This little old woman can see that even if her son is indeed powerful, Ye Chen is ten times stronger than her son, no, a hundred times!

really insisting on letting Edward Weibull deal with Ye Chen is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg.

But at this time, Edward Weibull, who was in a state of war, could still listen to his mother's words.


Edward Weibull shouted, and once again threw himself at Ye Chen.

In the end, he was naturally kicked by Ye Chen again.

Then, with a bang, he fell to the ground.

However, falling down again and again, he got up again and again, challenging Ye Chen again and again.

The tenacity, looking at the trash fish pirates around me, is also a numb scalp.

This guy can't be immortal, right?

This terrible self-healing ability!

In just a few minutes, Edward Weibull had fallen at least twenty or thirty times, and the whole person was beaten by Ye Chen to the point that he was almost unformed.

At this time, the miscellaneous fish pirates who were still angry that Edward Weibull attacked their A.O pirates for no reason, at this time, they were all a little unbearable.

Poor big guy, if you want to blame yourself, you have bad luck and met Lord Ye Chen.

They were all beaten to the point that they couldn't take a human shape, and they still had to challenge Lord Ye Chen, which was really stupid and pitiful.

People sighed with emotion.

"Give up, you don't even have a knife, what are you going to do with me?"

"If you go on like this, you're going to die!"

Although Ye Chen listened to and appreciated Edward Weibull's perseverance, he still had to remind him that if he continued like this, he would die.

However, Edward Weibull, who had been carried away by the war spirit, didn't even listen to his mother's words, how could he listen to Ye Chen's words.


Rising from the rubble again, Edward Weibull screamed and rushed towards Ye Chen.

This time, even Miss Ba Jin couldn't stand it, and in the end, she finally couldn't help but rush into the battlefield.

She didn't want her only son to die because of his stupidity, and she still expected him to inherit Whitebeard's will!

"That's enough, stop, Weibull!"

Miss Barking cursed, and then, with a cane, slammed into Edward Wibull's head.

"Mom...... Mommy ......"

Edward Wibull came to his senses from his madness and stopped after being struck by Miss Barkin.

Seeing this, Ye Chen put away the flowing blade.

For him, Edward Weibull's strength is not enough after all, and beating him is like beating a little brat, which is completely effortless.


Seeing Ye Chen put away the knife, Miss Ba Jin secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but she couldn't help but snort coldly and said, "Ye Chen, don't think that this time things will be settled like this." The Whitebeard Pirates are Whitebeard's legacy to our mother and son, and one day, we will definitely come back!"

"Instead of thinking about how to get Whitebeard's legacy back, let's think about how to make your son stronger!"

Ye Chen couldn't help but speak.

"I have a suggestion that if he can find a powerful Devil Fruit for him to consume, he will surely become even stronger. "

Ye Chen said what he thought.


The little old woman, Miss Ba Jin, still just snorted coldly.

But to be honest, Ye Chen's words still made her suddenly realize.

Her stupid son is so good, but he is too stupid.

No matter how she taught him various moves or swordsmanship, he basically couldn't learn it.

So, all along, she was very distressed, how to make her stupid son stronger, and even in order to make her stupid son stronger, she also looked for a lot of elixirs for him to take, but it had no effect at all.

But now, Ye Chen's words made her feel empowered.

Yes, to make her silly son stronger, where is it necessary to let him learn any moves, swordsmanship, or find a panacea.

Wouldn't it be enough to find a powerful Devil Fruit and let her stupid son take it?

With his son's potential, as well as his powerful physical body and self-healing ability, once he eats a powerful Devil Fruit, his strength will definitely skyrocket tenfold, or even a hundredfold!

Thinking like this, Miss Ba Jin also secretly decided, it seems that she really shouldn't waste too much thought on fighting for Whitebeard's inheritance.

Now the priority is to find a powerful Devil Fruit worthy of her son!

"Silly son, let's go!"

Thinking of this, Miss Ba Jin hurriedly urged her son to leave, now, finding a powerful enough Devil Fruit is the top priority!

"Oh. "

Edward Wibull replied stupidly.

Then, the mother and son left Red Rock Island like that.

"Lord Ye Chen...... Just let them go, or I'll let them stay?"

Horse-faced Britz asked cautiously.

Before, they couldn't beat Edward Weibull, but now that he is seriously injured, he doesn't believe it, with the strength of hundreds of A.O pirates, he can't keep their mother and son!

Besides, if he could take down their mother and son, wouldn't it be a meritorious service in front of Lord Ye Chen.

"Let them go. "

Ye Chen said.

He's creating some potential strong opponents for his future.

Otherwise, Kaido was killed by him, and his aunt was also abolished by him, and in the future, if there are no powerful guys who can be opponents, it will be so boring!


Horse-faced Britz smirked.

"Lord Ye Chen, you are too powerful!"

Seeing this, the other miscellaneous fish pirates clapped their ass one after another.


"Lord Ye Chen, my admiration for you is like a surging river, endless. "

"Lord Ye Chen is the best in the world!"

Just when the miscellaneous fish pirates were busy patting Ye Chen's ass, huge pirate ships docked on Hongyan Island one after another.

Soon, someone rushed over with great speed.

"Britz, you're alright, nothing happened, right?"

A hurried voice rang out.

Immediately afterwards, the person who appeared turned out to be a young man with a naked upper body and a very handsome look.

He was none other than Ace.

It turned out that the pirates who docked on the shore were all from the Whitebeard Pirates.

After the A.O Pirates were attacked by Miss Bajin's mother and son, the horse-faced Britz felt that the opponent was too strong for them to deal with, so he immediately sent someone to ask for help.

So, it's the rescuers coming.

It's just that this rescue came too slowly.

If Ye Chen hadn't arrived in time, the A.O Pirates would have ended up like the original book, and they would have been wiped out by Miss Ba Jin's mother and son.

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