A few days later, Feidou has already started preparing for offline activities. The address is selected in a high-end entertainment club, and you cannot enter without an electronic invitation letter, so you need to register in the group in advance.

It is said that Qi Bai will also show up?, so the people who signed up this time are quite enthusiastic.

The group leader, Feidou, counted the number of people. Finally, when he announced the list, he found that Qin Ye didn't seem to be moving. After thinking about it, in the crowd, Aite found that those who didn't sign up enthusiastically signed up, but after the time passed? It's too late, handsome guy, are you coming?

Qin Ye was inexplicably cueed, thinking inwardly? How should he answer. Say no, it seems too absolute, say go, he didn't plan to go. I can only reply vaguely that I am not sure, and there may be work arrangements.

Feidou took the case and made a decision, so I will reserve a seat for you first, wait? You come.

In the whole group, only Qinye has this kind of treatment, and Feidou is determined to let him show up?

There are also many people in the internal group who will go. They remembered that Feidou said that Qin Ye was a fraud, and that he and Josnian?

He didn't seem to want to come very much, and it seemed that he was making up a reason.

Are you afraid of dying from the light?

Mr. Qiao really formed c with him? Have you met? No?

Don't worry about it, just go Qibai? That's fine, I'm already? Ready to rush.

As Fat Dou said, there are still a lot of flirtatious sluts in the group. A few days ago, Qin Ye kept Qi Bai from coming to the stage in the crowd, because someone secretly suspected that he was jealous of Qi Bai's popularity? He was taller and handsomer than him, so he deliberately provoked trouble.

Josnian? He was in a meeting and didn't pay much attention to the news. After the meeting was over, I found out that many people in the internal group were with Aite himself, and wanted to know if he had seen Qin Ye.

Feidou directly asked Mr. Qiao privately. He asked Mr. Qiao. Ask? Ask? Is your family?

Josnian? Actually? I don't know too much about my question.

Qin Ye is doing the last rehearsal in the dance studio. A traffic singer in the company wanted to record v, and they were all pulled to be backup dancers. It is said that the top management intends to select a few trainees to debut in a group. Wu Sen stares at Qin Ye in the dance classroom every day, hoping that he will be selected.

"Okay, let's practice here today and disband."

The dance teacher clapped his hands, and the team dispersed immediately.

Qin Ye is wearing a black baseball cap, and the light gray sweatshirt on his body is already sweating

Most of it is wet, and it looks a little cold when it's not talking. He went to the rest area to drink some water, and found that Josnian had sent himself a message. After opening it, he realized that it was about an offline party.

Qin Ye smiled, and half-truthfully replied that I would not go if I was killed.

Josnian? He must have been online all the time. When he saw the message, he replied immediately. Through the screen, he could see why he was struggling.

Qin Ye endured a smile, and typed a line: "I'm afraid that the filter will be shattered as soon as you see me." Other people's c's are so handsome, but I'm so ugly, it's embarrassing for you.

After he clicked send, he felt happy, but he didn't want to laugh too loudly, so he took off his hat to cover his face. Qin Ye had finally figured out Josnian's character. He was so deceptive that he couldn't be more deceptive. He would definitely take it seriously when he said this.

Josnian? Sure enough, he took it seriously. He wanted to comfort Qin Ye that appearance was not important, but felt that he was not sincere enough and convincing enough. After a while, he replied that it's okay, I'm ugly too.

After he finished speaking, he seemed to be afraid of Qin Ye's embarrassment, so he sent another message. If you are busy with work, then next time.

Qin Ye asked? Will you go?

Josnian? He seldom missed appointments, let alone he had already promised that Feidou would be invited to the scene. Well, it happened that there was no work that day.

Qin Ye said nonchalantly, well, then have fun and see you next time?

The implication? Is not going.

Josnian? A little faintly disappointed, but it's better not to show it. Wait? Next time.

After reading the news, Qin Ye stuffed his phone into his pocket, and was about to get up from his seat, but when he looked up, he found Wu Sen standing in front of him, and sat back in shock, "Uncle, what are you doing?"

Wu Sen's eyes are serious, like the head teacher in middle school, "What am I doing? I still want to ask? What are you doing, why don't you go to dance practice and just sit here and giggle?"

