One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 49 The Blade of Fish-Man Island

In the training ground of the Forest of the Sea, Bright stood on the head of a huge sea tiger, looking down at the dark crowd of people on the training ground below.

The training has ended, and next, the Exit-Entry Administration will officially start operations.

Everyone put on the newly delivered uniforms and wore brand new weapons.

The clothes are blue military uniforms. Fishman Island cannot produce these items on its own, so Neptune ordered them from human merchants, two sets per person.

The weapons are sharp knives and spears, and only a few people are equipped with firearms. After all, the places where these things are useful in the Deep Sea School are limited to the main island of Fishman Island.

After more than a month of training, the fish people's appearance has taken on a completely new look.

Everyone's backs were straight and full of energy, but where could they still look like that little gangster from more than a month ago?

Brett breathed a sigh of relief. He originally thought he had a lot to say at this time, but when he really wanted to speak, he found that he seemed to have nothing to say.

Finally, the corner of his mouth curled up, "Starting from today, the Exit-Entry Administration will officially start working."

Everyone looked up at him.

No one spoke, but Bright heard many voices.

"The safety of Fish-Man Island is left to you. Always remember that we are the blades of this Fish-Man Island and we must kill all invading enemies."

There was a moment of silence on the training ground.



The shouts in unison even brought up a breeze in the sky, and Bright heard it clearly. Along with these shouts, there were many voices, including pride, expectation, excitement, and love.

They are all very nice sounds.

The eleven sea beasts surrounding the training ground were startled by the sudden roar, but immediately, they also puffed up their chests proudly.

Their status here is very high. They are taken care of by dedicated people and treated very well. It is completely different from when they were hunting in the sea before.

"The schedule has been sent out."

Brett pressed down with his right hand, and the soldiers' voices immediately fell silent. He continued, "From now on, we will be on duty in this order."


Another chorus of responses.

The mission of the Immigration Bureau is to manage the entry and exit personnel of Fishman Island.

The goal is to keep possible dangerous elements out of Fish-Man Island.

Therefore, patrol work was the top priority. Bright placed half of the five brigades outside Fish-Man Island. Their mission was to intercept all foreign ships, conduct searches, or fight.

A brigade was stationed at the gate of Fishman Island to conduct the second round of screening and complete the registration work.

Four brigades are placed on the island to provide patrol support, focusing on the port area, and at the same time screening people preparing to leave the country.

Although it may not be perfect yet, Bright feels that it should be enough for the time being.


A loud shout.

Bright turned his head and looked down, it was Leopard Zang.

This guy doesn't look drunk, but he still feels uncomfortable looking at him now.


Brett shouted.

"If humans do not accept inspection, they will not be allowed to land on Fish-Man Island. So, what if they want to forcefully land on Fish-Man Island?" Baozang couldn't suppress the smile on his lips.

Bright said calmly, "Then let them fully experience what the sharp edge of Fish-Man Island is!"


This time the sound was deafening.

All Brett heard was anticipation.

Then the soldiers were dispatched, moving towards their established positions under the leadership of the captains.

It's time to take over the defense of Fish-Man Island.

"Let's go to the headquarters and have a look."

Brett stretched.

While training here, Neptune built a building in the port area to be used as the office building of the Immigration Administration.

The civil servants requested from Neptune will also be in place at the same time, so a rough framework is built.

More buildings such as dormitories are also in the process of emergency construction. With the construction speed in this world, they should be completed soon.

"So, Brett," Aaron said in astonishment, "are we just going to have nothing to do?"

"How can you say you have nothing to do?"

Bright said seriously, "Ideological education work cannot be stopped. The soldiers' hatred for human beings can easily make them do some wrong things."

"I mean, I also want to go to the front line!" Aaron shouted loudly, "Don't arrange any more mind-numbing tasks for me!"

He had had enough of dealing with report numbers every day.

"Don't worry, Aaron."

Jinbe came over and patted Aaron on the shoulder with a smile on his face, "Didn't I say I would train you before? Now the time has come."


Aaron's expression changed drastically, and he almost forgot about it.

Brett chuckled.

Aaron is still too radical, and it is too risky to let him lead the team. Rather than being a leader, let him contribute as a combatant.

