“This time we recognize the planting, dumplings, return the money to the villagers, and let’s go.”

Tianjin Fan knew that if he continued to fight, he would not be able to please, so he said to the dumplings.

After hearing the words of Tianjin Rice, Dumpling took the money bag from Pig Deer Butterfly and handed it to Lin Han, and then left with Tianjin Rice and Pig Deer Butterfly.

With Tianjin Rice’s character, after this kind of deception of money is destroyed, it will naturally not go to the next time, and Lin Han will not have to take the route of Sun Wukong and follow them to the next village to expose them.

“Thank you uncle, if it weren’t for you, uncle, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to beat those two liars, and I can only watch as they take away the money swindled from the villagers.”

Monkey King thanked with a smile.

“You little guy is kind-hearted, but you promise my uncle one thing first, how about teaching you the same ability when the time comes?”

Lin Han said with a smile.

“Okay, uncle, you have something to order, as for teaching me what ability, you don’t have to, can you take me to something to eat?” I haven’t had dinner yet. ”

Sun Wukong immediately nodded and agreed, and at the same time he blushed and said that he didn’t want to learn anything, just a meal.

“Yes, come, little one, you use a trick to attack me.”

Lin Han nodded and said.

“This is not okay, uncle, my turtle sect qigong is very powerful, what if I hurt you, uncle?”

Sun Wukong suddenly shook his head and said.

“Tell you to use it, your uncle will not do things that you are not sure of.” Lin Han said.

“Okay, uncle, you have to be careful.”

Sun Wukong saw that Lin Han didn’t look like telling a lie, and finally agreed, but he still reminded Lin Han to pay attention to defense.

Sun Wukong put his hands on his waist, his palms formed a calyx-shaped, and a cloud of blue qi condensed in his palms.


As the air mass grew bigger and bigger, Sun Wukong finally launched the air mass, and saw a blue air velocity bomb, with a small blue tail, rushing towards Lin Han.

I saw that a black ice crystal shield instantly condensed in front of Lin Han’s body, and the air mass of the turtle faction qigong just collided, and after only hearing a loud noise, the air mass completely disappeared.

And Lin Han’s ice crystal shield, although there were some small cracks, but quickly repaired itself, Sun Wukong was suddenly stunned, after all, since he learned this move, unless someone talks to him, he will definitely not be able to block this move.

At this time, Lin Han summoned a black shield and blocked his Turtle Sect Qigong, how not to shock him.

However, Lin Han’s mind at this time was immersed in the perception of qi, and did not pay attention to the stunned Sun Wukong.

Lin Han felt that every cell of his was extremely active, and even the small universe, which had temporarily reached a bottleneck and was very silent without fighting, suddenly became active.

“It turns out that this is ‘qi’, it can actually increase the amplitude of the small universe, but to thoroughly master and develop a move that suits you, I am afraid it will take a while.”

Lin Han quickly came back to his senses and said with a smile at Sun Wukong.

“Okay, little one, you return those villagers’ money to the villagers, and then I’ll take you to eat something delicious.”

“Well, uncle, I’ll go.”

As soon as Sun Wukong heard the food, he forgot about the previous time, and happily took the money bag and walked towards the village.

“It can only be said that Tianjin rice and dumplings, fortunately, are with the moral, sinister and cunning guy of the crane immortal, not the guy who is completely faceless for money.”

This crane immortal is so bad that he still needs some face, and will not kill ordinary people at will, if Tianjin rice and dumplings follow the peach in vain, I am afraid that it is not a means of deception, but a direct murder and robbery.

In that case, Lin Han could only kill Tianjin rice and dumplings.

“Uncle, I’m back.” Sun Wukong happily ran out of the village and shouted at Lin Han.

“Well, are you going to go to the city for a big meal, or just eat wild game?”

Lin Han said with a smile.

“Uncle, I have a lot of food, if I go to the restaurant, I will definitely cost you a lot, it is better for you to catch a few beasts and let me grill and eat it.”

Sun Wukong said embarrassedly.

“Okay, you come with me.”

Lin Han thought about it and agreed to Sun Wukong’s suggestion.

Although the Dragon Ball world is also based on the earth, this earth is different from most worlds with the earth as the main stage.

The earth of the Dragon Ball world is home to various forms of humans, and a large number of beasts with no less intelligence than humans, and the meat quality of those large beasts is also good.

Therefore, Lin Han also wanted to try the wild food here.

Lin Han condensed an ice bow in his hand, an ice arrow, shot towards the sky, and saw that after the ice arrow flew into the air, it instantly split into several tiny ice arrows and shot towards the giant bird flock in the sky.

Several giant birds could not dodge, were pierced by ice arrows, and fell to the ground.

“Wow, uncle, you are so good at this trick, can you teach me.”

When Sun Wukong saw such a scene, he immediately shouted.

Not to mention that Sun Wukong is now an eleven-twelve-year-old child, with a naïve personality, even if three or four years later, Sun Wukong has grown up a little, and he is still a person with little common sense, and he simply does not know that it is easy to offend people.

It really has to wait until Sun Wukong understands common sense, at least Dragon Ball Z, that is, shortly before the start of the Saiyan chapter, Sun Wukong is educated by the trivial things of daily life, and then he can have a normal way of thinking.

“I can’t teach you this, you just treat my ability to control ice as a superpower, this thing can’t teach people unless two people will have the same superpower.”

Lin Han explained.

“Then uncle, when I have eaten, let’s fight, let me see how far I am from you.”

Seeing that there was no way to learn the ability to summon the Ice Bow and Arrow, Sun Wukong was not disappointed, but said with a smile.

“Okay, you go cook these game first, I’ll go find something else.”

Lin Han nodded and said, since he promised to let Sun Wukong eat, Lin Han would definitely do what he said, and Sun Wukong, who was a Saiyan, was definitely not enough to eat these giant birds openly.

As for Lin Han promising Sun Wukong, it was purely fun to compete with him, after all, before Vic appeared, the strongest person in the Dragon Ball world was the guy from the Turtle Immortal.

If Lin Han hadn’t been tempered by the energy of the Gate of Time and Space and his strength had advanced, he would still have a bit of a desire to challenge.

Now, Lin Han estimated that young Vic could make him fight seriously.

“Well, uncle, you go hunting, I’ll just barbecue.”

Sun Wukong immediately said with a smile, and after speaking, he began to deal with the fur and internal organs of those giant birds with a very fast speed.

Lin Han, on the other hand, went looking for other beasts in the mountains.


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