Qin Ye coughed awkwardly, "It's nothing, I was playing with my phone just now."

Wu Sen glanced around, and then said to Qin Ye in a low voice, "Let me tell you, this time the high-level officials plan to promote a boy group to make their debut, so they selected from among the trainees below, and specially asked Gao Feng to do it." Dao writes songs, this is a good opportunity, you have to seize it."

hold on.

hold on.

You have to hold onto it.

Qin Ye had heard Wu Sen say these three sentences countless times since the first year when he signed a contract as a trainee, and his ears were callused. But unfortunately, he never held it once.

Qin Ye does not know

Thinking of something, asked aloud, "Is there any activity on the 8th?"

Wu Sen raised his eyelids, "Ask? What is this for?"

Qin Ye was vague, "I have something to go out for."

Wu Sen said, "You're going to record V on the 8th, don't think about it, just stay in the shed and record it with peace of mind."

The offline party didn't start until four in the afternoon. Qin Yexin thought about himself and Josnian? Pretending to be c, was just to gag other people's mouths on the Internet. When real people get together, others are in pairs, Josnian? Isn't it embarrassing to be alone.

Qin Ye said, "The recording is at three o'clock in the afternoon? Can it end?"

Wu Sen snorted heavily from his nose, "Don't leave early for me. If the ancestral grave collapses, you have to be honest? Be honest? Finish recording the v before leaving."

Qin Ye narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and pointed at it as if he had grasped something. He said, "Okay, I'll just go back? Tell my mother, you cursed our family? Ancestral grave!"

Wu Sen was taken aback when he heard the words, subconsciously covered his mouth, and then remembered that he and Qin Ye were still related uncles and nephews, and angrily said, "Shut up, go practice your dance!"

Qin's mother and Qin's father both live in their hometown. They dare not say anything else, but they have full respect for their ancestors. Hearing Wu Sen's nonsense, Custodian scolded him bloody.

Qin Ye snorted, didn't listen to him, and was "ready to go home" with his bag. However, before leaving the door of the practice room, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated, and the ringtone was rapid. When he saw the number, he found that it was a call from his hometown. He immediately connected, "Hello, Mom, what's the matter?"

This is Qin's mother's mobile phone, but Qin's father's anxious voice rang on the other end of the phone, "Xiao Ye, when your mother stepped on the ground and fell down when she went upstairs, she is now being sent to the hospital, you should come back quickly! "

Qin's mother is in her fifties, and she is usually in poor health. It is not bad to fall down the stairs. Qin Ye was startled when he heard the words. After asking for the address, he quickly hung up the phone and drove with Wu Sen to the hospital in the town.

It was already midnight when they arrived. Qin's mother was in the operating room for rescue. Qin's father stood in the hospital corridor and paced back and forth anxiously, his eyes were reddened.

Seeing this, Qin Ye quickly ran forward, "Dad, how is my mother?"

When Father Qin saw his son coming, he quickly grabbed Qin Ye's hand, his fingertips were trembling, and he was in a state of panic, "The doctor said she? She fell to the head, and she needed surgery for intracranial hemorrhage. You said... you said, what if something goes wrong?" But what to do!"

He was still clutching a stack of bills, drenched with sweat

. Qin's father stuffed the bank card into Qin Ye's hand, and he was so anxious that he couldn't speak clearly, "The doctor said that the operation would cost 50,000 to 60,000 yuan, our family? We just repaired the house last month, and now there is only so much money left in the card. This is how to do ah……"

The 50,000 to 60,000 yuan mentioned by the doctor is definitely a conservative estimate. After the operation, he will have to be observed in the ICU ward for a long time. A series of miscellaneous expenses add up to more than 200,000 yuan.

Qin Ye frowned when he heard this, but he didn't want to panic and make the situation worse. He pulled out the payment slip from Father Qin's hand, "It's okay, you sit down first, I'll go down and pay the bill."

Seeing him walking downstairs quickly, Wu Sen quickly followed him, "Hey, hey, where did you get the money to pay the fee?"

