Following his whale friends, Bright found a group of large turtles. From the mouth of the oldest turtle among them, Bright knew the direction to Fish-Man Island.

The enthusiastic whale friends said they would send him back.

Brett guessed it was because there were still a lot of whale barnacles that they hadn't finished harvesting.

But he didn't care, he wasn't lonely on the way back with these friends.

In this way, he embarked on his return journey on the whale.

Sometimes we play with whales of all sizes in the water, and sometimes we ride the water jets they erupt into the sky when the whales come up to the surface for air.

It was a short, but happy journey.

What could be happier than returning to your hometown with great expectations and meeting a group of good friends on the way?

However, this journey was indeed short. Punk Hassad was originally located near the entrance of the New World, not far from the Red Earth Continent. Hager also took Bright some distance further.

So soon, the huge red wall appeared in front of Bright's eyes.

"It's truly spectacular."

Brett stood on the head of his whale friend floating on the sea, looking at the steep mountain wall in front of him that blocked the sky and the sun, and he sighed.

He still remembered the shock he felt when he sneaked to the sea with Aaron and the others when he was a child and saw the red earth continent for the first time.

It's like he can't forget the excitement when he truly bathed in the sun for the first time, and the wonder when he saw the real blue sky for the first time.

Murlocs and mermaids live in this world, but they can't always get close to it.

"thank you all."

Looking away from the red earth continent, Bright squatted down and touched the skin on the head of the big whale, "It's time to say goodbye now."

"hold head high!"

The whale friends made ethereal calls, one after another, that kept ringing.

"Don't you want me to leave?"

Brett smiled and said, "Separation is a common thing, just look forward to the next reunion."

"We will meet again eventually."

"hold head high!"

The whales still screamed reluctantly, but in the end, they said goodbye to Bright.

Saying goodbye to the friends he met on the way, Bright jumped into the water and headed towards the deep sea without stopping.

We are already very close to Fish-Man Island, we just need to go all the way down the Red Earth Continent and find the big hole leading to Fish-Man Island.

As for how to find a hollow in the deep sea, you only need to ask the fish living nearby for directions.

The further down you go, the dimmer the light becomes, but as a fishman, Bright's pupils can freely adjust to the light in the sea, so he doesn't feel dark.

But when they came to the deepest and deepest sea, all the light had been blocked by the water, and even Bright couldn't see anything.

But it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if you can’t distinguish between east, west and north. You just need to keep going down.

It didn't take long for Bright to reach the bottom of the deep sea, the deepest point in the world, which is at least 10,000 meters away from the sea surface.

This may be the origin of the physical fitness of the fishmen and mermaids. Living in such a deep sea area, one must be strong enough to withstand strong pressure.

Although it was completely dark, Brett's sensing ability was still able to play some role. After finding a few fish and asking for directions, he flew in a certain direction.

Soon, he entered the huge hollow beneath the red earth continent.

Once here, there is a faint light appearing in the sea water, and even the nearby sea water is warmer than outside.

It's finally here.

Bright felt happy and sped up towards the source of the light ahead.

Soon, on the seabed in the distance, an island shrouded in sunlight appeared in front of Bright's eyes.

Light fell from above, and Bright knew that it was the sunlight delivered by the legendary Poplar Eve. It was precisely because of its existence that Fish-Man Island had the foundation for its existence.

As the distance got closer, the appearance of the island became clearer.

A huge bubble surrounded the entire Fishman Island, blocking the sea water.

Bright came to the periphery of the bubble at this time.

Generally speaking, if you want to enter Fish-Man Island, you need to go through the main entrance. It is very dangerous to break into Fish-Man Island directly through the bubble.

But the danger is that for outsiders, for humans, it is more convenient for local residents like Bright.

He passed directly through the bubble, and what appeared in front of him was a wide space, and further ahead was another blue wall.

This is where the danger lies in the direct intrusion of outsiders.

The coating will peel off as it enters the initial air zone, and the boat will fall to pieces.

