One Guard

Chapter 818: A man close to God

Westbrook only scored 19 points on 33% shooting. After this series, he has been pushed to the forefront. People even say that without Westbrook, maybe Durant and the Thunder would have advanced.

However, Durant has not commented on this matter. People have always thought that Durant did not publicly accuse Westbrook because of his close brotherhood with Westbrook. As everyone knows, the reason why Durant did not make any comments was because it was no longer necessary.

This summer, he is destined to drop a depth bomb in the free agent market.

On the other side, the Dallas Mavericks instantly surpassed the Golden State Warriors led by Curry. The series between the Warriors and the Spurs was extremely exciting. The new generation of Spurs leaders with Aldridge and Leonard as the core showed their outstanding strength. The Warriors used their explosive performance to eliminate them 4-2 and received praise from all parties.

But when the Mavericks successfully counterattacked the Thunder, everything else instantly became a cloud. The pitiful Golden State Warriors, since they were defeated by the Mavericks at the last moment of the regular season, they have once again become the foil for the blue storm.

After the Western Conference semifinals ended, NA officials also announced the winners of this season's latest defensive player and MV awards. Neither Leonard nor Stephen Curry could complete the counterattack in the voting, and ultimately lost to Yiyang, both finishing in second place.

Due to the decline of inside players, the competition for the best defensive player award this season has started between two outside players, Leonard and Yiyang. Leonard is a well-known defensive powerhouse for the Spurs, and Yiyang is also the most terrifying killer on the back line. The defensive data and defensive efficiency of the two were comparable, but in the end, Leonard was narrowly defeated in the voting.

And Yiyang became the second pure point guard in NA history to win the Best Defensive Player Award after Payton. Looking at previous NA history, among the 35 best defensive players, centers accounted for 21, while guards accounted for only 5. Among them, there are many famous players such as Jordan, Payton, and Irvin Robertson. Now, Yiyang has joined this group of legends.

Winning the best defensive player also brought Yiyang one step closer to Jordan. This guy seemed to be getting closer and closer to that great figure.

On the other hand, with competition from Curry, Harden and others, Yiyang is no longer unanimously elected as the MV this year. But he still defeated others and became the first and probably the only player in NA history to be elected as the regular season MVP for four consecutive years. Being selected as the MV for four consecutive years, Yiyang can be said to have completely dominated this era.

As soon as this news came out, it was undoubtedly a devastating blow to the Warriors. Stephen Curry's regular season data this season is perfect, averaging 30.1 points, 5.4 rebounds, 6.7 assists and 2.1 steals per game, shooting 50.4% from the field, and scoring a record 402 goals with a 45.4% shooting rate. Score a three-pointer.

Although the Warriors won one less game in the regular season, almost everyone believed that Curry would win the MV.

It's a pity that Yiyang still overwhelmed him in front of the powerful Kuli. Averaged 31.8 points per game, Yiyang won the scoring title, and Curry ranked second. Averaging 2.3 steals per game, Yiyang continued to lead the league in steals, with Curry ranking second. Averaged 11.8 assists per game. Since the 2012-13 season, the title of assists king has never changed hands...

It can be said that except for three-pointers, Curry has no data to gain the upper hand. So, even so, Stephen Curry was defeated, and his MV dream was cruelly shattered.

For the fourth consecutive MV, Yiyang broke another NA record. But at this time, not many people will be surprised to see him break the record. Isn’t there too many records that this guy has broken?

Another 1-3 counterattack, breaking multiple NA records again. At his peak, Yiyang was completely invincible.

This time the Warriors and Mavericks met again in the Western Conference Finals, which also whetted everyone's appetite. This is the Warriors' only chance to defeat the Mavericks head-on this season, no matter how many awards they have won before or where they are ranked in the regular season. For a team like the Mavericks, as long as they are eliminated in the playoffs, they will undoubtedly fail.

The Warriors must fight a turnaround in the Western Conference Finals, otherwise their 72 wins this year will not turn into glory, but will become a shame.

We won 72 games in the regular season but couldn't even make it to the finals. Isn't this a shame?

As Jordan and Pippen said, 72 wins without a championship is meaningless.

Before the start of the Western Conference Finals, Yiyang would hardly go anywhere except to train on time and get off work on time every day. Because after training every day, Yiyang would immediately rush back to see his children and wife.

Yiyi, the name Yiyang named his child at this moment. It sounds homophonic to the word meaning in Chinese. He does not expect this child to make a lot of money in the future, nor does he force him to inherit his mantle. As long as this guy can find the meaning of his life, he can live happily for the rest of his life. It seems that for Yiyang, basketball and family are the meaning of his life.

Of course, the little guy also has an Italian name, which was given to him by Vignali, called Beato. The Italian name Beato comes from Latin and means happy.

