One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 53: touch

After getting the brief news from Lopez, K, who was dressed in black, suddenly disappeared while walking, leaving a series of footsteps that were very imperceptible.

Lopez clutched his broken arm tightly in his right hand, turned indifferently and walked towards Marlene's residence, spilling hot blood along the way.

In the three-story tower, when the window was closed, the whole room was plunged into darkness. Butler sat on a swivel chair, with his right elbow resting on the seat of the chair, his palm on his cheek, and he looked up slightly at the person in front of him. dark place.


Suddenly there was a sound in the darkness, and the direction Butler was looking at suddenly lit up, and the square screens shone brightly in the dark.

"A warship is coming to the island. Judging by Lopez's speed, the navy may have already landed on the island and entered the woods."

K's figure seemed to merge with the darkness, standing in a place where the light couldn't reach, he said lightly.

"It has indeed entered the woods."

Butler cast his indifferent eyes on the screen showing Simon and others, and said coldly, "Remove Lopez from the Security Department."

"Yes." K responded indifferently.

"The number of people is quite large, but the leading navy has not left a picture in my memory, that is to say, it is just a nameless person, then..."

The corner of Butler's mouth outlines a cold arc, and in the darkness, it seems to pull out a light band that can't help but tremble, it is so cold and full of murderous intent.

"Send X-1 and X-2 detachments, go to the woods to obliterate this batch of navies, and dispatch X-3 detachment, to obliterate the existence of warships."


This island is a plain area, but everywhere you see are big trees, although not dense, but growing very strong.

Simon left a team of navies to garrison on the warship. Although no one was found after arriving on the island, this is a new world. Just in case, Simon still left a team of navy to garrison.

As soon as I stepped into the woods, I felt a strange atmosphere. Not only Simon, but other navies also noticed this atmosphere, and vaguely, I always felt that something was missing.

Tyre's brows were frowning all the time, and his eyes moved around. He didn't see any birds in the trees or insects in the leaves on the ground. He suddenly remembered what was missing in this forest.

"Lieutenant General Simon!"

Before Tyre spoke, Simon nodded, causing Tyre to swallow the words in his mouth again.

"There is no breath of life at all."

While walking slowly, Simon raised his eyelids slightly and said lightly.

Hearing Simon's words, the navy suddenly realized why they felt a strange atmosphere as soon as they entered the woods. It turned out that they didn't see any life, not even the chirping sound of an insect.

"Lilith, Liliu, do you feel the breath of life?"

Simon stopped abruptly, and the navy behind him also stopped.

In this forest, not only was there no breath of life, but Simon faintly felt that there was a beam of eyes spying on them, but after seeing the domineering display, he did not perceive anyone around him, but Simon felt that the beam of eyes was very close. very close.

Lilith and Lilyu, who were sitting on the left and right sides of Qianlba, glanced at each other and shook their heads, and Lilyu replied softly: "Since I entered the woods, I used the domineering look, but I didn't notice it. What an anomaly."


Simon snorted coldly, even with the arrogance and domineering of Lilith and Liliu, they couldn't sense where the prying eyes were.

Simon said lightly: "What is certain is that this island is not an uninhabited island, and someone is taking us as prey with bad intentions, and is spying on us at the moment, if it is not human, then..."

Simon's eyes were slightly cold, and after wandering around in the Vega Punk laboratory for a while, he suddenly thought of a possibility, that is, this forest is full of probes.

The only possibility why the probes are filled is to want to know anything in the woods, that is to say, the people who installed the probes do not want the people in the woods to cross the woods.

"The teams are vigilant not to relax and prepare to welcome the first guests."

Since you don't want people in the woods to cross the woods, you will definitely send people to stop them.

Behari carried a jet-black spear on his shoulder, and smiled indifferently: "What are you afraid of, you have the strength to fight recklessly even with a white beard, the water comes to cover the earth, and the soldiers come to block you, you don't have to worry at all. ."

Beharie's teasing words made the atmosphere relaxed, and some people couldn't help but chuckle.

Indeed, it is undeniable that the position of the team leader is very important, the strength can eliminate the characteristics that make people worry, and the wisdom can make people full of confidence.

"The first battle in the new world?"

Tyre's fists creaked, his face excited.

Entering the first island to land in the new world, the first battle that is about to be faced, just like Tyr's performance, everyone is a little excited.

Looking at the excited expression of the navy behind him, Simon's mouth twitched.

Facing an unknown battle, having such an emotional expression is exactly the result Simon wants to see.

As long as there is no fear...even the unknown, there is nothing to fear.

"Qianrba, protect Lilith and Liliu, and move on." Simon took a step and continued to walk forward.

Qian Erba, who was carrying the two sisters on the left and right sides, said indifferently, "You don't need to declare this."

"That's good."

Simon didn't look back, and continued to walk forward calmly.

That feeling of snooping has always existed, and this feeling will make sensitive people feel uncomfortable, such as Simon. Although this forest is not dense, it is not so easy to find the probe that the other party is willing to hide.

At the same time, there is no need to do this. If the other party is really not allowed to go through the woods to reach a certain place, they will send someone to block it. At that time, the prying eyes will eventually surface.

In the woods, the marching navy is very military. They are always on alert in all directions to avoid sneak attacks, especially when the position is exposed to the eyes of the opponent, so they are more cautious, except that the front is the one that does not need to be cautious.

Because there is the direction that Simon leads.

After advancing for about ten minutes, Simon, who was walking in front, stopped, and the Navy behind him stopped neatly when he saw this.

"It seems to be underestimated by the other party."

Simon stopped and looked coldly at the slightly empty space a thousand meters away, thirty heavily armed people.

We always alert the other side, but I didn't expect the other side to appear in such a I have to say, this is a stupid performance.

Moreover, in the face of more than 300 people, only send 30 people?

"whispering sound."

Beharie tilted his head slightly, also a little unhappy.

Thirty people are all wearing silver steel armor, only the face above the nose is exposed, each holding a knight's spear in his hand, and a big sword hanging from his back.

"Target location confirmed."

The leader reported indifferently towards the phone bug in his hand.

The phone bug's eyes opened slightly, and a cold voice came out of his mouth: "Execute."

"Received, X-1 and X-2 detachments, the mission begins!"

The leader put away the phone bug, the right hand holding the spear suddenly hangs in front of his chest, the spear is straight to the sky, and the twenty-nine people behind him, after a one-second interval, also make the same movements neatly.

Simon's eyes were indifferent, he pulled out the heavy sword behind him, and said lightly, "Don't shoot."

Tyre and the others, who were about to move, couldn't help but be stunned.

Under the worried gazes of Lilith and Liliu, Beharie was the only one who chuckled lightly: "Showing your powerful strength, does it make the other party come out directly?"

"Tsk tsk... It's really a simple and direct method."

Beharie's eyelids drooped slightly, looking at Simon's back seriously.

The tough style is only one of the changes... In the past few months, not only has the strength turned upside down, but also the style?

In this short period of time, what happened to make a person become such an unbelievable existence.

If it's you... maybe you can really do what you say.

After all, even a person like me who is slightly afraid of death can have the idea of ​​entering a new world in front of you!

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