Online Game: Barbarism And Civilization

Chapter 507 Indian War Elephant

The whole area of ​​India is hot, and most areas have a tropical monsoon climate. There are more obvious monsoons in summer and no obvious monsoons in winter.

The climate in India is divided into rainy season (June to October), dry season (March to May), and cool season (11 to February of the following year).

The Chinese coalition forces entered India just in time for the end of the dry season, and when their main force reached Herdniwa, the rainy season came within a few days.

With the advent of the rainy season, the two million Chinese coalition forces were immediately trapped in the Heldeniva area.

In the face of heavy rains in two days or two, many players from the Central Plains of China felt miserable.

After finally waiting for the rain to stop, new problems reappeared.

Due to heavy rains, rivers in many areas have skyrocketed, and the dirt roads in some rural areas suddenly become muddy. If you go out and walk around, you will immediately be covered with mud.

Players like mud can tolerate it, but the ubiquitous mosquitoes have caused the players to suffer.

Every night, the players will be harassed by the disturbing mosquitoes so that they cannot fall asleep, and finally fall asleep. The next day they go to bed together, they will find a big bag full of stings.

Because the game is too real, many people are uncomfortable, and some players even become ill.

Since the Chinese coalition forces did not expect that the natural environment here would be so bad, they did not prepare in advance, so the players who fell ill had to commit suicide and return to China.

Players in China can tolerate the cold, but they cannot adapt to the heat and humidity.

Seeing that this continues, their army will be trapped here.

Therefore, the senior officials of the Chinese coalition forces decided to march forward immediately when the weather turned clear, and aimed straight ahead at the Moradabad area.

Facing the Chinese coalition forces under pressure, the Indian players continued to choose to defend the city due to insufficient forces in the Moradabad area.

The Chinese coalition forces carried out a siege of Moradabad for half a month. After losing more than 500,000 troops, they finally broke through Moradabad.

After the Moradabad area was captured, as long as they crossed the Ganges, the Chinese coalition forces could reach New Delhi, the final target this time.

After the Chinese coalition forces captured Moradabad city, the army of Indian players gathered in the rear was finally overdue.

On the northeast bank of the Ganges, the two million Indian player regiments fought a life-and-death battle with 1.5 million Chinese coalition forces.

On the Chinese coalition side, the players have been languished by the weather here. They now want to fight to New Delhi as soon as possible, and then return to China.

On the Indian player side, the Ganges River is their holy river. They will never allow China player to desecrate it, so in any case, they must prevent the Chinese coalition forces from continuing to advance.

The two sides were really jealous when their enemies met, so when they came up, the two armies put all their troops into it at the same time. Millions of people spread across the northeast bank of the Ganges, and there were battlefields everywhere.

Although Ning Yuan was beaten up and became a big soldier again, considering his military strength, the senior officials of the Chinese Allied Forces still gave him a war horse.

Ning Yuan rode a war horse and rushed to the forefront. The rain of arrows from the Indian player could not stop him from advancing.

Driven by Ning Yuan, the China player in his area quickly gained the absolute upper hand, and they killed the Indian player to the point of turning a blind eye.

The battle started in the early morning, and it continued until noon before it gradually came to an end.

At this time, Ning Yuan was covered in blood, and the horse under his hip had no idea how many horses he had changed. He was still charging desperately on the battlefield, wherever there were many Indian players, he would rush wherever he went.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer Indian players on the battlefield, and when the Chinese coalition forces are about to completely win, a large number of troops suddenly appeared behind the Indian players.

Different from the chaotic Indian player army, this newly emerged army has unified equipment and flags. They stepped neatly and slowly marched towards the battlefield.

Although he could not recognize the other party's flag, the China player recognized at a glance that it was an indigenous Indian army.

It turns out that the Chinese coalition forces have already entered the sphere of influence of this indigenous kingdom of India, so the other side directly sent troops to join the war.

It can be seen from the race of the soldiers that this is an aboriginal kingdom of humans, but when the players of the Chinese coalition army saw some of the units in the enemy's army, everyone's faces were very ugly.

In addition to ordinary human soldiers, there are thousands of tall Indian war elephants in this army.

War elephants are a special force in the history of ancient wars. They played the role of tanks in modern forces in ancient wars.

The trained elephants charge into battle and are brave and invincible. They can break through city gates, destroy camps, dismantle weapons, step on enemy troops, and fall into enemy positions, often causing great damage to the enemy.

Their main role on the battlefield is to step on and break through the enemy's line when charging.

War elephants rushing towards the enemy can not only create panic and panic among the enemy forces, but also make use of the characteristics of war horses that are not used to the smell of elephants to make the enemy war horses frighten and stumble.

Unlike the horses of the cavalry, the elephants have a thick skin and are not easily injured. Even the spear formations of the infantry can hardly block them.

All war elephants are male elephants because they are faster and more combative. They are simply the earliest terrorist weapons used on the battlefield.

In addition to the destructive power of the war elephant itself, the elephant soldiers riding on the back of the war elephant also possess good destructive power.

These elephant soldiers generally hold bows and arrows and short spears, and they will launch long-range attacks on nearby enemies from a high position.

Because they are condescending, their attacks hardly have any dead ends. Unless the enemy dared to risk rushing under the belly of the war elephant, it would be difficult to escape their sniping.

Of course, everything grows and restrains each other. There are no absolutely perfect creatures in this world, and all creatures have more or less weaknesses.

The strength of the war elephants is the war elephants themselves, and their weaknesses are also the war elephants themselves.

The main problem with war elephants is that they tend to become violent when they feel pain or anger. In this case, no one can control them.

Therefore, the riders of war elephants usually carry spikes and mallets to kill them when they go crazy and attack their own people.

In addition, the elephant slaves on the backs of the war elephants can be regarded as a weakness of the war elephants. After the elephant slaves are killed, no one can continue to control them.

Because the war elephants themselves are rough and thick, and the elephant slaves wrap themselves tightly, these two weaknesses are not too obvious in many cases.

This is the situation facing China's coalition forces today.

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