng said in English:"That's the last one."

He just finished speaking.

Many regular customers looked at Jiang Feng with a bit of surprise in their eyes.

"Boss Xiao Jiang speaks pretty good English."

"Indeed, this accent sounds quite authentic!"

"Pull me down, you're a city builder, you haven't even recognized the twenty-six English letters in your life, what kind of accent do you know?"

"Wow! Boss Xiao Jiang is so handsome when he speaks English! It’s over, this man is so good, why is he married? Damn it!"

"Sigh...it feels like it's getting harder and harder for me to take over Sister Rong."The little sister who wanted Ji Hui sighed.

None of the guests had ever heard Jiang Feng speak English.

There were actually many foreign customers coming to Jiang Feng's shop, but when they came, they basically could speak a few words of Chinese. At least he can order food in Chinese.

No one expected that

Jiang Feng could communicate with foreign guests fluently in English!


"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Jamie sounded a little excited and took out 300 yuan from his pocket.

When he came to China, he exchanged 10,000 yuan in cash, and he can use it now.

"You eat first, I will be free later to give you change."Jiang Feng continued to speak in English.

Jamie quickly said:"No, don't delay your work, there is no need to look for it."

Actually, tipping is normal in Europe.

However, Jamie admires Jiang Feng very much and dare not say it is a tip. He just said that there is no need to ask for it.

Jiang Feng refused:"The prices are all marked, and the amount of the item is the price. I'll give you the change later"

"Oh well."Jamie said helplessly.

In fact, Jamie couldn't understand Jiang Feng's approach.

In Europe, although the tipping culture is not as extreme as in the Bald Eagle Country, it must be given, but tipping is also very common.

Generally, no one refuses a tip. Yes.

Chefs of Jamie's level often receive tips from guests named by him.

Jiang Feng did not ask for this money.

For a god like Jiang Feng, shouldn't this small amount of money not matter at all? Do you have to pay it back alone?

Jamie waited a little uneasily.

He was worried that Jiang Feng hated him a little, so he wouldn't accept his money.


Jiang Feng put the fish in a bowl, packed the steamed buns, and put them on the table. Put it on.

Jamie took it and sat down in the shop.

He came earlier and there was still a seat. Generally, customers who can buy fish can find a place to sit.

After sitting down, a person next to him asked Jamie:"You Is it Jamie?"

This man's name is Tom. He has been working in China for fourteen years. He recently moved to Jiang Feng's neighborhood with his company and became a regular customer of Jiang Feng.

He never gets up early, so he gets up early on his days off just to have an early meal of Jiang Feng's cooking. rice.

He recognized Jamie.

There are really many famous chefs in Jiang Feng’s store. Big bosses can recognize these famous chefs when they come here.

But among ordinary people, these famous chefs in Jiang Feng’s store are not very popular. Even though they are famous, they have not appeared on any programs and are only famous in circles where they are very particular about food.

Jamie is different.

After all, Jamie has appeared on many programs, and they are very good at promoting themselves.

Plus Colicchio With so many media resources at his disposal, it was natural for him to make Jamie famous. Not only was he famous abroad, but many people at home also knew Jamie.

Jamie said politely:"Hello, it's me."

"Wow, I didn’t expect to see you here! Tom's tone was a little excited,"Can I take a group photo?""

Jamie originally wanted to refuse.

He just wanted to enjoy his fish quietly.

The fish steamed by Jiang Feng didn't look like anything special, but it smelled good. It smelled like fresh fish and was very fragrant. The smell of oil.

However, Jamie felt that it was too troublesome to explain, so he simply said:"Just take a picture, and then I will eat, okay?""


The two of them took a photo.

Jamie himself took out the knife and fork covered in a black leather sheath.

He actually thought chopsticks were quite interesting, but he was already relatively old when he came into contact with chopsticks, and it was really difficult to learn them. , so when you come to eat in China, you always bring your own knives and forks.

Tom was nearby and wanted to say a few more words to Jamie. He said enthusiastically:"This fish is really amazing. If it weren't for the fact that I don't like fish very much, , I will definitely eat it every day!"

"oh? Where is the magic?"

Jamie also became interested.

He really cares about the comments of the diners on the dishes.

Even the most tasteless diners may give good suggestions.

Tom said:"You just cut the fish body into half. knew."

Jamie did as he was told, and used his knife to push the fish's body away, and then his eyes widened slightly.

A question mark appeared on his head.

So tender!

Although his knife skills are far behind Jiang Feng, he can kill them in three days. Wensi's tofu was cooked decently, which proved that his knife skills were pretty good.

The feeling of cutting this fish was different!

So soft!

Very tender!

The texture of the meat was completely beyond Jamie's expectations!

He carefully examined it Look, I’m even more shocked!

The meat of the fish is cooked at a perfect temperature close to the bone!

It’s just cooked, the meat is already white, but the texture is extremely soft and tender. It’s obvious that the fish meat here is cooked with residual heat! Okay?!

Jamie suddenly realized that he looked like a fool who had never seen the world.

Before, he thought he knew a lot about Chinese food and could cook a few classic Sichuan and Cantonese dishes.

But now.

Jamie discovered that, He really knows too little!

"Is this the true level of a god?……"

Jamie sighed in his heart.

He originally thought that the bouillabaisse made by Jiang Feng was perfect!

It is extremely difficult to reach Jiang Feng's level!

However, now Jamie discovered that the difficulty of bouillabaisse limited Jiang Feng’s performance!

The difficulty of this dish is really much more difficult than bouillabaisse!

"The first time I ate this dish, I had the same expression as you. I couldn't imagine how their fish was made like this."Tom said with emotion.

Even now when he saw this dish, he still sighed, Jiang Feng is really awesome!

"If you try it, you will be more surprised by the taste. I really don’t like fish. Really, if it weren’t for this, I would eat this dish every day."

Tom really doesn't like eating fish. He was stuck with fish bones when he was a child. Every time he eats fish, he feels very uncomfortable.

Although there are 100% fish bones in the fish, he still feels stuck when he swallows it. It felt like living in.

But he had tasted this taste once and he really couldn’t forget it. It was so delicious!

So every time Jiang Feng made steamed pork ribs, he would eat two portions!

Jamie ate it with a little expectation A piece of fish.

The moment the fish entered his mouth, Jamie was stunned!

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