One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 4 Chapter 7: dangerous situation

Simon's strength, a middle-aged swordsman, naturally does not feel that he is a weak person as his friend.

"In this way, the knife is entrusted to your friend." The joy on the middle-aged man's face turned serious, the hand that held the knife body was gradually loosening, and he slowly handed the knife to Simon. The clenched palm will finally relax completely, it seems that as long as a little force is exerted, the knife will fall.

Simon watched silently, feeling an indescribable feeling gushing out of his chest.

This is a man who gave up his dreams...

like me...

But, I will never regret it...

"This knife belongs to one of the 50 workers of Liangyewu, and it is called Wuluo." The middle-aged man looked at the purple knife pattern on the knife and said solemnly: "That's it."

Simon took the knife, and his expression couldn't help but nodded. After returning the knife to the sheath, he held it in his hand.

The middle-aged man smiled, and when Simon took the knife, he finally fell to the ground powerless.

It is already the limit for him to be able to hold on until now. Although there is no danger to his life at present, as time passes, it is unknowable.

"Stick to it."

Simon suddenly said a word, and then looked at the battle between Boojie and Serak.

Although Boojie suffered two serious injuries, he became more and more brave in battle. Serak, who lost an arm, was at a disadvantage. However, Serak's Six Forms were more proficient than those of those Vice Admirals. With the disadvantage, with the Six Forms alone, Serak is enough to not make Bujie feel better. However, the Six Forms cannot be used indefinitely, which requires a strong physical strength for the user.

However, Serak, who has been out of the navy for many years, does not possess such strong physical strength.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of the former Rear Admiral Serak, who is known as the genius of the sixth style." Bu Jie looked at the wound just scratched by Serak's huge foot, and was slightly amazed, "For mastering the sixth style, what can be done in the Navy? There are no more than ten people who surpass you, but..."

Bujie looked at Serak, who was gasping for breath, and laughed wildly: "You don't seem to have strong physical strength as a backup. It's no wonder, after you have been out of the fight for a few years, no matter how strong your spirit is, it should be wiped out. already."

"whispering sound."

Serak retorted speechlessly. Compared with the numerous wounds on Boojie's body, he seemed to have the upper hand with only one arm injury, but he also knew that physical strength was his current flaw. Jay, then it will be himself who will die.

Thinking of this, Serak looked in the direction of Yado and frowned when he saw that Yado couldn't take down the opponent.

"It's troublesome."

Sighing slightly, suddenly, a strong wind came from above, Serak's pupils shrank sharply, and a shaved swept back dozens of meters.


A large amount of sawdust exploded on the deck in vain, and a big hole appeared naked under the punch of Bujie.

The corner of Serak's mouth twitched. It was his boat for a living, and he didn't know how much it would cost to place an order for repairs.

"Hey, I'm a little impatient. It's boring to hide like a mouse."

Bu Jie stood up impatiently. He didn't have the sense of domineering, so he couldn't catch Serak's figure at all.

"It seems that you are not a qualified cat."

Said to be a mouse, Serak didn't care, he sneered, and secretly seized the time to recover his stamina.

"Ha ha."

After Boujie raised his head and laughed a few times, he suddenly rushed towards Serak. How could he not know that he could not let Serak have any chance to breathe.

The storm-like attack fell with the casserole-sized fist, and for a while, Serak's dodging was in danger.


Serak was overcast.

"Ha ha."

Boojie laughed wildly and broke holes one after another on the deck, and he didn't mind if the blood kept flowing, it was really crazy.

While dodging, Serak's physical strength gradually lost, and he was panting slightly, but now he is gasping for breath.

"Lan Foot Giant Wolf Fang!"

Relying on his keen combat intuition to determine that this retreat could no longer be avoided, Serak decisively swung his foot and unleashed his strongest blow.

I saw a huge crescent moon pierced the air and shot towards Bu Jie.

"Haha, you're finished!"

Bu Jie's eyes suddenly revealed a murderous aura, he laughed a few times, and slammed into the huge crescent with a punch.


The huge crescent crescent was smashed into countless small crescents, all of which fell on Bu Jie's body. In the blink of an eye, dense wounds showed on Bu Jie's body. The attack that was enough to kill Bu Jie in seconds was broken at a small price.

After breaking the huge crescent moon, Boojie slapped Serak, who couldn't dodge, with a wildly laughing punch.

Facing this unavoidable punch, Serak's pupils could not help shrinking, and he used an iron block!


Even if he used the iron block, Serak's chest was still dented by a large piece, and he was smashed and flew out.


After crashing through the cabin, Serak spat out a few mouthfuls of thick blood, his face suddenly paled, and he could not use his strength.

After knocking Serak into the air, Bujie knelt on one knee on the deck, his chest heaving sharply, obviously the dense wounds all over his body also caused a great burden to him, but after defeating the biggest threat Serak, This burden is not particularly serious.

"Huhu." After taking a few breaths, Bu Jie whispered coldly: "The next step is to receive the fruit..."


Suddenly there was a faint sound of footsteps in his ears, and Bu Jie slowly raised his head, and the target was a young man holding an epee.


Bu Jie smiled disdainfully in and didn't take Simon in his eyes at all.

"What can you do with your powerless body?" Bo Jie asked coldly, seeing Simon's lack of strength at a glance.

"Kill you." Simon raised his eyelids, gritted his teeth with the last strength, and slashed at Bujie with a sword.

Bu Jie's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he couldn't dodge the sword without recovering. He leaned slightly sideways and leaned back. Seeing a terrifying wound suddenly appeared on Boujie's chest.

The sword was split, and Simon was unable to support it. The nameless epee fell to the ground, and Simon's knees were weak, and he also fell to the ground.

Bu Jie clutched the huge wound, kept groaning in a low voice, and struggled to stand up.

"You should pay for it."

Boujie looked at Simon coldly and walked slowly, even if he was injured to this extent, he could no longer ignore it. If this goes on, he will die.

Walking in front of Simon, Bujie couldn't help but show a cruelty on the corner of his mouth, he pulled out the gun hanging from his waist, and pointed directly at Simon's forehead.

Simon looked at the pitch-black muzzle, there was no fear before dying, the only thing was peace.

In vain, there was a feeling of relief.

"Farewell, kid."

Boojie smiled cruelly and gently pulled the trigger.


The bullet flew out of the gun chamber, but did not hit Simon's forehead, but landed on the deck half a meter away.

At the same time as Boojie pulled the trigger, a shadow smashed away Boojie.

That shadow, it was Yado...

Yado with a blood hole in his heart.

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