“Luffy… Ace? Ling Tianyu couldn’t believe it, and after turning his head and looking around, he instantly understood!

I did hang it before, but for some reason I crossed it, and the place I crossed was actually the world of One Piece! And….

Or the climactic plot in One Piece, on top of the war!

“Who will save Ace! Ace, you don’t want to die! At this time, Luffy looked at Ace, whose vitality was gradually disappearing in his arms, and suddenly cried out loudly in sadness!

“System, how can I save Ace?” After Ling Tianyu was stunned, he immediately shouted anxiously!

Ling Tianyu has seen too many anime, and the voice that sounded in his mind just now must be the accompanying plug-in that he crossed! And at this time, seeing that one of his favorite anime characters, Ace, was dying in front of his eyes, how could Ling Tianyu endure it!

“You can use the system exchange function to get the Great Restoration Pill, you need 1500 points! The host currently has 1000 points! Not enough to redeem! However, the sound of the system made Ling Tianyu suddenly stunned!

“Your uncle, quickly think of a way for me to get these 500 points!” Either way! Ling Tianyu suddenly shouted angrily!

“Hahaha, let me finish off Luffy!” At this time, a vice admiral cast a six-style instant kill, and it was even more powerful with one punch! Directly killed Luffy!

“Oh, don’t make trouble, brother is annoying!” Ling Tianyu didn’t think much about it, and casually slapped it over!

“Ugh!” This vice admiral suddenly screamed, and was directly broken by dozens of bones slapped by Ling Tianyu, and flew out for thousands of meters after screaming before passing out!

“When did brother hang like this? This rhythm is not right…” Ling Tianyu froze, he is so powerful? Just now it was a vice admiral, how to shoot it out by yourself is like shooting a fly….

“The host defeats Vice Admiral and successfully saves Luffy and earns 500 points! At present, the host points are 1500, please ask if you want to exchange the Great Restoration Pill! The sound of the system suddenly sounded again.

“Yes, yes, yes! Your uncle’s, hurry up! “Ling Tianyu is in a hurry, hurriedly shouting!

“Redemption successful!” With the system’s prompt, a huge pill suddenly appeared in Ling Tianyu’s palm, and how to use this pill.

“I can’t shout anymore… Luffy, what I’m going to say next, wait a minute, help me tell everyone…”

“Daddy, everyone, and you…”

“Thank you for always loving you…”

“There is no cure…”

“And I inherit the blood of demons!”


Ace said these words word by word, and after struggling to say these words, his body shook slightly and fell down.

“Ace…” Luffy was stunned when he saw this scene, but he didn’t want to believe the general muttering at all!

Just when Ace’s body was about to fall to the ground, and that tiny piece of life paper was about to be shattered…

“Ace, you can’t die yet!” A strong big hand held Ace with one hand!

“Are you…” Luffy was stunned for a moment, looking at Ling Tianyu in front of him, he was stunned.

“I can save him! Look at it! Ling Tianyu looked at Ace, whose breath was rapidly weakening and was about to die, and then slapped his big hand and directly smashed that big restoration pill on Ace’s back!

“Rise up… Oh no, it’s the resurrection! With Ling Tianyu’s low roar, after the Great Restoration Pill shattered, the powerful and incomparable recovery power emitted an astonishing green light, and a vast and incomparable life force directly burst out, instantly turning into countless water streaks and spreading, constantly submerged into Ace’s body!

Between breaths, Ace’s life breath recovered again, the huge wound on the back healed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, the blood was slowly absorbed back by the skin, and the originally shocking and amazing wound on the back disappeared without a trace in an instant!

“Ace !!!” Luffy was completely stunned when he saw this scene, and then felt the vitality slowly emerging in Ace again, and hurriedly cried!

“It’s noisy!” Ace suddenly opened his eyes and instinctively knocked Luffy’s head.

“Ace !!!” Seeing Ace wake up, and also knock his head with the strength, Luffy was suddenly excited, and hugged Ace’s body fiercely!

“Well? I wasn’t just now…” Ace was also stunned, he should have died just now? Even his consciousness was lost, but he suddenly felt an extremely warm breath coming from his back, making himself very comfortable, and he wanted to sleep well, and he heard his younger brother Luffy’s cry!

“Whew…” Seeing that Ace woke up, Ling Tianyu let out a long breath!

“Ace, he saved you! Thank you big brother!!! When Luffy was excited, he remembered the life-saving benefactor Ling Tianyu, and then pointed at Ling Tianyu and said, and even knelt down directly, and slammed his head towards Ling Tianyu.

“You saved me? Thank you, life-saving, Ace will definitely remember for the rest of his life! Ace was stunned, and then looked at Ling Tianyu, although Ling Tianyu’s bald head was a little strange, Ace still thanked him loudly!

“Hahaha! It’s okay, it’s okay! From now on, I will be your big brother! With me covered, no one wants to bully you! Ling Tianyu put his arm around Luffy and Ace’s shoulders and said happily!

Ling Tianyu has watched One Piece grow up since he was a child, and he likes Luffy and Ace super much, and today, he can actually fulfill his childhood dream and become the eldest brother of the two! It simply made Ling Tianyu happy!

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