One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 70 Today’s Fishman Island

The factory named Fishman Island Steel Works by Neptune has begun operations.

I would like to thank Tezzolo here. Without him, not to mention the factory design drawings and various necessary equipment, there would not even be the most basic workers.

The fish workers now working in the factory have gradually mastered their skills under the guidance of skilled workers brought by Tezzolo.

But it can only be said that they are barely employed, and their skills are not as good as those of senior technicians on the sea.

Of course, the current mainstream steelmaking industry level in the sea is actually just like that. Bright doesn't think the gap is that big, and it's not compared with the scientific force where Vegapunk belongs.

At this stage, it is enough for Fishman Island to be self-sufficient.

More than this, Bright was more concerned about whether it would be too torture for the murlocs to work in a high-temperature environment like a steel mill, but this problem was also solved by bubble technology.

The special single-person coating at sea can allow humans to resist the low temperature and temperature lapse of the deep sea to a large extent, so it is completely understandable that the murlocs use it to resist the high temperature of the steel mill, right?

Bubble technology is really an amazing technology, and Brett is deeply aware of this.

Fishman Island has found a coal mine on the seabed and can develop its own steel industry, but there was a problem before, how to solve the exhaust gas problem.

The sky on Fish-Man Island is only that big, so directly discharging it is courting death.

In the end, this problem was solved by bubble technology. A huge bubble was created outside Fish-Man Island and a factory was built there. The waste gas was put into the bubble and allowed to float directly along the sea currents to an unknown corner of the sea. .

The environment of this world can be polluted by humans, but I, the murloc, cannot pollute it?

Even the difficulty that seawater cannot be used directly for cooling is solved through bubbles. Adjusting the composition of the bubbles can make the temperature transmission smoother. By placing a layer of bubbles between seawater and equipment, troublesome things become easier. No more trouble.

In addition to the steel plant, many supporting factories were also built simultaneously.

The coal washing plant and coking plant were built immediately after the coal mine was discovered. Various processing plants were built immediately after the steel plant was determined to be built. There is even a weapons factory, which currently mainly produces swords and other cold weapons.

In addition to these, many industries related to people's livelihood were built during this period.

The first to bear the brunt is the pharmaceutical industry. In the past, the industry in this area on Fishman Island was limited to various earth-made recipes that directly used seabed medicines. However, now, through continuous search for seabed plants and component analysis, we are looking for alternatives. Through the technology brought by Tezoro With materials and equipment, Fishman Island is now able to produce some basic medicines on its own.

There are many other changes. During this period of time, Fish-Man Island has ushered in huge changes.

After accompanying Neptune around the bustling factory, Bright returned to Fish-Man Island.

"Director, you are back."

When they returned to the Immigration and Entry Administration building, everyone greeted Bright sincerely.

Everyone on Fish-Man Island knows that it was this man who single-handedly promoted the changes in Fish-Man Island today.

Brett smiled and nodded in response.

As Fishman Island became more lively and more and more businessmen poured in, the scale of the Immigration and Entry Administration was gradually insufficient, especially when news spread that Fishman Island was making huge profits from mining. After going up to the sea, there are more pirates ready to attack.

Bright has already carried out an expansion, increasing the number of people in the Exit and Entry Administration to 30,000 people in one go, which has made the already stretched sea beast resources even more tense.

After all, the total number of sea beasts today is only more than seventy, which is still far from the original goal of one squadron.

But this can only be done for the time being. In order to adapt to the progress of Fish-Man Island, we must keep pace with the times.

Brett returned to his office and looked at the harbor in the distance from the window as usual.

Compared to a few months ago, the port has undergone a round of expansion and has become much larger than before, but it is still crowded.

Especially behind the building of the mining company, the ships of human merchants were so close to each other that they almost crushed each other.

"very nice."

Brett stretched.

Fishman Island is indeed changing.

More wealth flows into this island, more goods enter this island, and more humans come to this island.

The lives of residents are becoming affluent, their material conditions have been greatly improved, and even their relationships with humans have improved due to more frequent contact.

