At this time, Hody Jones was three times larger than before, almost no longer a fishman, but really like a monster! Even Hody Jones himself looked up at his palm in surprise, but soon he laughed maniacally.

“Hahaha! Ling Tianyu, now I have surpassed the limits of the fish people! Now I… It’s invincible! Hody Jones laughed maniacally.

Immediately afterwards, Hody Jones bombarded the ground with a casual blow, and the terrifying vibration directly erupted!

“Bang! Boom red! Everyone felt that the ground began to shake violently, and they all stood unsteadily and sat directly on the ground, instinctively beginning to fear Hodi’s terrifying power!

“Snap!” The ground actually cracked rapidly in all directions in a reflective manner centered on Hodi! Almost every crack stretches for nearly a kilometer, and it is even more bottomless, with a width of several meters! As long as any one who does not have long eyes accidentally falls in, it is absolutely impossible to climb out again!

Looking at his masterpiece, Hodi Jones felt quite satisfied, he raised his head and laughed, shouting at Ling Tianyu fiercely and proudly: “Hahaha, do you see it?” This is my power now, my invincible power! ”

Ling Tianyu still looked at Hody Jones unhurriedly, but there was a look of disappointment in his eyes, Ling Tianyu specially gave Hody Jones so many opportunities to continuously improve his strength, and how powerful was he? Sure enough, waste is waste, even eating such a murderous drug is also a waste!

Alas, such a weak opponent, Ling Tianyu didn’t really want to make a move, or let Luffy Solon beat them up this tease to train and level?

Under the provocation of Hody Jones, Ling Tianyu is actually so leisurely, Hody Jones only feels that this person’s current calm and leisurely are all pretending, just now he casually struck, he showed such a strong combat power, this battle, he won!

With this thought, Hody Jones continued to roar arrogantly: “How? One punch Ling Tianyu, this is afraid? Hahaha, that’s a small part of my power! This is what you asked for, when I kill you, I will destroy this fish-man island and kill all the fish-man scraps who sympathize with humans! ”

After saying that, Hody Jones raised his fist and waved it gently, “Bang! Bang! “All the buildings around the square collapsed in an instant and turned into smoke! The fish who had been hiding on the edge of the building kept screaming and running around, and were driven back to the edge of the square, trembling and looking at the terrifying monster… Hody Jones!

“Aaaah! He’s a demon! Our home was destroyed! ”

“Oh my God, what an astonishing power this is…”

“Save… Help me! Who is coming to stop this monster! ”


The fish people were forced to return to the perimeter of the square to watch the battle, but at this time all the fish people hugged each other, only Hody Jones stood arrogantly in the center of the square, like a god who controls the fate of everyone! The power he exudes makes all the mermaids fear from the depths of their hearts!

“How, the audience is back, can we go to war? Feed? You kid is deaf!? Hodi found that Ling Tianyu was still motionless, but the look in his eyes was even more disdainful, and such disdain and contempt was tantamount to adding fuel to the fire for Hodi.

“Scared, huh? Hahaha, you think you can block me? Dream! Hody Jones’ remarks became more and more arrogant, and the more Ling Tianyu did not speak, the more he was in control.

“What shall I call you? Well? Ghost Ling Tianyu? Coward Ling Tianyu? Or is it a weak chicken Ling Tianyu? Hahaha, I see you have no skills! ”

“Do you dare to come out in hand-to-hand combat! Feed? Instigate Ghost Ling Tianyu! Hodi Jones still roared at Ling Tianyu without knowing whether he was alive or dead, Ling Tianyu smiled slightly, looking at Hody Jones’ arrogant roar in front of him, like watching a piglet waiting to be slaughtered screaming!

Luffy and the others had naturally felt Hody Jones’ violent power just now, and they were also a little worried! And when the residents of Fishman Island came, compared to Hody Jones, who was more than six meters tall and almost like a huge monster, Ling Tianyu looked so weak and uncontrollable, they were all a little worried!

Although Ling Tianyu is indeed powerful, no one knows how terrifying Hody Jones is now!

Little Sadie was the first person who couldn’t stand it: “Hmm~ master! This guy is so terrifying~ people don’t like it! But the master do not accept his challenge! Hmm~”

“Master~ don’t fight him head-on!” Domino’s words also followed, and Mrs. Xia Li, who was supported by them, also looked at Ling Tianyu worriedly, “Master Ling Tianyu, don’t go head-to-head with him!!! ”

“Look at you, haha, how? Don’t you dare to come, right? After discovering that the people around Ling Tianyu were persuading him, Hody Jones became even more arrogant, doesn’t this just mean that this Ling Tianyu is not his opponent at all?

Ling Tianyu, who had been silent since Hody Jones took the medicine, finally moved his fingers at this time and twisted his neck to prepare for the work.

This tease is very good at pulling up the atmosphere, but it is also cheap enough, give him some paint, and he also painted a rainbow!

“Hand-to-hand combat? Hahaha, since you sincerely look for death, brother will fulfill you!!! Ling Tianyu lazily hooked his fingers, looking like he was beckoning a puppy or kitten.

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