One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 599: Straw Hats’ Decision

For Enilo and the others, Katie's departure was a big blow to them, but it had no effect on those who didn't know.

The world will not disappear because of someone's departure, and Hai Lingxing will not stop functioning because of Katie's departure.

Crash, clatter;

The Straw Hats, who left Wano Country, entered the Great Route again after more than half a month.

What is different from the past is that the Sonny, which was originally relaxed and cheerful, is slightly heavy this time.

Looking at the back figure standing on the lion's head at the prow, even Usopp, who loves big talk, was silent at the moment.

They are waiting, waiting for the captain's order, whether to continue sailing or stop here.

Kaido was defeated, Wano Kingdom was successfully founded, and news of the blockade flooded the entire country in an instant.

Katie leads people to overthrow the world government, a spaceship is discovered in the Holy Land, the historical text is announced to the world, the great route is cut off, the Shadow House sends troops to sweep the world, the revolutionary army and navy join the Shadow House, and the United Kingdom Conference is successfully concluded.

One piece of shocking news made the Straw Hats silent on the spot before they had just won the victory. It was not until the bewildered Nami punched Luffy that he cried with his head in his arms. Then everyone was sure that they were not dreaming.

For a while, except for Jinbe, everyone's mind went blank.

Because compared with what Katie did, defeating the Hundred Beasts Pirates is really nothing, it can even be said to be insignificant.

For a long time, Katie's existence has made them feel deeply pressured, but for such competitive people as Sauron and Luffy, this kind of pressure is not a bad thing.

Take Luffy as an example. Katie has been his goal since the end of the Dingshang War. He is confident that he will be able to surpass the opponent, so he works very hard to practice, and the progress is visible to the naked eye.

However, the current Katie gave him the illusion that he was untouchable and unchasable.

There seemed to be a world between the two of them, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't touch it.

The strong sense of powerlessness made him suffocate and despair. He who had never been confused was confused for the first time.

Is there any point in my persistence? The great route has been cut off, and my father and grandfather have become Katie's subordinates. Can the so-called One Piece really be free?

Questions like these echoed in the depths of Luffy's mind over and over again, but he couldn't think of an answer until today.

"Nami, where is the next stop?"

Nami was taken aback for a moment, then quickly reacted, and glanced at the permanent pointer on her wrist and the map of the sea area by her hand.

Comparing with Nami's dignified expression, but seeing Luffy's firm eyes, he said in a deep voice, "The permanent pointer gave us three choices, one is a certain piece of red land occupied by the Redhead and Bucky alliance, The other is Norman Island occupied by Whitebeard and Golden Lion, and the last one is Beehive Island, a place of chaos occupied by the original Blackbeard Pirates.”

"Another point worth noting is that the central sea of ​​the three islands is named Edvor, where Roger fought with the Golden Lion at his peak decades ago, and that battle established the foundation for Roger to become king. Base."

Hearing this, the atmosphere on the boat changed, becoming dignified and depressing, but also excited and passionate.

Edvor, the holy place in the minds of all pirates.

If Rogge Town means the beginning and the end, Edvor means the pinnacle and reputation. If you can fight the enemy here, you will have no regrets even if you die.

At this moment, whether it is Luffy who is aiming for One Piece, Zoro who is chasing the world's number one swordsman, or Jinping who is going to sea with the goal of improving his own strength, all of them look yearning!

If you can spend all your heart and soul in a hearty battle in the Edvor sea area, even death will be worth it!

"Yoxi, let's go to the Edvor Sea!" Luffy said firmly, his shining eyes were full of determination.

At this time, he has made up his mind, no matter what the future holds, at least for now he is still a pirate, and he is still the pirate who pursues freedom.

"Hey, this is what our captain should look like."

Speaking of Sauron climbing up the handle of the knife hanging on his waist, the suppressed madness in the depths of his eyes was ready to move. He had a hunch that the next voyage would not be boring!

"SUPER! Leave the Sonny to me!"

"Leave the rudder to me!"

"I'll handle the food!"

After Luffy gave the order, the depressed mood was swept away, and there were little stars in everyone's eyes.

They admit that Katie is strong, strong beyond imagination.

But so what?

Katie is Katie and they are them.

Even if they will face the Shadow Tower tomorrow, today they are still sitting on the Sonny with the pirate flag flying the sea as pirates!

On Norman Island, all the teams under the Whitebeard Pirates are here, and the scene of tens of thousands of horses surrounded by a group is simply not too spectacular.

His gaze swept across familiar or unfamiliar faces, and the blood in White Beard's body, which had been silent for a long time, boiled again!

With one hand, he grasped the big knife standing beside him, and then stabbed violently.


The extremely dull loud noise shocked everyone's hearts, and they couldn't help but look at the extremely burly figure in the front.

"Little ones, each of you knows what happened recently, so let's avoid unnecessary nonsense, let everyone come here with only one purpose, to fight One Piece!"

After a moment of silence, there was a loud debate, and everyone became extremely fanatical, waving their weapons wantonly to vent.

"The era of pirates and the era of great routes is coming to an end. It would be too sad for us, who are at the end of the era, to end here. Even if the ending is doomed, we must show our final glory and let everyone know that there were such a group of people in this world. Fight for freedom!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

After the words fell, roars rushed up to the sky and shook the surrounding fields, and the atmosphere of the scene was completely exploded!

During this period of time, the shadow building has made them feel a lot of pressure.

The great route was cut off, the world was pacified, the shadow building sent troops to the first half of the great route, and a series of things made them deeply feel the crisis.

It wasn't until three nights ago, at the banquet on the Moby Dick that they talked happily, that their hanging hearts just fell.

However, they, who are used to freedom, are unwilling to make such a compromise.

Although Katie offered a lot of conditions, it is impossible to be as free as they are now anyway. Unwilling, they want to vent, so they are very eager for the next battle.

Whitebeard raised the flag high, waved his arms, and said loudly, "Let's go, Advor Sea!"

At the same time, Red Hair, Bucky Alliance, Beasts Pirates, and BIGMOM Pirates acted in a tacit understanding and set out for the sea area that people yearn for.

Of course, other powerful pirate groups are also acting. They may not be as good as Whitebeard and others, but they are also a force that cannot be ignored.

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