Once the Crown Prince Joins In

156: What big news they heard

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Yan Qiongsi was stunned and stared at Xu Yurong, "Really?"

Xu Yurong nodded, "How can you lie about something like this, Princess? If I lied to you, wouldn't it mean to expose me if you wanted to support me?"

Yan Qiongsi thought the same thing, and her heart suddenly became hot, and her eyes were bright, "Tell me, how do you play with this fuji?"

"Prepare a wooden plate with fine sand. If you really can't find fine sand, you can use dust instead. Put the pen on the dustpan, and when you support the pot, the person will keep writing on the sand plate with the pen. A jiren is a person possessed by a god. You should also prepare a T-shaped wooden frame with a hanging cone hanging down, which should be placed on the sand table. Two people should hold both ends of the crossbar with their index fingers. As long as you pray sincerely and cast spells to support the ji, you will have what you want. The answer will appear on the sand table.”

"Sounds a bit troublesome." Yan Jones said with a frown.

"It sounds complicated to say, but it's quite simple to do. Two people hold the pole and one holds the pen. The princess just needs to pray and request."

Yan Qiongsi found it interesting, looked at Xu Yurong and asked, "Did you really ask Su Xinyi whether it was good or bad to come back?"

Xu Yurong nodded, "I really had a conflict with her. I had a terrible headache as soon as she came back, so I asked her. Who knew the result would be even more irritating."

Yan Qiongsi was thoughtful, but she couldn't believe Xu Yurong's words at all. This person was very scheming. She thought for a while and said, "I'll ask someone to prepare something. How about you try it out in front of my interview later?"

She deliberately asked this question to see how Xu Yurong would answer. If there was someone in his heart who deliberately deceived her, he would definitely refuse many times. However, Xu Yurong agreed immediately, "The princess trusts me, so I am naturally willing to share her worries."

Yan Qiongsi nodded with satisfaction. Although this man had evil intentions, he was obedient and could still be used. "Then go and prepare. Call me when you are ready."

After saying this, Qiongsi glanced at his maid, Shaoyao, who immediately stepped forward and said with a smile: "Miss Xu, please."

Xu Yurong said goodbye to Yan Qiongsi and left happily with Shaoyao.

As soon as Xu Yurong left, another girl, Haitang, said worriedly: "Princess Princess, do you really want to do this? Why don't you inform the princess?"

Yan Qiongsi didn't take it seriously, waved his hand and said: "Such a trivial matter, it won't alarm mother."

When Haitang heard what the princess said, she felt uneasy for some reason. She thought about it and persuaded her: "Princess, why do you take Yong'an County Lord seriously? Your daughter's family should be gentle and quiet. Only with such a temperament This is what every lady likes. Like the head of Yong'an County, he made a public appearance and even went to the border town to fight and kill. He was out of the limelight. Even if he got a reward from His Majesty, what's the use. Think about it, a When a woman goes to the battlefield and hangs out with men all day long, even if no one tells it, in private, which wife will marry such a woman? The more wealthy the family, the more they care about this. New𝟼𝟿Book →𝟼𝟿𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚡.𝚌𝚘𝚖"

Yan Qiongsi knows, but so what if she knows. Even if Su Xinyi's temperament is not liked by all the wives, when many famous talents in the capital mention her, they always praise her as a woman, otherwise they are just like her. She gets angry when she hears that the tiger father has no dog daughter.

Haitang looked at the princess's irritable expression and did not dare to say anything. She sighed slightly in her heart. The princess was competing with the Yong'an County Lord, so why bother.

The princess's family background is not comparable to that of Yong'an County Princess, but the princess seems to be possessed by a demon.

Yan Qiongsi took Haitang outside to greet people. After all, she was today's owner. She couldn't lose her family's face and met people one after another. The girls from each family were respectful to her and let her Feeling better again.

But she is not afraid of Su Xinyi, a warrior!


King Rong also received the message for today's banquet. After all, although Yan Congjia is an unmotivated playboy, he is still related to him, so he still has to give him face.

However, he is not very interested in these banquets of eating, drinking and having fun now. If he has this free time, he might as well think about the caravan. A few days ago, the Sudeng brothers went west. She and Su Xinyi went to see them off and watched Su Xinyi looking in the northwest direction in trance. , at that moment he had some emotions that were difficult to express.

This feeling happened for the first time in his life. He was the son of the emperor. At a young age, his father made their brothers kings. Although her mother always said that his father made them kings to protect the prince and was partial. But he was still happy.

Thinking about it carefully, he didn't do much business after he became the prince. Every day, his mother always told him how the prince was doing and how he should behave in front of his father, so he subconsciously fought with the prince about everything.