Of course, Qin Ye didn't have the money to pay the fee, so he stopped and looked at Wu Sen, his tone concealed a trace of undetectable anxiety, "Uncle, how much money do you have, can you lend me first, wait? My mother's operation is over, I'll make it up as soon as possible." I will pay you back."

Wu Sen stared, "What are you talking about? It's not just your mother lying there? It's also my own sister. Can I just watch? She? Die? Ah?"

After he finished speaking, he seemed to realize that it was not auspicious to say this word in the hospital, so he hurriedly spat three times. I checked my bank card balance with my mobile phone, and found that there was only less than 20,000 left.

Wu Sen touched the pocket of his trousers, feeling a little embarrassed, "...Then what, I just bought a car last month, and the card is only 18,000 left, maybe it's not enough."

Qin Ye is a fool among trainees, Wu Sen is a fool among managers, neither of them is better than the other. Coupled with living alone and spending money lavishly, Wu Sen didn't save much money even after he was old.

Qin Ye didn't expect Wu Sen to be so poor, "...Aren't you a broker?"

Wu Sen blushed, "What's wrong with the manager? The salary of the manager is only 6,400 yuan a month! If the manager makes so much money, why should I let you be a trainee!"

The main reason is that they have a group of foolish people with no income.

Qin Ye went to the doctor in a hurry, and couldn't care about anything, "It doesn't matter, let's make up for it first? If you don't have enough, you can borrow it."

In addition to the operation fee, the payment slip in his hand also includes drug injections, etc.? There are a lot of mess. Qin Ye and Wu Sen huddled together for a long time, and there was still a short distance, so they could only borrow some from their friends.

Wu Sen's popularity was obviously not very good, and no one answered even after calling more than a dozen times, and finally got through, but when the other party heard that he wanted to borrow money, he immediately hung up.

There are not many friends left in Qin Ye's mobile phone, so he went to find them one by one.

He didn't get a reply, and in the end he hesitated and clicked on the dialog box with Josnian, but felt a little uneasy in his heart.

They haven't met each other yet? They can only be counted as netizens. If they borrow two or three thousand, they can still talk about it. If they only ask for seven to eighty thousand, will they be regarded as liars?

Qin Ye thought of Qin's mother lying in the operating room, and typed out a line of words with a little tension on his fingertips, deleting, deleting, modifying and reorganizing? Can you speak...

Before finishing the conversation, he accidentally clicked send, Qin Ye immediately withdrew.

Bibiluo sensed the despair and anxiety in Qin Ye's heart, and flew out without a sound, lying on his shoulder and grinning strangely. Dear host, nothing is more important than your mother's life. It's just a small money scam. Yes. It's nothing to him, don't hesitate any longer.

Qin Ye pursed his lips, he didn't intend to cheat, he just wanted to borrow. Ignoring Bibiluo's bewitching, and then re-typed a paragraph. My mother is undergoing surgery in the hospital and is in urgent need of surgery fees. Can you lend me 60,000 yuan first, and I will pay you back next month.

Click Send.

After sending it, Qin Ye regretted it a bit, why did the paragraph he edited look like a liar, he wrinkled his hands

Baba's payment slip was smoothed out, and he planned to take a photo to prove that he was not lying, but Josnian? He had already replied and sent me the bank card number.

Qin Ye felt relieved when he saw this, he didn't bother to thank him, he quickly sent the account, and waited anxiously for the news. Three minutes later? His phone vibrated suddenly, and a text message came to remind him that the balance in the card had increased by 500,000.

Why are there so many?

Qin Ye was surprised, but he didn't care about anything. He hurriedly went to the window with Wu Sen to pay the fee, and then went back to the door of the operating room to accompany his father to wait for the situation.

Qin's father didn't know about his son's income in the past few years? He was still a little worried about the operation fee.

Qin Ye said, "It's okay, I borrowed some from a friend, and it's enough."

After he finished speaking, father Qin sat down on the chair. "Dad, you should rest for a while. My uncle and I will wait for news."

The corridor of the hospital is silent, except for the pale light on the top, carrying the life and death of people in a city.

Qin Yexin was still a little flustered, but at least he wasn't as nervous as before. He sat on the chair and calmed down, and only then did he remember to thank Josnian? He wiped the sweat off the screen of his phone with his sleeve, and spelled out two words thank you letter by letter.

