One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 66: vs Kaido

Outside the steel city and between the woods is a vast plain. The gravel is scattered everywhere, seemingly barren, but green grass sprouts grow from the rocks.

In front of it is a forest, a forest with no life breath, behind it is a steel city, a steel city full of icy breath, and in the middle is a barren gravel field, as if this island does not exist in any life breath.

However, there are sprouts emerging from the rubble.

On the gravel plain, several miles away from the Steel City, Kaido, with a grim look on his face, stood upright, and behind him stood ten people with a murderous aura all over their bodies.

A thousand meters in front of Kaido's group, stood a young navy holding a jet-black epee, and behind the young navy, there were hundreds of people.

During the confrontation between the two sides, Kaido rarely attacked as soon as he saw anyone, but stood there silently looking at Simon.

If in the past, Kaido would not say any superfluous nonsense, and would not let people leave meaningless words such as last words before killing people, he did not act immediately at this moment, because Kaido saw the face of the young navy.

"I know you."

During the confrontation, the coldness in Kaido's eyes increased unabated, and he looked coldly at Simon who was thousands of meters away.

The ten people behind Kaido looked at their boss unexpectedly, and they understood Kaido's style. They were very surprised at the moment.

At this time, it should directly kill hundreds of people on the opposite side.

"I know you too, so now I'm standing here."

The hand holding the heavy sword suddenly exerted strength, and the blue veins appeared on the back of the hand. Simon stared intently at Kaido, who exuded an icy aura.

The Four Sovereigns themselves are symbols of strength, and they are symbols of standing on one of the apex of the world!

In the battle of the top, the navy saw the terrifying power of the four emperors. Although Whitebeard is known as the strongest man in the world, other people who want to come and share the title of the four emperors with Whitebeard are not far behind. .

Kaido swung his arm, and placed the blood-red giant axe in his hand at his feet, and then the ground trembled, which shocked Simon and others, because after the ground trembled, the giant axe landed where , but not the slightest crack.

"The ignorant and arrogant kid." Kaido placed his palm on the end of the axe handle, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Simon smiled coldly, without the slightest fear in his heart, and said coldly: "Is it arrogant, you can give it a try."

Faced with the Four Emperors in person again, Tyr and the others who participated in the battle of the top, flashed in a trance the picture of Whitebeard's great power in Mamarin, and such an existence will be blocked by Simon alone.

And they only need to fight those ten people.

It can be said that all the pressure is accumulated on Simon.

There were ten people who followed Kaido, and they were all very surprised why Kaido did not simply kill the young navy, but wanted to say a few words.

One of the tall and thin people reminded: "Captain, can't you just kill it?"

Kaido glanced lightly at the tall and thin subordinate, who was holding the blood-colored giant axe that was leaning on the ground, and his tall body exuded a murderous aura that turned from light to thick.

The reason why he had to say a few words before the battle was just because Kaido recognized that Simon was the navy who went head-to-head with Whitebeard in the battle of the top.

From this point of view, Butler's failure is justified. After all, it is not surprising to despise such an opponent.

"Not a single one."

Kaido's sinister face flashed with murderous intent, the corners of his lips slightly opened, and the cold words blew through the hearts of hundreds of navy like a cold wind.

As soon as Kaido's voice fell, the ten men immediately shot at Simon and the others like arrows.

Simon didn't move, and Kaido didn't move either. Where the two of them met, sparks that were invisible to the naked eye shot out.

Simon's eyes were war intent, and Kaido's eyes were disdain.

As if it had been agreed in advance, the ten men who followed Kaido did not attack Simon, but threw themselves into the hundreds of navies behind Simon. They wanted to fight against hundreds with ten enemies. If it is an ordinary navy elite, I am afraid it is not impossible, because although the ten men are not named by Kaido, their strength is also in front of Kaido.

However, at the moment they are facing each other, but the elite of the elite!

Seeing that Simon was going to face him alone, Kaido sneered in his heart.

The reason why the four emperors can rule the large-scale sea area of ​​the new world is not the so-called personality charm and the power to control, but the absolute strength of the individual. That is the main reason. In this world, what is important is Strength is respected.

Therefore, as one of the four emperors, Kaido's strength is already at the apex, and it is not a place that Simon can touch, so Kaido only has disdain in his eyes, even if Simon kills Butler, who is the first combat force, Kaido Duo still disdains Simon's strength. It can be said that it is a kind of pride.

If the redhead were here, he would definitely be looking at Kaido with a joke.

Simon, who even Whitebeard couldn't help but love his talents, is an existence that can be underestimated. Everyone who stands at the top has come from countless battles. I didn't expect Kaido to commit crimes. Such a petty mistake.

Simon knew exactly who he was facing, so he attacked without hesitation.

If the strength is really not comparable, then at least the momentum can't fall, this is Simon's thinking at the moment.


Simon's figure suddenly disappeared, and the next second he appeared in front of Kaido, and a sword full of power without any tricks slashed towards Kaido's chest.

Even at this moment, Kaido couldn't let go of his disdain, and slightly admired Simon's courage.

Sure enough, the person who dared to attack Whitebeard in front of him was very young, but his courage alone was enough to squeeze into the name of a strong man.

However, such an attack is child's play to Kaido

With a move of his arm, Kaido took the giant axe and swung towards the epee that Simon had slashed like thunder.


A wave of air surged out from the contact between the axe and the sword.

Kaido stood still, but Simon flew ten paces backwards.

Simon's sword was simple and unpretentious, but it was fast and powerful, but it was such a sword that it was easily blocked by Kaido's giant axe and sent ten paces away.

After landing steadily, Simon's brows and eyes looked rather solemn. The first sword was just a test, but Simon almost used all his strength. However, it was so easily shot away. At that time, Simon felt the weight of the giant axe. Diminutive strength.

It can be seen that Kaido's power is much stronger than himself, and head-to-head confrontation must be avoided.

"Sure enough, it's a bit too big, after all, it's the Fourth Emperor."

Simon's brows were locked, and then he stretched out again.

It is very irrational to face the Four Emperors alone with the current strength, but this is also a way out of nowhere, and only in this way can we delay the time better.

The purpose at the beginning was to delay time, but under the collision of the first move, Simon directly rejected the idea of ​​delaying time, and instead regarded this battle as a battle of life and death.

If he still has the idea of ​​procrastinating, I am afraid that Simon will soon die under Kaido's hands.

On the other hand, Kaido was also slightly surprised when he looked at Simon, who was ten steps away. With the axe he swung, Kaido used all his strength and planned to use such a direct head-to-head attack to break all of Simon's aura. However, Unexpectedly, Simon actually blocked the axe perfectly, and at the same time only retreated a distance of ten steps.

For a time, Kaido's disdain for Simon was still there, but it was also much weaker.

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