One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 4 Chapter 17: perish

The second one is to make up for what I owe before.


Duflamingo frowned and stopped his shaking fingers, caught the envelope that was slowly falling down, opened it, and saw that it was a letter from the Warring States Period.

Spreading out the letter, Duflamingo glanced at it, and after a while, he read the entire letter.

The content of the letter was that Sengoku wanted to keep the navy kid in front of him, and even used a trivial threat in language.

It seems that the navy's eyeliner is really wide.

Duflamingo became unhappy in vain, and cut the letter into countless pieces at will, Duflamingo looked at Simon's gradually recovering limbs, did not care, but said slightly surprised: "I didn't expect the Warring States to keep you Little devil."

Simon's chest kept heaving, panting, and his limbs responded very quickly, looking at Duflaming's inexplicable words: "Warring States?"

"Oh?" Simon's performance surprised Duflamingo slightly, "It seems that you don't know who the Warring States are?"

"So what?" The limbs quickly grew out, and Simon picked up the epee and jumped back a few steps.

Duflamingo did not stop Simon's actions, not because of the envelope to spare Simon's life, but out of strong confidence.

Since it can be hurt once, it must be hurt a second time.

"Marshal Warring States, you don't even know." Duflamingo Furfur laughed loudly, "Warring States really failed, to keep someone who didn't know him."

"Marshal!" Simon was taken aback and didn't understand why the dignified Admiral wanted to protect himself, and he seemed to have paid attention to me, otherwise how could this letter come so timely.

In any case, without this letter, perhaps I would have died.

At this moment, Simon was only grateful to the Warring States period in his heart.

After Duflamingo finished laughing, he said with murderous intent: "I'm not a navy, so I don't need to obey the words of Warring States, although I didn't want to save your life, even if I don't want to kill you, this letter from Warring States But the catalyst."

"The more he wants to keep you, the less I can keep you, Furou...!"

Duflamingo suddenly took a step and pressed towards Simon with the power of the sky, and the five fingers that were spread out trembled strangely.

At this moment, Simon's eyes were wide open, and his body was once again imprisoned by invisible lines.


Simon roared, but it was useless, the thread that imprisoned his body remained motionless.

Duflamingo picked up a sword that was under his hand before, and walked slowly towards Simon.

Looking at Duflamingo's inability to use his ability to pick up his sword, this ability doesn't seem to work on inanimate objects.

"I won't make the same mistake twice." Duflamingo's face was full of a dangerous smile, he raised his sharp sword, touched Simon's heart, and smiled, that smile was chilling.

When the pirates around saw this, they all thought that this navy was going to end their lives like this.

But at the same time, these pirates are also rejoicing. After seeing the threat of Simon, it is best to die under Duflamingo's hands...

"Then, farewell." Duflamingo looked at Simon's eyes full of anger, with a slight force in his hand, the tip of the sword slowly advanced into his chest, getting closer and closer to the beating heart.

Simon's forehead burst into blue veins, how could he be willing to die like this, but no matter how hard he tried, his body was still imprisoned and he couldn't move.

As the tip of the sword advanced one point, the fierce light in Duflamingo's eyes became even more intense.

"Lan feet!"

At this critical moment, a blue energy edge hit Duflamingo.

Duflamingo abandoned the sword in his hand and jumped back to avoid the sudden attack.


One of the six styles of Lanjiao is a unique combat skill of the Navy. Duflamingo looked in the direction of the Lanjiao and saw a young man with layers of white bandages wrapped around his chest.

Serak was panting heavily, and it was not unreasonable for the doctor to instruct him not to exercise vigorously. After this snort, Serak almost lost all motivation.

"Serak! You go!"

Simon shouted loudly when he saw that the one who saved him was Serak.

Since the sword inserted in the heart did not penetrate too deep, it fell to the ground without Duflamingo holding it. Although he was saved, Simon panicked in his heart.

Even before his life was about to disappear, Simon never panicked, but when Serak faced a crisis, Simon panicked.

If Serak died, Simon would never forgive himself.

"Serak, hurry up and leave me alone!"

He knew that Serak, who had just dealt with his injury, was not as good as a pirate with a slightly higher strength. In this situation, he could only wait to die.

"Cut." Serak's forehead was covered in cold sweat, and he smiled casually at Simon, who had a face of panic, and said, "How can a man leave his companions and run away, in that case, I will live for decades in vain. Woolen cloth."

"Bastard, your behavior is meaningless, and you will kill yourself!" Simon's chest heaved sharply, and he shouted eagerly towards Serak.

"So what..." Serak's face suddenly froze, and he raised his feet and walked towards Duflamingo.

"Even if there is death in front of you, so what, follow your own heart, even if you lose your life, so what, as long as you don't regret it, everything is worth it."

Serak walked a few steps, resisting his sluggish body, and resorted to shaving. Suddenly, his figure disappeared, and the next moment he appeared behind Duflamingo. Serak's eyes filled with murderous intent, his index finger was straight, He used his pointing gun to stab at the key point behind Duflamingo.

"You are very But what can you do with your body?"

Duflamingofurfur smiled, without the slightest movement, as if not afraid of this finger.


In vain, a low cold drink rang in Serak's ear, and then a sharp pain that spread all over the body was transmitted to his head like lightning.


Serak screamed in a low voice, and blood mist burst out from the sky, and the dense wounds spread all over Serak's body in Simon's wide eyes.

"It really hurts."

Serak's fingers that stretched forward showed a few pale whites, and they were only a few fingers away from Duflamingo's back, but this distance was so close to the horizon that he could no longer dash forward a point.

Taking a step back after losing his strength, Serak's consciousness gradually became blurred. In his sight, it was Simon who kept shouting, but unfortunately there was no sound coming from his ears.

In the end, he smiled heartily at Simon. There was no fear of death in the smile. It was just as hearty as usual. In a trance, Serak seemed to see someone smiling at him.

"Ah, it's you, Ado..."

With a low moan, Serak fell backwards weakly, lying on the ice ground, and a bright, blood-colored road spread out in the direction where Serak fell.


Simon roared angrily, only to feel the pain in his heart, and tears flowed from his dark eyes uncontrollably.

Again, to protect myself...

Turning his head to glance at Serak, who was lying in the blood, Duflaming shook his clean pink velvet, and walked towards Simon, who lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly.

"Then go on..."

With the words of murder, death is approaching step by step!

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