This is Dressrosa, a country that was not yet brutally ruled by Doflamingo in this plane, and is still under the rule of the Riku royal family.

Under the reign of King Riku, Dressrosa was relatively prosperous, and although not as wealthy as under Doflamingo, the happiness of the people was very high.

The reason why Dressrosa under the rule of Doflamingo is so rich, on the one hand, because of the hard work of the Lilliputian slaves, on the other hand, because of his underground trade with the beast Kaido, under the identity of Doflamingo's Draconian, all kinds of black transactions have earned him countless money, but this money is nothing to do with ordinary people, all the money has been taken by the Don Quixote family, and the people's lives are still hot, and they will be turned into toys if they don't agree!

Now in Ron's eyes, there is not a single toy resident on the streets of Dressrosa!

"Hurry, no, quickly block the streets, block the whole city!"

At this moment, a group of guards with weapons and anxious faces shouted: "Princess Scarlet has been kidnapped by the hateful 01 pirates, and that evil pirates must not be allowed to leave the city!"

"Block the city gates, only enter and not exit!" another guard shouted frantically, "You must rescue Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"The Oni Shark Pirates, the hateful Oni Shark Pirates, they kidnapped Princess Scarlet!" one of the guards shouted viciously, "When I catch them, I will beat them up!"

A group of guards ran quickly in front of him, and Ron touched his chin and looked at the departing guards with a strange expression.

"Scarlet was kidnapped by pirates?" Ron thought: "Combined with the history of the original plot, it seems that there is really such a thing, Scarlet suffered a catastrophe, and Cyrus, the so-called undefeated god of war in the gladiatorial arena who originally made Scarlet not cold, took action and rescued her from the hijacking of the pirates, and finally made her fall in love with Cyrus, the so-called hero saves beauty!"

"Ron, the person you're looking for can't be this Princess Scarlet, right?" Orvia asked curiously.


Ron snapped his fingers and glanced at Olvia appreciatively, "Let's go, let's go and see where this ghost shark pirate group is hiding!"

"It's really ... The corners of Olvia's mouth twitched, feeling that Ron had gone crazy and wanted to do something to the princess of a country!

Yes, he didn't think that Ron was here to save people or anything, but he felt that this guy was just robbing women, and it was not enough for him to be a beautiful girl, and now he was coming to rob the princess of a country, which was crazy!

Ron didn't pay any attention to what Olvia was thinking, he didn't want to explain it anymore, so let her misunderstand it first!

Ron takes Olvia down the streets, gathering information from all over the city.

After a while, Ron's eyes lit up: "Found it, it turned out to be hidden here."

Ron rushed towards Olvia a little at his feet, and the people in the surrounding streets only felt a gust of wind blowing in front of them, and then looked again, but found nothing.

In an ordinary house in Dressrosa, eight stout and strange pirates looked at several people in the room fiercely, and one of them, a stunned girl with long pink hair, was none other than Princess Colorette.

The other people were residents of this house, and they came here, naturally, not to live here, but to rob the room to avoid the search of the guards.

"Boss, King Liku's guards are about to search here, we have to find a way to get out of the city!" A long-haired young man with a musket looked at the window a little timidly, a team of guards rushed over just now can scare him a lot, although their Ghost Shark Pirates are very strong, but now that they are in the kingdom of others, they are really going to be discovered, and it is not easy to escape.

"Yes, boss, we have made a lot of money this time, we must get out of the city safely to send this princess to the place where the buyer is!" Another short and fat man also said: "Although this place is hidden, there will definitely be guards to search it after a long time!"

Among several people, a tall man heard this, cracked a mouth of sharp fangs, and laughed gloomily in his eyes: "Don't worry, you don't know my fruit ability, wait until the night, once it is night, I will use the fruit ability to take everyone out of here, hehehe, when the time comes, I will sell the goods this time, and let everyone go to the flower capital to have fun, hehehe, I have a treat!"

"Really?" A yellow-haired sword-wielding young man's eyes immediately lit up, and his eyes were full of the kind of look that everyone understands: "The captain is in for a treat, hehehe, you must have a good time when the time comes!"

"You guys, what a bunch of perverts!" The only long-haired woman in the team glanced at the yellow-haired young man with disdain, although the woman was not very beautiful, she looked extremely fierce, and her eyes always revealed a murderous aura, obviously a female pirate who had experienced a hundred battles.

"Serena, you don't understand!" the yellow-haired young man smiled and said, "Don't you like shopping, wouldn't it be great if the captain would reimburse you when the time comes, so that you can do some shopping?"

"That's good!" the captain of the Oni Shark Pirates grinned, "I'll reimburse you for 153 then, Serena, but for now, everyone cheers me up, I must find a way to hold out until the evening, and when it comes to the night, hmph, these garbage guards can't find any trace of us at all!"

"That's what the boss said!"

"Cheer up!"

At this moment, outside the house, two people had already walked over, and these two people were none other than Ron and Olvia.

"Where are they hiding?" Olvia wondered.

"Yes, here it is! Let's go, let's go in!" Ron took Olvia's hand and went to the house to knock on the door.

"Hey, this ghost shark pirate group dares to kidnap the princess of a country, it's definitely not a good stubble, you, you go up so simply, won't it be too dangerous?" Orvia said worriedly, although she felt that Ron had some mental problems, but she didn't want to die, but this guy can fly, and there is the kind of door that comes to the great route from the West Sea in an instant, this Ron's strength shouldn't be too bad, right?

"Don't worry, in this world, count 10,000 years forward, count 10,000 years in the future, no one in the world and underground can defeat me!"

Ron smiled suddenly, raised his hand and began to knock on the door, he is a civilized person, he would never do such a thing as smashing doors and windows!_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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