Qin Ye has lied to many people before, but now he should be glad that there are still people who are willing to believe him when he tells the truth.

Josnian has been online all the time. He thought that Qinye's situation must be bad, so he didn't dare to send messages to disturb him. He stayed on his cell phone and waited. He was slightly relieved when he saw the reply. It's all right, how is Auntie doing?

Qin Ye was grateful to her? He accidentally fell down from the upstairs. He had a cerebral hemorrhage and was still undergoing surgery. Thank you for the money you borrowed. In fact, 60,000 yuan is enough.

Josnian is quite familiar with this kind of major surgery. You should keep it for now. The follow-up treatment will definitely cost money, and you will pay me back the rest when the time comes.

Qin Ye shouldn't have asked? This sentence, but he still asked... Are you afraid that I'm a liar?

Josnian has never thought about this question, or even if he thought about it, the answer is the same. He just felt that when everyone was in a desperate situation, if he could stretch out his hand, the situation might be very different.

Josnian? If he thinks that his friendship with Qin Ye is not worth 500,000 yuan, then even if it is true, he will not borrow it, and vice versa. It doesn't matter if you get bogged down.

He is in trouble now, and he just has the spare energy to help, which is great.

Josnian typed a paragraph, then deleted it, and only sent three words

I believe you.

I believe you……

Seeing these three words, Qin Ye slowly turned off the phone screen, lowered his head and buried his face in his palm, and didn't speak for a long time. For a moment, the cold temperature in the hospital seemed to have eased a little.

Bibiro suddenly had some bad premonitions.

People are born with the four emotions of happiness, anger, sorrow and joy, and what it absorbs is the negative energy contained in the host's body. Although Qin Ye was a good person, he couldn't avoid such emotions.

such as anger, such as anxiety, such as despair...

Bibiluo could clearly feel the anxiety, irritability and despair that was churning on Qin Ye's body just now. But I don't know why, now these negative? Emotions are like the calming waves of the sea, and I can't find the slightest trace from him.

After three hours, the door of the operating room finally opened, and Qin's mother was pushed out from the inside. The doctor said that the operation was a success, but he will need to be hospitalized for a period of time afterwards.

After Qin's father heard the news, he finally let go of his heart and kept saying, "As long as it's okay? Okay, if it's okay? Okay..."

Qin Ye also breathed a sigh of relief?

He looked at the time and found that it was already four o'clock in the morning. Josnian should have gone to bed by this time. He sent a message to the other party. My mother had finished the operation, and the doctor said there was nothing serious.

He didn't expect Josnian to reply. After all, it was already very late, but he didn't expect that the other party would reply almost instantly, so that would be good.

Josnian? With a stupid mouth, he could only hold back these three words after watching by his phone all night.

Seeing this, Qin Ye paused with his fingertips, thinking that Josnian? He must have been up all the time. He always felt that the other party was stupid, but he didn't expect to be so stupid, so he quickly typed a line and went to bed, it was very late.

Josnian? You also remember to take a rest. If you need help, please come to me.

The old man couldn't say anything sensational, so he could only express his concern with such ordinary words. Just when Josnian was hesitating about whether to add something, Qin Ye sent a voice, two simple words.

"Good night."

Probably because of being in the hospital, the voice was very soft. A little hoarse and tired, as usual low and magnetic. Listen carefully, but there is an imperceptible tenderness, which makes people blush and heartbeat.

Josnian put the phone to his ear quietly and listened to it several times. I don't know why, but my heart suddenly felt a little restless, and even the base of my ears felt a little hot.

Sudden drowsiness? None at all.

Josnian remembered Qin Ye's refusal to go to the party, so he sent a message to Feidou after realizing it. And the latter is holding a late-night arty, why didn't he come when he replied right away?

Josnian said that his mother was sick and hospitalized.

Feidou didn't quite believe it. Like Qin Ye, he felt that Josnian was an emotional idiot who was easy to deceive. A voice was sent under the noisy background sound

Come over, "His mother is sick and hospitalized? Is it true?"

