One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 46: become a sword

In a world that has collapsed in the fire of war, where there are swords and swords, and in the smoke of gunpowder, how can the eyes that have lost their sight distance see clearly in front of them, and will the heart beating in pain stop beating at this moment?

The road I have traveled is so hard, and if what I have seen is really false, then I will cut through all the hardships and all the falsehood with the sword in my hand!


The stairs in the middle of the hall are already very high, and when you want to focus there, you have to look up.

Simon stood in the center of the hall, looking up at the top decision-makers of the world government, just like looking down at his own five old stars on the stairs, but in a different place.

The curly-haired old man with a cane said, "My name, Ligheit Edel."

Leaning on the guardrail, the bald old man wearing a loose white robe and holding a long wooden sheathed knife in one hand said indifferently, "Fsber Ham."

The relatively young of the five, a middle-aged man with a dark golden beard and blond hair, put his arms around his arms and said lightly, "Desneva Ile."

An old man with long hair and a very long flowing goatee under his jaw, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said arrogantly, "Angante Pride."

With some burns on his head and a big mustache on his lips, the last Five Old Stars sat on the leftmost stairs with their hands clasped together, and said coldly, "Groody Tox."

The five old stars looked down at Simon and introduced themselves one by one.

After previous contacts with Handy, Simon understands that this meeting is not as simple as it seems.

Five old stars, what do you want from me?

This is the result that Simon came up with before and after contact.

Adel looked at the expressionless Simon indifferently, and said solemnly: "Cooperation, or transaction, or relationship between superiors and subordinates, or even coercion, I always believe that no matter what the situation, knowing the name before starting is a must. "

"Snold Simon..."

Simon looked up at Adel, and his cold eyes swept across the faces of the five old stars one by one. At the same time, facing the top decision-maker of the government, even if the general or marshal was here, he would be deeply terrified.

However, Simon, who joined the Navy, does not have such a profound sense of hierarchy, and after learning that this will be a malicious meeting, Simon will not put on a good face.

"Fool? Or..."

Seeing Simon's cold eyes wandering over him for some reason, the eyes of Ham holding the long knife were slightly cold, and Yile, who was beside him, stretched out his hand to gently block Ham's long knife, blocking Ham's long knife. Consider the idea of ​​whether or not to take a knife.

For Simon's rude behavior, Edel, who has been in a high position for a long time and holds the power to kill, will inevitably frown at this time, no matter how deep the city is.

"You who bear the surname of Snod, I want you to be our sword!"

However, the original intention has not changed in any way. Idel, who has always advocated straight to the point and does not play around with corners, directly silently stated the main reason for today's meeting.


Hearing Adel's words, Simon couldn't help snorting.

The sword of being the supreme decision maker? To put it uglier, it is a tool. How can such a request be agreed and how can it be agreed.

Simon's reaction was also expected by Adel.

"You can take this request as a cooperation or a transaction. Being our sword is your bargaining chip, and you can get the bargaining chip you want from us." Idel said calmly.

"Do you think I would agree to this kind of thing? Even if you are the top decision-makers in the government..."

Simon folded his arms and looked at the five old stars on the stairs indifferently.

"It seems that you don't know what the so-called power is."

Before Adel could speak, Prude, with his hands in his trouser pockets, looked at Simon with a look down on the ants.

Feeling this gaze clearly, Simon's eyes immediately turned cold, and a murderous aura rose in his heart, but at the same time, he was quickly suppressed by reason.

The person in front of him is the Five Old Stars!

You can't do it without a reason to do it.

But if there is a reason, then there is no need to pay attention to the consequences.


The blond middle-aged Elle said lightly.

Even though Simon quickly suppressed his murderous aura, the leak at that moment was still noticed by the Five Old Stars.

"Snold Simon, when you walk into this hall, you should understand that you only have two choices today."

Adel lifted his cane, then slammed heavily on the ground, making a loud thud in this empty hall.

"One, become our sword and get the same benefits, and two, die here!"

When Simon heard the words, he stretched out his right hand to his back like a conditioned reflex, but he didn't want to but took out an empty space, only to realize that he had removed his weapon before coming here.

Tox, who was the only one sitting on the stairs, said coldly, "Young man, the so-called power is the fact that it can easily determine the life and death of others. My power is stronger than yours, so it's as simple as eating to kill you. Today you can't do it. Choose, you should be lucky, at least there is still a way to live."

Simon's expression was indifferent, as if he had not heard the words with a very obvious contempt.

Simon clearly sensed that the aura of the Five Old Stars was not strong, except... the Five Old Stars holding a long knife.

From time to time, there is a hint of danger in the calm, which makes Simon's temple faintly warm. This is the sense that Hamm, one of the five old stars, brought Even if his eyes are not on himself, Simon knows that, If there is any outrageous move, the man's knife will definitely slash to his vital point like a thunderbolt.

It was the existence of this man that made Simon dare not act rashly.

"why me?"

In vain, the murderous aura that circulated outside the body slowly restrained, and Simon asked as if giving up.

In fact, Simon has absolutely no idea of ​​​​hands-on, but also will not have the idea of ​​​​holding hands.

"Because you bear the surname Snod, a surname left over eight hundred years ago."

Adel raised his eyes slightly, and the light shot out from his eyes, as if he was narrating a great deed.

Simon frowned slightly and said lightly: "I don't know what you are talking about."

This surname, this name, is nothing more than the name in memory. In this world, no one knows the fact that Simon is not from this world, but from the earth.

Even the world government, whose intelligence capabilities are incomparably powerful, does not know this fact, and even if it does, it will subconsciously deny it.

Because of this fact, it is too unacceptable.


He lifted the cane heavily and leaned it to the ground again, Adel said in a low voice: "When you become our sword, you have the right to know all this, in the end, you have only one choice, but I believe that in you Knowing everything, perhaps there will be no objection to the fact that it is our sword."


Simon's eyes closed slightly, and the radiant light in his eyes trembled slightly.

Does it mean that I have the absolute certainty that I will submit and become your sword?

Or rather, a tool.

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