“Bang bang!” The iceberg collapsed at this moment! In an instant, it turned into a Xiaoice pile the size of a small hill!

Virgo knelt down abruptly holding the gurgling halving, and Ling Tianyu inadvertently struck… Almost shattered his shoulder blades!

“Hmm… It is completely impossible to see how he attacked, what hit that iceberg exactly? The first time Nami saw Ling Tianyu’s strength, she couldn’t help but marvel.

Ling Tianyu chirped the peanuts in his mouth, and when he went to take it again, he found that the peanuts in the bag had been eaten, so he flicked the bag, “Alas, look at you, I can’t even hold the time I eat a pack of peanuts, I haven’t even done warm-up exercises!!! ”

After Ling Tianyu said this, two huge “six seven seven” figures suddenly appeared on the snow, and after the sound of “hissing ~” passed, two bullets came instantly, but they did not hit Ling Tianyu, but hit the ground!

“!” Ling Tianyu frowned, and there were people who were not afraid of death to engage in a sneak attack?

But before Ling Tianyu could finish thinking about it, a strange drunkenness struck, and Ling Tianyu felt extremely sleepy!

It seems to be full just now, so sleep! Ling Tianyu suddenly forgot about the battle, and fell asleep!

“It’s the snowman brothers! Locke and Scoch! How despicable! Actually engaged in a sneak attack! Nami pointed to the figure standing proudly in the snow, gritting her teeth!

“We need to hurry over and come to the aid of Brother Ling Tianyu! Hurry up and !!! Usopp also shouted anxiously!

Everyone realized that Ling Tianyu, who had fainted at this time, was undoubtedly like a newborn baby, without any ability to resist! If Virgo attacks at this time, it is impossible for them to get any benefits!

Luffy, who had now recovered his strength after resting, was the first to strike after noticing such a situation, but at this time…

“Stop! I will never let you disturb Lord Virgo’s execution of that hateful man!” “The snow woman Monet waved her wings and stirred up a gust of wind and snow and flew to everyone, directly blocking everyone!

And just when everyone was blocked by the snow girl, Virgo, who had been easily abused by Ling Tianyu before, stood up with his shoulders that were no longer bleeding, and slowly walked towards Ling Tianyu, who had fallen into a coma at this time, with a crazy laugh!

“Well, it’s delicious, it’s delicious, I still want to eat…” Ling Tianyu slept deadly, and the corners of his mouth were full of smiles, saying strange dream words.

And on the side of Virgo advancing the same. His armed color domineering is entangled again. Around his whole body, his whole body was dark, as if he was wearing an invisible huge armor, and this could also take the initiative to attack!

The people who were fighting with the snow girl obviously felt such a huge qi, and Nami and Robin also felt a feeling of heartbeat!

This Virgo, it’s really terrible!

Virgo could trigger more tension with each step he took, and as he moved forward, his domineering spirit was still growing little by little, which had already made most of the people present feel like this. Step……

“Humph haha! Ling Tianyu, in a coma, you will take all my attacks! A legend like you will also fall into my hands one day, rest assured, I will let you die a painful death!!! “Virgo didn’t have the concept of taking advantage of people’s danger, but instead had the idea of taking the opportunity to kill Ling Tianyu directly!

The sleeping Ling Tianyu grunted and turned over, looking very soundly sleeping, so that Virgo was even more arrogant, jumped up directly, and used the moon step in the case of armed color domineering protective body!

“No!!!” Luffy, who was fighting with the snow girl, shouted in unison, and also felt the strong domineering aura coming from Ling Tianyu’s side and the fierce wind brought up by the powerful attack!

“Bang!” No matter how everyone called, Virgo’s terrifying attack still fell heavily on Ling Tianyu’s body! At the beginning, what hit Ling Tianyu was wrapped in an armed domineering outside Virgo, and this blow caused a layer of attack on Ling Tianyu!

And then there is the huge elasticity generated by Virgo’s moon steps! “Furfer!” A gust of air centered on Ling Tianyu instantly formed a circle and dispersed outward! But the effect of the attack is far from over!

“Go and die!” Virgo let out a low roar, and his arms instantly doubled, and then the terrifying fist bombarded madly towards the sleeping Ling Tianyu, punch after punch, continuously!

Virgo was holding the idea of completely killing Ling Tianyu, as well as Ling Tianyu’s incomparably contemptuous and ignoring his anger, and the strongest fist that erupted all bombarded Ling Tianyu’s body!

“Bang bang!” The terrifying roar and Virgo’s terrifying attack directly bombarded a large area of snow dust, and the terrifying sound of fists to flesh made Luffy and the others even more shocked and angry!

“Whew…” Virgo laughed triumphantly after the attack…….

“Hahaha! Incompetent guys, what a punch, what a billion, but a stupid trash!!! “Virgo is very satisfied with his attack, under such a powerful and terrifying attack, he doesn’t believe that this punch that only a small flesh and skin body Ling Tianyu can hold?

Virgo naively thought that the current Ling Tianyu must be almost the same even if he was constantly angry! Without the slightest defense, eating the continuous attacks that he had just frantically erupted head-on, it was already good to be able to leave a whole corpse at this time!

3.1 The snow dust slowly dispersed, and everyone’s eyes looked at the location where Ling Tianyu was before!

This was something that everyone, including Virgo, wanted to know, the scene was almost quiet for a minute, Luffy and the others were all in a state of extreme sadness… Ling Tianyu was indeed very powerful all the way, but now he had been attacked head-on so many times in a coma!

Still such a terrifying attack! How could he be okay!

“Oh… Brother Ling Tianyu! I’m going to avenge you!! Luffy couldn’t help but roar, but was soon slapped to the ground by the hurricane blown by the same reaction, the snow girl’s wings!

Nami’s eyes were full of disbelief, “How is it possible… He is obviously so powerful, how can he be defeated!! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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