I didn't think it was wrong before. He is also the legitimate son. Why can't he sit in the position of prince?

The father is not the eldest son, nor has he become the emperor.

But ever since he met Su Xinyi, his life had taken on many colors that he had never seen before. Although Su Xinyi was fierce, ruthless, and tough, and never showed mercy to him, the things she did made him feel ashamed. .

So after returning from the border town, he wanted to do business in a serious manner, wanted to relieve his father's worries, and wanted to do something for their world of banquets.

The way Su Xinyi stared at the northwest that day made him sleepless for a few days, and he was so ashamed.

His mother was also frightened when she saw him staying in the palace and not going out. She urged him to come after knowing that he had accepted the post, and even lent Biyang Palace to the banquet family for the banquet. It was really a lot of effort, so if he didn't come I'm just afraid that his mother will kick him out.

King Rong had no intention of having fun now, so he decided to take a walk and then find an opportunity to escape early.

However, the banquet itself is a large-scale social occasion, especially such a high-level banquet. Many people wanted to come in with their heads sharpened. As soon as he showed up, he was surrounded by people, and he wanted to get away for real. It's too difficult.

Fortunately, King Rong met Shang Junyan, and Shang Junyan was accompanied by Wang Ce and Han Zhao, so King Rong walked with them smoothly. Whenever he met someone who came up to say hello, he would smile without wavering. , naturally Shang Junyan and others will send people for him.

Shang Junyan:......

With an expressionless face and a weak heart, he always felt that every time he met King Rong, he seemed to have returned to the days when he helped him in his previous life.

It was painful, tiring and exhausting. If he had known this, he wouldn't have come even if his mother cried.

I already knew that life is hard to buy.

Don't ask, asking means regretting it.

The combination of their group is also a bit strange. Wang Ce’s daughter-in-law is the eldest daughter of Academician Gao. Academician Gao is dissatisfied with Rong Wang Duo and has often impeached him. As the son-in-law of Academician Gao, Wang Ce is also the prince’s son. He was inevitably a little guilty.

Fortunately for Han Zhao, his family from father to son are all neutrals. As the saying goes, they are just like grass on the wall, but they will not fall easily in the face of wind.

Life is not easy for those who sit on the fence. No matter which prince or prince you are dealing with, you must greet them with a smile and not offend them.

Shang Junyan's current position is not even clear to him. Since he was loyal to King Rong in his previous life, he does not want to have anything to do with the Yan family in this life, so he tries to avoid errands related to King Rong.

However, the opportunity for him to come back was the day Su Xinyi fell into the water. Before that, he had a good relationship with King Rong. It cannot be said that he is estranged. Isn't this asking for trouble?

In short, Shang Junyan is not as relaxed as Han Zhao, who is sitting on the fence. When he sees Queen Rong and is dragged by King Rong as a shield, he really feels hopeless.

Don't ask, I just feel uncomfortable and want to cry, especially after seeing Su Xinyi from a distance, my whole body seemed to be struck by lightning.

The label of King Rong is attached to him, and it is really difficult to take it off.

They walked and talked all the way, especially when Yan Congjia knew that King Rong had arrived and hurried over, the group became even more lively. Standing by the water and talking, Yan Congjia looked at Shang Junyan with something wrong. He followed his Looking over, a smile with unknown meaning appeared on his face, and he said sarcastically: "Who do I think Prince Shang is looking at? It turns out to be the newly-elected Lord of Yong'an County."

King Rong's heart skipped a beat and he suddenly turned his head to look. Sure enough, he saw Su Xinyi joking and chatting with friends in a bustling place. His eyes suddenly lit up.

Hey, today is finally not boring anymore.

King Rong raised his feet and walked towards Su Xinyi. Shang Junyan followed without thinking. Wang Ce couldn't let go when he saw that Su Xinyi was his wife's cousin, and that was his cousin. King Rong and his cousin have always been at odds and often had conflicts, so he had to keep an eye on it.

Han Zhao looked at everyone leaving and touched his nose. He could only follow them. After all, he saw that his sister was there.

As soon as the group of people on King Rong's side moved, others immediately noticed it, especially His Highness King Rong's hurried steps and serious look. Then look at the Yong'an County Lord sitting over there. These two people are on opposite sides of the road, and everyone is worried about it. I know that last time it was also at the banquet of Guangping County Prince's Mansion, and the polo match was so exciting.

Today, His Highness, King Rong, has been so aggressive in the past, what does he want to do?

Many people walked that way unconsciously with the intention of watching the excitement. For a time, the entire banquet unconsciously followed the crowd.

Although today's banquet is all held in Biyang Palace, there is still a vague boundary between the female family members and the male guests, which is defined by water. Now King Rong stepped on the bridge and went straight to the women's side, and the others naturally followed.