Therefore, when every parent is still born, they only hope that they can live a happy life.

After having a child, the originally empty house of Yiyang's family became more lively. A complete home can always make Yiyang quickly full of strength after a tiring day.

With the double harvest of family and career, Yiyang is in excellent condition. This state lasted until the start of the Western Conference Finals.

In the first game of the Western Conference Finals, Stephen Curry soared into 6 three-pointers with a 48% shooting rate. But the Warriors did not kill the Mavericks, because Yiyang scored 48 points in the game. His state was unmatched, allowing the Mavericks to score consecutive goals in the last minute, and finally defeated the Warriors by 6 points. Than 0!

In the second game, two villains, Draymond Green and Majory, got into a fight because Green jumped over Yiyang's head when he fell.

At that time, Majori was sitting on the bench, but he rushed up in his training uniform and knocked Green to the ground.

Yiyang originally wanted to join the fight, but the referee ended everything before the conflict broke out. Green and Majory were both ejected. However, the Mavericks did not have a backup center. But compared to the Warriors, Carlisle's losses were minimal.

Without Green, the Warriors have no link connecting everything on both ends of the floor. They played disorganized and completely collapsed in the fourth quarter. Yiyang went on a 10-0 run and scored 40 points. The Mavericks went 2-0 against the Warriors!

After the game, NA officially announced that Green was suspended for three games and Majori was suspended for five games. Carlisle also has Nance Jr. who can play center in a small lineup. As for the Warriors, they really suffered a huge loss.

In the third game of the series, the five dead Warriors reappeared. Without Green, Steve Kerr had no choice but to use Speights to play center in a small lineup. But compared to Green, Speight's power is more than one and a half points behind. After a whole season of silence, Carlisle finally brought out its secret weapon of one senior and four juniors again today. And this time, he still used Deron and Yiyang to partner in the back line, which greatly expanded the shooting range.

3-0, no one thought that the Golden State Warriors had no power to tie the chicken in front of Yiyang! No team in NA history has ever been able to counterattack after falling behind 3-0. In other words, the 72-win Warriors are already in decline.

In the next two games, Curry and Thompson exploded and struggled to get back two games. 2 to 3, people marveled at the magic of the Splash Brothers, and people expected the Warriors to become the first team to counterattack from a 3-0 deficit.

After all, Draymond Green will be back in the next game!

However, it turned out that Green arrived too late. After being suspended for three games, Green, who was in a panic, played very well. The two sides were inseparable, and there was no winner until the last minute.

But in the last 1 minute and 30 seconds of the game, Stephen Curry made a back pass error, which broke the balance of the situation.

Yiyang took advantage of this mistake to hit the basket and hit a three-pointer, widening the point difference to five points. The five-point difference was ultimately maintained until the end.

4-2, the Mavericks eliminated the Warriors in the playoffs for the third consecutive year and successfully advanced to the finals!

At that moment, the whole world went crazy. If Yiyang wins again in the finals, the Dallas Mavericks will become the first super team in the league after the Lakers in the "OK" era to be able to win three consecutive championships and create a dynasty! In the intervening 13 years, many stars struggled for it, but none of them could do it. Now, Yiyang will break the 13-year gap and become the first legend to establish a dynasty!

Winning consecutive championships is a very difficult thing in itself. To keep the team in first place for two consecutive years will not only test the players, but also the management. And winning three consecutive championships is even more difficult than reaching the sky. Looking at the entire history of NA, only three teams have done it.

The Celtics, Bulls and Lakers are the only three consecutive championship dynasty teams in NA history. How difficult is it to win three consecutive championships? GD, who is as strong as the Spurs, has not even won the championship once. As strong as Kobe and Gasol teamed up, they only won two consecutive championships and stopped in the third year. A few years ago, James, Wade, and Bosh formed the Big Three that shocked the league. They could only win two consecutive championships. One of them relied on veteran Ray Allen's god-like three-pointer to stay alive. .

Now, the Mavericks are about to create glory. From then on, the Dallas Mavericks, who have always been underestimated by people, will become as famous as the Lakers, Celtics and Bulls and become a dynasty!

After losing to the Mavericks, Green froze in place, still unable to accept the outcome of being eliminated. He sent Durant a text message. The content of the text message was simple: We need you.

If you want to deal with a team like the Mavericks, you really have to rely on the strength of more people. It seems that teaming up is the only way to defeat Yiyang.

Many years later, Mourin mentioned it when analyzing the reasons for the rise of team-building trends across the league. In addition to James' "exemplary", Yiyang and Mavericks are too strong, so other stars have to play together to have any hope of winning the championship. And this is the biggest reason for the rise of grouping...(https:)

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