"What about me, Brother Bright?" Shark Star asked anxiously.

"You too."

Bright said casually, "Although the basic training has been completed, the advanced training is about to begin!"

Basic training is just for discipline and purity.

Advanced training is to enhance strength.

The specific training content is fish body technique and domineering.

The teaching staff is Jinbei, and Bright will also make a guest appearance. The teaching method is small class teaching.

The captains will take turns to come to Jinbei to receive teachings, and when they have achieved certain attainments, they will go back and teach them to their subordinates.

The popularity rate of Haki on Fish-Man Island is still too low. There are not many people who know it. Bright doesn't expect too much, and every one who can awaken it counts.

If you have time, you can go to the Daughter Country. The popularity of domineering there is surprisingly high. There must be some secret training method.

"I see."

Shark Star nodded solemnly.

What Brother Bright said can't be wrong, right?

"Brother Jinbei, I will continue to trouble you from now on."

Brett felt a little guilty.

Strictly speaking, Jinbei is not a formal member of the Immigration Bureau. His job is the captain of the Sun Pirates, and he also needs to bear the name of the Shichibukai.

In fact, he is a neighbor who is eager to help.

It just helped too much.


Jinbei smiled boldly, "It's all for this country!"


Brett nodded heavily.

The best reward for Brother Jinbei is to make this country a better place.

Therefore, I have to work harder and strive to achieve the small goal of one sea beast per squadron as soon as possible.

On this day, the residents of Fish-Man Island were surprised to find that an army they had never seen before appeared majestically on Fish-Man Island.

They wore uniforms that were very different from the soldiers of Dragon Palace City, with confident smiles on their faces, and then dispersed to various areas of Fish-Man Island.

"Who are they?"

Residents who knew nothing about it were talking about it.

"It seems that King Neptune approved the establishment of a new department to deal with external dangers because of the last abduction incident." There are also well-informed people.

"Is that so? That's a great thing! I've long felt that the soldiers in Dragon Palace City are of no use."

"But it is said that the leader is the new boss of Fishman Street! All the members are from Fishman Street."

"Is this so? Isn't this very dangerous?"

Fishman Street, for the residents of Fishman Island, is still an untouchable and dangerous area at this time.

Mermaid Cafe.

"Charlie! Charlie! Did you hear that?"

The mermaid ladies happily shared the news they had found out with Charlie, "The department created by Brother Bright started running today! The army went directly to the streets, it's so majestic!"

"If there are any bastards who come to cause trouble again, we will ask Brother Bright to come over and catch them!" The mermaid ladies felt that they had an opportunity to show off their power.

Charlie rolled her eyes.

"Okay, we know that we won't cause trouble to Brother Bright." The mermaid ladies said with a smile, "But Brother Bright is really amazing. He got his wish and became a big shot that everyone looks up to."

"Not everyone looks up to it."

Charlie shook her head.


Charlie turned her head and looked out the window of the cafe. Outside was the fake blue sky and white clouds of Fish-Man Island. "He just hopes that we don't have to look up to others."

Dragon Palace City.

"It finally officially begins!"

Neptune took a deep breath and let out a long breath, "The next step is up to you, Brett!"

"But is this really good?"

Princess Otohime was still a little worried, "I can already foresee that countless conflicts will arise from this."

Although I have agreed to this plan, I am still worried about what will happen next.

"Brett is right, dignity never comes from asking."

Neptune said seriously to his wife, "If you want to get close to humans, what you need is not to hug them without any defense, but to make them realize that we are equal to them and worthy of their respect." .”

"And to make them realize this, what is needed is tough measures."

"Believe Brett," Neptune suddenly smiled. "I feel more and more now that it is great that he was born in this era."

Soldiers from the Entry and Exit Administration Bureau have taken over the gate of Fish-Man Island, and a sea beast is patrolling the sea outside the gate unscrupulously.

Further outside the gate, five sea beasts dispersed, and five teams dispersed with the sea beasts as the core.

After each of the five brigades dispersed for a certain distance, they dispersed as squadrons.

Next, they will block all ships heading to Fishman Island.

Hozozo stood on the head of a sea beast, his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

"Come on, don't let me wait too long for the moment when the blade comes out of its sheath."

"It's really exciting."

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