Even if they barely survive, the huge wall of water in front of them is enough to make them despair.

But of course, this will not cause any hindrance to Bright.

After passing through the seawater layer easily, Bright finally returned to the interior of Fish-Man Island.

"It's been such a long time!"

Brett couldn't help but stretched and took a deep breath.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I feel that the air in Fish-Man Island is sweet.

Different from what ordinary humans imagine, because of Eve's gift, Fish-Man Island even has blue sky and white clouds, at least to the naked eye it looks no different from the sea.

Brett looked around and confirmed where he was.

"Are you in the Forest of the Sea?"

Very good, right on the edge of Fishman Street.

After searching for a while, Brett walked slowly towards home.

The Forest of the Sea is a coral forest in the sea, and most of it is outside the Fish-Man Island.

There are two very important things in this forest.

The historical text of Joyboy's confession and the promise of Noah's Ark are recorded.

But Bright wasn't interested at all. He had seen it countless times since he was a child.

At this moment, his heart was like an arrow.

After passing through layers of coral forests and crossing a hilly area, a group of dark and dilapidated buildings appeared in front of Bright.

The upper part is exposed to the air, and the lower part is soaked in water.

This is where Bright grew up, Fishman Street.

"Finally back."

Brett came down the hillside with brisk steps and finally entered this neighborhood.

It has been almost four years since I left here with Brother Tiger.

The injuries on his face have all recovered. Not to mention he returned home in fine clothes, at least he didn't return in embarrassment.

As soon as we arrived at Fishman Street, it immediately became lively.

Murlocs can be seen everywhere on the dilapidated streets, gathering together in twos and threes, chatting and bragging in a boring way.

There is no industry in Fishman Street, and the residents living here are always idle.

Scenes that had always seemed boring in the past made Bright feel very friendly this time.

"Who are you--"

At this time, someone finally noticed Bright, and a fish-man exclaimed, "Bright! Are you Bright?"

Brett glanced at him and greeted him with a smile, "Long time no see, Mark."

"It's really Brett!"

"The bad boy is back!"

"I heard that you were taken away alone? What happened next?"

The fish people gathered around him enthusiastically.

The fishman named Mark said happily, "Bright, yesterday Brother Jinbei and Brother Aaron were talking about when you would come back."

"Have they come back yet?" Brett was a little happy.

"Well, you came back yesterday, and now you seem to have been summoned by Neptune, right?"

"okay, I get it."

Brett smiled and nodded, "Then I'll go home and clean up first, and treat you to dinner when I have time."

"Hahaha, then I won't be polite." Mark laughed.

"Hey, there's still us, Brett!"

"That's right, don't favor one over the other!"

The fish people were joking.

After exchanging a few final words with old acquaintances, Bright headed towards his home.

Although he was an orphan and could not inherit any inheritance, Bright lived with Tiger Jinbe, so he had a house of his own in this neighborhood.

The building is above the water. It is a rare house with decent lighting in the dark Fishman Street. It is a small apartment with one bedroom and one living room.

After arriving at the door of his house with ease, Brett took out the key and was about to open the door, only to realize that the key had been thrown away somewhere.

Brett opened the door and walked into his home.


Unexpectedly, the room was very clean and the furniture was neatly arranged. It didn't look like it had been unoccupied for several years.

Brett's lips curled up slightly, his eyes a little nostalgic, "That guy..."

Walking into the bedroom, Brett opened the closet door, still wearing prison uniforms.

Not surprisingly, the clothes in the closet were also neatly organized.

But when Brett wanted to take out a piece of clothing to change into, he realized that nearly four years had passed and he had grown too much, and he couldn't fit into the old clothes.

"Shall we go to the shopping street later?"

Brett muttered.

Then he remembered that he was so poor now that he couldn't even afford a pele.

I have to ask Brother Jinbei to borrow some money.

Brett slumped down on the sofa in the living room and closed his eyes lazily.

Sure enough, I felt relieved when I got home.

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