The management of the Exit and Entry Administration is very strict. They even bought a huge X-ray machine from the government at a large price and placed it at the gate to check the ships coming in and out. 90% of the ships that can enter Fish-Man Island have no problems.

This has also led to a significant increase in the contact between mermaids and humans, which not only promotes the development of the island's service industry and travel industry, but also greatly improves both parties' sense of each other.

Humans who came with the intention of doing business came to Fish-Man Island many times and discovered that except for their appearance, fish-men are actually no different from humans, and they also have the same emotions as humans.

The fishmen and mermaids also discovered that humans are not just bad guys.

Of course, all kinds of propaganda about being prepared for danger in times of peace are also going on. Bright does not believe in the integrity of businessmen. He is afraid that the current situation will confuse the mermaids and fish people and make them ignore the dangers of human beings.

Even so, Aunt Otohime, who loved to cry, was so excited that she even ran to Brett's office one time and gave him a thumbs up with tears in her eyes.

However, her speech was still ignored.

Now the residents of Fish-Man Island are even less enthusiastic about the idea of ​​moving to the sea. They feel that Fish-Man Island should stay under the sea for this country to be profitable.

After the office was over, Brett went to the Mermaid Cafe.

This place is still the same as before, but the number of customers is a bit too large. Fishmen, mermaids, and humans are all very interested in this most famous cafe on Fishman Island. After all, the prosperity of the entire Coral Hill has increased. More than one step.

Charlie had complained to Brett before that there were too many customers every day and he was almost overwhelmed.

Bright suggested that she expand the store and hire more people.

Charlie was thinking about it.

After dinner here, I shared what I had seen today with Charlie. It was getting late, so Bright took the water road back to Fishman Street.

It was obviously the same waterway as before, but the scene we saw was very different.

Many places are still brightly lit until this time, and the coral jungle that originally blocked Fishman Street and the main city has been removed and replaced by newly built buildings.

This should be called development.

Brett thought so.

Then, Fishman Street arrived.

Coming out of the water road, Bright stepped onto the streets of this neighborhood.

"Boss Bright!"

Although it was very late, warm greetings were still everywhere.

Fishman Street is Bright's hometown, and it was originally the poorest place on Fishman Island.

It can be said that it is selfish, but Brett has been working hard to promote changes here.

Now it seems that the results are gratifying.

The originally messy environment became tidy because as the boss of Fishman Street, Bright specially recruited a group of elderly people who lacked labor to do sanitation work.

Many of the dilapidated houses have been rebuilt. The mining industry requires a large number of manpower, many of whom are selected from Fishman Street. The wages are still very high. After having money, of course they want to enjoy a better life. material conditions.

Even all kinds of shops that were once rare have now sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. It’s still the same. When you have money, there will naturally be demand.

The most common gangsters in Fishman Street have gradually disappeared. You can't make much money as a gangster, but it's different when you go to work.

So fine.

Brett thought so.

"Oh! Director Bright is back?"

A laugh came from the roadside.

Brett turned his head and saw Mark, who was dressed very formally. "Is Mark, the foreman, off work too?"

"Hahaha, we should get off work earlier than you."

Mark laughed and said, "Want to have a drink? I'll treat you."

"Of course I won't miss Foreman Mark's treat,"

Brett nodded happily, "But is there anything happy about you today? Got a promotion?"

"It's not that easy. You bastard refuses to open the back door for me." Mark complained.

"Didn't you become a junior cadre right from the start?" Bright said with a smile.

"I'll take the big risk, okay."

Mark snorted, then he was silent for a moment and said with a smile, "But thank you very much, Brett, you are really amazing."

Brett rolled his eyes, "So, what happened?"


Mark became a little shy, "I'm going to get married."

"Oh, is it so?"

Brett said in surprise, "When did it happen?"

He knew that with the increase in wealth, the bachelors in Fishman Street had gradually become more popular than being ignored.

"We have been talking for a while, and we both felt it was suitable, so we decided to get married."

Mark smiled and said, "Bright, come and be my witness when the time comes, hahaha, it will make me proud too."


Brett readily agreed.

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