Online Game: Barbarism And Civilization

Chapter 1305 Coastal Invasion

Before the advent of the aircraft, an aerial killing machine, the navy was an important reference for measuring the strength of a country’s military.

Especially for some coastal countries, if there is no strong sea power, their coastlines will never be peaceful.

Because if the army is used to defend the long coastline, the country will soon be destroyed by high military expenditures.

As the saying goes, there are specialties in the art industry. In the era of cold weapons, the best way to deal with the navy is to have a powerful navy.

Located on the continental plate of Southeast Asia, Myanmar is a coastal country with a long coastline.

They originally had a sea power of a decent scale.

Unfortunately, as the Condor Empire extended its claws into the coastal areas of Southeast Asia, their maritime power soon suffered a devastating blow.

In order to have absolute control of the sea, the sea fleet of the Condor Empire carried out a very bloody cleansing of seaports and wharfs throughout Southeast Asia.

But any fleet that had not had time to escape was wiped out by the invincible fleet of the Condor Navy.

The fleet of the Condor Navy not only annihilated the maritime fleets of coastal countries such as Myanmar, but also destroyed all their shipyards and docks located in coastal areas and estuaries.

For the local mermaid tribes who refused to surrender, the Condor Navy directly adopted the tactics of extermination.

Through these series of measures, the Condor Navy not only destroyed the maritime power of Southeast Asian countries, but also cut off the possibility of their comeback.

Because the navy in the game is composed of three parts.

Battleships, flying soldiers and mermaid fighters.

Among them, battleships and mermaid fighters are the two most important elements.

Without warships, the navy cannot be formed at all.

Without mermaid fighters, the safety of warships has become a major issue.

Because if the opponent’s warship is equipped with mermaid warriors, and your warship is not built with some special materials, the warship will soon be scuttled by the mermaid warriors.

After the Condor Empire's naval fleet has experienced countless battles, they know this very well.

So if they don't make a move, they will let the enemy go directly to the root.

And in Southeast Asia, Myanmar is one of the roots.

Due to the topography, Myanmar has the longest coastline among all Southeast Asian countries.

Even if the coastline on the Malay Peninsula has fallen into the hands of the Condor Empire, they still have a long coastline.

From the northernmost Mengdu to the nearest city to Thailand, the entire Great Plains region of southern Myanmar still has a long coastline.

After losing all sea power, Myanmar's mainland has actually entered the attack range of the Condor Navy.

It's just that, in exchange for the withdrawal of the Southeast Asian coalition forces from Vietnam, Ning Yuan signed a non-aggression agreement with them.

Moreover, the Condor Army really had no time for him to take care of it at first, so the Condor Navy did not invade their coastline.

In this time of the Daluo City battle, even if the Condor Army was downwind at first, Ning Yuan did not order the Condor Navy to invade the long coastline of southern Myanmar.

It was this move of the Condor Army that gave the Myanmar player a certain illusion.

Even the fleet of the Condor Navy sailed into the upper reaches of the Salween.

The Myanmar players did not expect that the most dangerous area is not the Shan State plateau, but the coastal areas close to their hinterland.

Just when most Myanmar players shifted their attention to Mandalay and the Salween area.

On October 5th, 33rd year of the Barbarians, a large naval fleet was split in two on Preparis Island in Burma.

Part of it continued north and went straight to Mengdu.

The other part diverted to the east and went straight to Xidang.Both fleets are sailing offshore close to the mainland.

Every time they pass through important towns in Myanmar, they will send a fleet of small magic warships to launch a landing battle.

Facing the enemy who suddenly came out from the sea, the nearby Burmese army did not dare to fight, and they all fled back to the town quickly.

The Burmese players who stayed by the sea thought this was just a coastal attack tactic that the Condor Army attracted their attention. When those who landed with the army and the owl army toss on the beach for a while, they would retreat to the sea. The shocking thing happened.

When they fled back to nearby towns to guard against them, a large swarm of black magic transport ships appeared on the beach.

As the hatches of those magic warships were opened, countless players with the Chinese flag came out from above.

Soon, tens of thousands of heavily armed China players gathered on the beach.

After placing tens of thousands of China players on the beach, the fleet of the Condor Navy set sail and left.

Looking at the China player left on the beach, the Myanmar player in the town was suddenly one big and two big.

Obviously, those China players are resting on the beach due to a series of adverse reactions such as seasickness.

Now that the Shenying Navy has left, it is a good time for them to severely hit the China player.

However, the number of people they stayed in the town is only one or two thousand, including the aborigines.

There are tens of thousands of China players on the beach.

Take the initiative to attack an army of tens of thousands with an army of less than two thousand people.

Unless it is a brain twitch, no sane person can do such a thing.

The most correct way to do this now is to defend the small town while calling for help from the rear.

The Myanmar players in the town have sent messengers for help. They are now urgently recruiting strong men and using sandbags to strengthen the town’s defenses.

Although they knew very well in their hearts that the two-meter-high dirt wall outside the town could not stop the attack of tens of thousands of troops.

But they had no choice at this time, because their identity determined that they had to retreat without fighting.

After resting for more than half an hour, the China player on the beach finally took action.

After a simple queue, tens of thousands of China players, guided by owl scouts, went straight to the seaside town defended by Myanmar players.

Facing the small town with only one or two thousand guards and the dirt wall on the outskirts of the small town that is only more than two meters high.

The Chinese players who had been irritated immediately laughed happily.

At first, they were very dissatisfied that the Condor Navy left them in such a remote place, because they wanted to go to the main battlefield in Mandalay.