This group of cheering people even startled the women opposite, thinking something had happened.

Everyone didn’t know what was going on. You looked at me, and I looked at you and started walking too.

"Su Xinyi."

Su Xinyi heard someone calling her. She turned around and saw King Rong striding towards her with a smile on his face. The sparkling water reflected King Rong's tall and straight figure. He was wearing a sapphire blue gauze garment. , with a jade belt around his waist, his clothes flying as he walked, especially the flamboyant smile on his face that almost flew out. The vividness of King Rong at this moment made Su Xinyi stunned.

People on both sides of the river couldn't help but look at the two of them. Who in the capital didn't know that there was a deep grudge between the newly-elected Lord of Yong'an County and His Highness Prince Rong. She had failed to give His Highness face several times. Now that His Highness saw Su Xinyi, he rushed over. , isn’t it because he wants to regain his position?

The people present had almost the same idea. The eyes of the people around them were all looking towards them, as if they were watching a good show.

Su Xinyi looked at King Rong's bright smile, twitched the corners of his mouth, and stood up, "Your Highness."

Following closely, other ladies also stood up to greet him, "I have met His Highness Prince Rong."

"No need to be formal, you can come to the garden today as you wish." King Rong waved his hand and walked straight to the opposite side of Su Xinyi without caring what others thought.

Han Wenyin, who was standing opposite Su Xinyi, subconsciously gave up her seat. King Rong nodded to her and then sat down as a matter of course.

Han Wenyin:......

Han Zhao looked at his sister's lightning-struck expression and felt extremely happy. He guessed that his sister was shocked by His Highness Prince Rong's aura at that time and subconsciously gave up his position without thinking much. Now that he had come to his senses, he felt a little uncomfortable. .

"Cousin, Brother Shang, why are you here?" Yan Qiongsi hurried over after getting the news, looking at them with a smile on his face and said.

As he spoke, he glanced at his brother from the corner of his eyes. Yan Congjia also looked at his sister with a look of helplessness. How could he know why King Rong was so angry?

King Rong nodded to Yan Qiongsi, "Cousin, the master is only busy with you today. I have something to do with Miss Su Liu, so you don't have to worry about it."

The smile on Yan Qiongsi's face could hardly be maintained. What do you mean, there are so many people around here, why would my cousin chase her out if he doesn't chase others out?

Yan Qiongsi stopped talking to Cousin Rong Wang and turned to look at Shang Junyan. The smile on his face was sincere, and his voice softened before he spoke, "Brother Shang, I haven't congratulated you for being appointed to the Ministry of Punishment. Are you busy with errands? Last time I heard from Sister Shang that I haven't seen you for a long time."

Shang Junyan glanced at Su Xinyi subconsciously.

Yan Qiongsi:?

Su Xinyi was talking to King Rong without even raising her eyelids.

Shang Junyan knew what Su Xinyi's biggest worry was. Wasn't it because his mother wanted him to marry Yan Qiongsi, so she tried her best to harm her life. How could he dare to get close to Yan Qiongsi now, in front of everyone? He couldn't do anything to Princess Runyi, so he could only speak with a lukewarm and simple courtesy, "It's okay."

The smile on Yan Qiongsi's face can no longer be maintained. Is this the end?

She is also a person who cares about face. Shang Junyan's cold attitude made him stuck for a moment, not knowing what to say next. At this time, King Rong mentioned the matter of Yulin Wei to Su Xinyi, and everyone's topic suddenly changed. opened.

Everyone knows that His Majesty canonized Su Xinyi as the head of Yong'an County. Although he did not mention anything about the northwest, it must be closely related to her trip to the northwest, and she must have made meritorious services. But now no one knows what kind of merits Su Xinyi has made. , now that King Rong talks to Su Xinyi about what happened there, it naturally becomes a matter of concern to everyone.

Everyone listened as King Rong sighed and said, "I wonder what happened to the food we grew?"


Growing food?

What does it mean? His Highness Prince Rong and Su Xinyi went to Yulinwei to farm?

What a joke.

Su Xinyi heard that there was a bit of ambiguity in what King Rong said. She was afraid that people would think too much and think that the two of them had done something shameful, so she immediately added, "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince also made great efforts, otherwise the prince would ask His Highness?"

King Rong helped the plow, and the prince sowed the seeds. What she said is true.

Everyone's expressions were wonderful, they had heard something great!


The second update is coming. The 6,000-word update has been completed today. Everyone has been waiting for a long time. I can’t tell if there will be an update in the early morning. So don’t wait any longer. Get up and take a quick look at it tomorrow morning. If there is no update in the early morning, everyone will check it out at noon. I will try my best to update it. Time is adjusting back, okay?

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