Josnian frowned, thinking who would make fun of his family's health.

Feidou doesn't believe it anymore brother, don't tell me that he borrowed money from you, and he used the routine of not enough surgery fees.

Josnian? I don't quite understand why Feidou can guess so accurately every time. He paused for a few seconds before replying that his mother was really hospitalized.

Fat Doudao pull it down, you just? Tell me how much did you call him?

Josnian? Privacy issue? It's inconvenient to disclose.

Feidou guessed it? Know Josnian? I didn't miss it. I took the time out of my busy schedule to send him the last message.

If you don’t come, it’s okay? Forget it, and borrow money, Mr. Qiao, congratulations on being cheated out of money.

Fortunately, no cheating.

Josnian? Ignored him, turned off his phone and went to bed.

For the next few days, Qin Ye stayed in the ward to help take care of Qin's mother. Because he was busy, he didn't have much time to reply to messages. And this performance fell into the eyes of Feidou, which undoubtedly confirmed the fact that he "defrauded money and love", and that if he cheated money, he would turn his face and deny anyone.

On the eighth day, Qin Ye rushed back from the hospital to record v. He originally had a dispensable attitude towards the offline gatherings organized by the group, but he always felt that they should be in person? Thanks to Josnian? That would do it, so "it doesn't matter if you go there" became "must go". manner.

After v finished recording?, it happened to be around 3:00 pm, an hour before the party started. After the filming team disbanded? Qin Ye sneaked away. Seeing Wu Sen standing outside the shed, he walked over to him and said, "Uncle, I'm in a hurry, so I have to go first."

Wu Sen didn't think much about it, he thought he was going to see Qin's mother in the hospital, so he didn't stop him, not only that, but also lent him the car keys.

Qin Ye thought that Wu Sen was too considerate, seeing that it was getting late, he hurriedly said, "Uncle, then I'll go first."

Wu Sen waved his hand in disdain, "Go and come back quickly, scrape my car and see how I can deal with you."

The author has something to say that Brother Ye is going to start cheating (no)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 20210613 20:03:37~20210614 02:53:14~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade, the battle is smooth and healthy, so because 1;

Thanks to the little angel Meichuan Socks who threw the mines, Qingfeng Fuyueran 4; Twins, November, Particles 3; 21796219, Tangsu Mangosteen 2; Junyao, Ice Cream, Little Xingxing, An, Mize, Feiyang, Fish Wiggle and Spit Bubbles, 41393924, Oops, I’m Got It, Simon Crazy, Zhou Zhou Doesn’t Like Porridge, Oolong Tea Flavored Chestnuts, Fatty Who Loves Soap 1;

Thanks to the little angel deons who irrigate the nutrient solution. 210 bottles; 54 bottles of twins; 50 bottles of my super love watermelon; (40 bottles; 38 bottles of kite falling in the future; 30 bottles of blue sky; 22 bottles of rвacлю6nл; 21 bottles of Gu Nian; necris, hard work~, drunk Hushan , Qian'an, delicious cold rice dumplings ~ 20 bottles; nanai, honor, Lu Jingxiang, taboo reverberating wind, Jiusi, is the moon streamer, Meichuan socks, Zhan Shun Shun Shun Li Jian Health, score 2, Zhuling Shengge, Rolling around, 42439745, 10 bottles of Gong Gonggong; 9 bottles of ayaroon, big invincible stick, good day; 8 bottles of 41393924; 7 bottles of 41759693, bear biscuit; 6 bottles of Jingwang; There are 5 bottles of Smile, Salted Apple, , Suran, and LS every day; 4 bottles of Love of Learning, Mu Shulin; 3 bottles of Eat Sleep, Eat Sleep, Deep in the Rainy Night; 2 bottles of Yaoyao, Nanfeng, and King Zu'an; The choice between Ku and hcy ヾ^., Xiaohua, Yexiu, Banshixia, another day looking for books, He Congwen, Jiu, Chengge, Zhou Ling, white cat loves vegetables, aga2020, but still believes in utopia , Journey Around the World, May, Aww Cute, Of course, It’s Mushroom, 1 bottle of Loved Blue Sea and Blue Sky;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! , please keep in mind:,

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