One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 73: trend

Chapter three, make up for the previous one.


Furgo Island.

In the tiny city full of small metal buildings, there are more than a dozen relatively large buildings. On the periphery of the city, there are a lot of houses made of earth, stone and trees.

This is the result of ten days since the capture of Fuergo Island, and of course, this also includes the strength of the reinforcements that have arrived.

The lazy-looking Kizaru sat comfortably on a chair, with a set of tea sets on the table in front of him, the white and luxurious tea cups were steaming with heat and the aroma of tea.

"Well~ this place is really good, right, Zhan Taomaru?"

Reaching out to pick up the teacup, and taking a light sip of the tea, Kizaru sighed.

"Old man, I have something to do!" Zhan Taomaru said reluctantly.

"Tsk tsk, this is precious afternoon tea time~" said Kizaru displeased.

The corner of Zhan Taowan's mouth twitched, and his mind was full of the instruments left by the moon man. However, due to the power of Kizaru, he could only suppress his impulse and drink tea ruthlessly.

For Kizaru's unquestionable invitation, Simon unfortunately also fell for it.

Slowly drinking the tea, Simon had countless reasons to escape, but they were all rejected one by one.

No matter what the reason is, Uncle Yellow Monkey will always have a word to push back, and Simon is also very helpless about this.

"Have the Admiralty decided to occupy this place?"

Unable to get out, Simon could only try to talk about some business affairs.

Kizaru nodded slowly, and said lightly: "Vega Punk will come to this island in the near future. The order given by Akainu is very decisive, and he directly dispatched all the remaining combat power that can be twitched. It seems that it is inevitable."

Simon was not surprised that Vegapunk would come to this island, but he was inexplicably puzzled that Akainu would send all the remaining combat power.

Kizaru also didn't know what Akainu was relying on to give this order, but vaguely, Kizaru felt that it should be inseparable from Vega Punk.

In any case, the occupation of the island has become an ironclad fact.

"However, this navy's actions will undoubtedly be exposed to everyone in the new world. As for what will happen next, I can't imagine." Kizaru put down the teacup gently and said calmly.

Simon said: "Since you have decided to take over here, you must be able to deal with any situation, right?"

The corner of Huang Yuan's mouth twitched with a smile, nodded and said, "This is really good. Compared to this, I am more curious about how you survived in Kaido's hands. With the current you, you are not the opponent of the Four Emperors at all."

On the side, Zhan Taomaru, who suppressed the impulse in his heart, also looked at Simon curiously.

In the battle ten days ago, Zhan Taomaru and the others hurriedly ran to support Simon when they killed Kaido's subordinates, but what appeared in front of them was a messy battlefield, and Simon, who was naked and unhurt. .

In that battle, they didn't know what happened. They only knew that when the reinforcements arrived three days later, they brought a message at the same time.

One of the four emperors, Kaido's territory, was captured by Simon and was seriously injured in his hands.

Is this news really accurate?

It's not that Zhan Taomaru wants to doubt, it's really hard to believe.

"The redhead also came to this island, and his containment is crucial."

Simon did not hide the slightest, and calmly stated the reason.

The yellow monkey's expression remained unchanged, not because he expected this situation, but because he thought it was reasonable.

"Are you redheads..."

Kizuna pondered slightly, then looked at Simon interestingly, and said with a smile: "You are really getting better and better."

Simon didn't feel any joy at Kiabou's praise. Since the war, Simon has been thinking about the gap between him and the Four Emperors. After thinking about it, the only way for him to change his strength is to master the domineering armament. Proficiency, ease of use, and fruit ability must be developed to the limit.

Simon suddenly asked: "Uncle Yellow Monkey, this island is determined to be taken over, so will it become a branch?"

Huang Yuan nodded and said lightly: "No doubt, the intention has been exposed to the pirates in the new world. The only thing that can be done is to act in a high-profile manner. It is a hard fact that this place has become a branch."

"Actually, I also guessed Akainu's plan to some extent. He wants to integrate his combat power into the new world step by step, but because of this island, he has directly crossed countless steps, which is very risky, so I I am also very interested in this island that can make Akainu make a decisive decision, and when I come here, I understand the reason."

"Indeed, there is an existence on this island that makes Akainu's heart tempted, and large-scale weapon technology is a powerful weapon!"

Simon was slightly taken aback, "That's why Dr. Bergapunk came here."


On the side, Zhan Taomaru suddenly cheered, his face full of excitement.

"With Dr. Vega Punk, all doubts will always be solved."

Kizaru and Simon looked at Zhan Taomaru with a little doubt.

"However, this island may also become an island that is taken care of by the Four Emperors." Kizaru filled his cup with a full cup of tea, "Simon, what are you going to do? Stay on this island?"

Kizuna's question made Simon hesitate and tangle.

In fact, Simon did not want to stay on this island, but what Kizaru said was not right, and the defense force on the island was very weak compared to those who might attack. The living force on his warship passed the previous After the First World War, they are much more powerful. If they stay on the island, they will be a powerful force.


After a long time, Simon slowly replied.

Seeing this, Huang Yuan was a little disappointed.

In his opinion, if Simon doesn't answer firmly, then the final result may be to leave, but due to Simon's hesitation, Kizaru also saw some signs.

At that time, if Simon wants to leave, he will also leave his subordinates behind.

I have to say that Kizaru's eyes are very vicious, and this idea is indeed the conclusion that Simon has hesitated for a long time.

If you want to leave at that time, you can only leave your subordinates to help defend.

The aroma of tea wafts throughout the house, refreshing and pleasing to the nose.

"The situation has changed, and the old times are passing away."

In vain, in the fragrance of tea, the sighing voice of the yellow monkey gradually sounded.

"Simon, the mainstay of the new era, it seems that it is you."

Facing Kizaru's serious eyes, Simon was stunned...


Therese Rosa, the island where Duflamingo, one of the Seven Bukai Seas, is located.

Sitting on the big sofa in front of the swimming Duflaming sorted out the latest series of news with a high expressionless face.

He has always been self-confident and rampant, and he always looks like this when he hears news from Simon.

The subordinates sitting around the swimming pool didn't know it, and they were all surprised.

Duflamingo calmly said to the phone bug in his hand: "Vergo, what do you think the lovely brother Luo wants to do?"

The phone worm replied instantly: "I don't know."

"Furfur, it shouldn't disappoint us..."

"His heart is in my hands, and I can't make any big waves. What I care about is Smog. He is indeed an excellent white hunter. I can only prevent him by laying the guard net to the maximum extent."

Duflaming lay down heavily on the sofa, and said coldly: "Really... Then you know that in the new world, there is an incredible person, but for now, you should control your own area first. Bar."

Virgo said calmly: "That man, right? I also learned some news, but what I'm more thinking about is, can Smog have an accident directly?"

"If you want to get the attention of the Admiralty, so be it."

Virgo sighed softly, "That's right, then report the situation as scheduled next time."

After speaking, the phone worm was hung up with a snap.

Duflamingo threw the phone bug away, thinking about the navy that he had engraved in his mind, and suddenly laughed gloomily.

No matter what, it is just a stone after all, and the transactions that should be made and the things that should be done will still not change.

"Your arrival will attract the attention of the Four Emperors, but I would like to know, will they take action?"


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