It now appears that they had blamed Ning Yuan before, because Ning Yuan actually took them to a better place.

Not only is there more villages and towns here, but the Burmese side's defense force here is still very weak.

Isn't this the equivalent of returning their full-rated tuba back to the novice village?

As long as they kill all the NPCs (guards) that protect novice village, isn't novice village their world?

At that time, they can control everything in novice village at will and do whatever they want here.


"The player of the tiger tribe is out."

As a low voice sounded, hundreds of tiger players walked out of the crowd.

Looking at hundreds of tiger players who are one head higher than the earth wall, the owner of the voice just now continued:

"Give you five minutes.

Five minutes later, I will see the door of the town open. "

"The werewolf player came out.

Your task is to surround the town and not allow any living creatures to escape. "

"Okay, let's start."

Following the command from the player leader, the two orc armies immediately took action.


On the dirt wall, looking at the Chinese player's camp, hundreds of celebrities and giant tiger human players walked out, and many Burmese players couldn't help showing helpless wry smiles.

The number of players in coastal areas is relatively small.

Recently, because of the war in the north, Sadie and others have transferred a large number of powerful players.

Ever since, the Burmese player who still stayed in the town was almost exclusively human.

Although these human players all think that their own strength is not bad.

But that has to be compared with whom.

If you compare it with the tiger race, which is tall and magnificent.

Then they can only surrender obediently.

Facing hundreds of tiger human players armed to their teeth.

If there are tall walls in the town.

Then they can still rely on the city wall to resist.

It is a pity that there is only a two-meter-high dirt wall under their feet.

For the Tigerman players with excellent jumping ability, such an earth wall can't play any interception effect at all.

So their fate is basically doomed.


One hundred meters.

Fifty meters.

As the tiger human player came to a place 50 meters away from the town, they immediately accelerated and ran.

"Lance, drop."

After seeing every tiger player holding a square shield in his hand, the Burmese player on the dirt wall immediately gave up his plan to shoot arrows.

They raised their spears directly, preparing to use the long weapons to make trouble for the tiger players who rushed over.

Facing the spear array hanging down on the dirt wall, the tiger players who launched the charge did not show any fear.

They still kept accelerating, and then directly rose into the air three meters away from the earth wall.

After the flight, all the tiger players blocked their thick square shields in front of their bodies, and then rammed straight into the Burmese players on the dirt wall.

"Damn, can TMD do this?"

"Brothers, for the glory of the Gongbang Dynasty, it is only after death."


After seeing no hope, the Burmese player on the dirt wall experienced a brief shock, and then immediately launched a decisive blow to the own China Tiger player.

After eliminating the gaps in weapons and equipment, the main gaps between players are concentrated in attributes and races.

Among them, the gap between races is the largest.

Among all the races in the game, the tiger tribe is undoubtedly the one standing at the top of the pyramid.

Regardless of attributes or physical fitness, the tiger race is a relatively perfect race among the melee races.They have both perfect physical talents and terrifying explosive power. They are the most feared force of many ground troops.

If you don’t hear anything, the more than a thousand people in the town are not enough for the hundreds of tiger players, not to mention the tens of thousands of China players from outside the town.

So when the tiger players used their shields to forcibly rush to the earth wall, there is no suspense in the battle here in the town.

As the last Myanmar player fell in a pool of blood, this small town with a population of tens of thousands fell into the hands of China player.

When the Tiger player slowly pushed open the door of the town, the player who had just issued the order immediately stopped the players who wanted to rush into the town.

"Before entering the town, you answer me a question first.

Do you want to make a fortune here in Myanmar, or do you simply want to do whatever you want here? "

"Boss Wei, we want to make money and do whatever we want here. Can you help us think of a way to get the best of both worlds?"

"You can not have it both ways."

The player named Wei Boss by the player gently shook his head.

"Isn't it enough to raise a bear that can catch fish?" a player quipped.

Ignoring the joking player, Boss Wei continued:

"Before, Ning Yuan kept hiding from us and did not tell us that he was going to send us to the coastal plains of Myanmar.

Although Ning Yuan did this to hide his evil intentions, he wanted to use our rear of the Burmese army to cause sabotage.

But I have to say that his approach is also quite beneficial to us.

Because the coastal area now belongs to the rear of Burma, their defense here is very weak.

As long as we don't divide our forces on a large scale and can't afford infighting, then we won't encounter too much resistance in a short period of time.

Because Myanmar players do not have much force in the coastal areas.

So we can now do whatever we want here very calmly.

To be honest, I personally and my team want to come here to make extra money.

In response to the reward and exchange business released by Ningyuan.

Now in addition to food and all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, every native Burmese here is also a precious treasure.

We have so many people here. If we don't convert all valuable things into cash, then we will not be able to achieve a fair distribution.

I know that some of you are here only interested in those Burmese beauties, you just need to vent your animal desires here.

Here I want to say to you people that everything in the town is everyone’s common property, and you are not allowed to enjoy any spoils without everyone’s consent.

If you really want it, please pay.

As long as the money is enough, you can play whatever you want. I'm not going to interfere with you.

If you can't afford it, then I'm sorry, you can only hold it back for me.

Of course, you can also move away from the big army.

When the time comes, you can do whatever you want, and no one will stop you.

Of course, the premise is that you will not have a direct conflict of interest with us after you separate from us.

Otherwise, we will not be blamed for being cruel.

Well, that's all.

Do you want to continue to act collectively?

Do you still want to fly solo by yourself?

Make a choice after five minutes.

Those who act collectively stand on the right, and those who want to fly solo unconstrained stand to the left. "

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