It is impossible for Ning Yuan to give up his strategy of the Lost Continent, so no matter what happens outside, as long as it does not threaten the safety of the Condor Empire, then he will never take the initiative to go out.

After doing everything he could do well, Ning Yuan devoted all his energy to the development of the Lost Continent.

Along the Griffon Mountains all the way to the west, when you fly to the end, you can see the vast ocean. The Griffon collar is located to the southeast of the Griffon Mountains.

Although the national power of the Griffon collar is not very strong, the territory is not small at all. There are some large and small human federations and independent small principalities around the Griffin collar.

These independent forces became a natural buffer zone between the Griffin collar and the three strong neighbors.

There is a vast tropical forest in the northeast of the Griffon collar. There are countless jackfruits growing in the forest. When the jackfruit matures on a large scale, the entire forest becomes golden yellow, so this forest is also called gold. Forest.

There are a large number of elves living in the golden forest. They use trees as their surnames to establish a powerful golden empire.

To the southeast of the Griffon collar, there is a huge sky city-Cloud City, on which a large number of battle angels live.

There is a huge solitary mountain just south of the Griffon collar, and countless dwarves live on the mountain. The dwarves have transformed the entire lone mountain into a fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack through their superb skills.

The Mu clan of the Golden Forest has the Silver Pegasus Knights and the War Elephant Legion, and they are very powerful.

The players in the Cloud City of the Angels can’t go up, so they don’t know what killer they have, but it’s enough to know that they can fly.

The Lonely Mountain Dwarves have a powerful knights of sharp-toothed wild boars. It is said that each sharp-toothed wild boar has long and sharp fangs and weighs nearly a thousand catties.

When the players who arrived in those places reported the intelligence of the three countries to Ning Yuan, Ning Yuan immediately closed his eyes in pain.

These three opponents are all very hard bones. The only thing Ning Yuan can surely defeat is the Lonely Mountain Dwarf. Of course, the premise is that they are willing to leave their own fortress, otherwise Ning Yuan has no way to take them.

After successfully conquering the Kingdom of Sacred Griffon, Ning Yuan thought it would be smooth sailing next, but he did not expect that what he conquered was only a bronze, and all the people next to him were kings.

For these three countries, even if all the griffins of the Griffon Mountains came out, Ning Yuan was not sure that he would be able to win each other, not to mention that he would not be able to provide food for so many griffins.

After learning the basic situation of his opponent, Ning Yuan felt tremendous psychological pressure.

In order to relieve this pressure, Ning Yuan could only temporarily force himself to forget other things, and then devoted himself to the cause of raising pigs.

Without enough food, it is impossible for him to send out too many griffins, so to find a breakthrough among the three countries, the griffin collar must raise enough pigs.


The two brothers Li Jian and Li Ren were retaliated by Ning Yuan because they had used Ning Yuan to start a hot water. Ning Yuan sent them to the border town next to the Golden Forest to supervise the development of the breeding industry there.

So the two brothers came to Xiashan Town while cursing Ning Yuan to marry the strongest dwarf woman.

Life in Xiashan Town is very monotonous and boring. The two brothers have the kind of unbearable loneliness, so they often secretly go to the nearby Red Flower Federation to have fun.

The Red Flower Federation is a neutral town located between the Golden Forest and the Griffin Neck. It is a trading point for various trades between humans and elves.

Since there is no army under the Red Flower Federation, the two countries have no intention of embarrassing them, and together they acquiesced in the existence of this small federation.

On this day, when the two brothers Li Jian and Li Ren came to the Red Flower Federation again, they suddenly felt that the atmosphere in the town was a little weird.

Before they could find someone to inquire about the specific situation, the two saw a large number of elven army approaching the Federation from a distance.

The Safflower Federation does not have any army. The elves of the Golden Empire don’t need to send so many troops if they want to annex it. Besides the Safflower Federation, there is only a town led by Griffins, so the elves’ The goal is self-evident.

After discovering that the situation was not right, the two brothers looked at each other, then mounted their horses and ran towards Xiashan Town.

"Brother, why don't you stay and organize the soldiers to defend?"

After rushing back to Xiashan Town, Li Ren found that Li Jian didn't mean to stop, and immediately asked questions.

"Then why don't you stay?" Li Jian did not answer Li Ren's question, but asked directly.

"I want to rush back to report to the boss." Li Ren replied.

"Damn, it's enough if I go back and inform the boss. You should stay and organize the soldiers to defend." Hearing Li Ren's answer, Li Jianzhi despised him.

"You are Dage. You should stay here if you want to stay. Let me go back and report to the boss."

As Li either spoke, he used his riding whip to slap the horse's butt, and he was overtaken in an instant.


After seeing Li Ren's small actions, Li Jian was not willing to lag behind.


"Boss, boss, the army of elves from the Golden Forest is here."

After the two brothers fled back to Saint Eagle City, they immediately roared loudly.

Ning Yuan, who was observing the white-footed fragrant pig with # breed in the pig house, immediately got out of the pig house after hearing the shouts of the two.

"How many people are coming from the enemy?"

"Boss, there are so many elves, as well as war elephants and silver flying horses. We don't know exactly how many there are, but there must be at least tens of thousands of people."

After seeing Ning Yuan, Li Ren grabbed Li Jian and answered quickly.

"How is the enemy's combat effectiveness?" Ning Yuan asked, looking at Li Ren.


Hearing Ning Yuan inquiring about the enemy's combat power, the two brothers looked at me and I looked at you, and suddenly they were completely speechless.

"Damn it."

Seeing the distress of the two brothers, Ning Yuan knew that they must have been deserters without fighting the enemy, so he fiercely raised his middle finger at them.

After despising the two brothers, Ning Yuan ran towards the palace of Saint Vulture City without looking back.

"Boss, wait for us, what are you doing?"

Seeing Ning Yuan turned around and ran, the two brothers immediately followed.

"What else can you do? Riding a griffon to run around?" Ning Yuan replied in an angry voice.

"Depend on."

Hearing Ning Yuan said that he was going to run away, the two brothers were taken aback for a moment, and then coincidentally raised their middle fingers towards Ning Yuan.

They finally knew why they had fled without a fight. It turned out that they were all affected by Ning Yuan.

There was a raging soldier, and a raging nest, spreading to a boss like Ning Yuan, it would be very difficult for them not to learn badly.

There was no time to take care of the two brothers. After Ning Yuan ran back to the palace in one breath, he immediately found Xiao Zi, and then rode Xiao Zi and led the Golden Crested Griffin Legion and flew directly to the Griffon Mountains.

"Boss, won't you take us to escape?"

Looking at Ning Yuan, who had already lifted into the sky, Li Ren shouted loudly.

"You stay, and when the enemy strikes over, you will surrender directly, and I will come back to save you soon.

Remember, don't resist, try to ascertain the enemy's situation, and then report to me after the game. "

Ning Yuan shouted loudly at the two brothers, and after shouting, he began to urge Xiao Zi to speed up.

"Brother, why do you say we have such a shameless boss? MD, he escapes much faster than the average person, is it because he has practiced before?"

Seeing Ning Yuan's figure gradually turned into a small black spot, and finally disappeared into the distance, Li Renyi's face despised.

"What else can it smell like."

Li Jian spread his hands towards Li Ren.


The two brothers looked at each other and smiled, and then began to prepare a slogan, surrendering to the army of elves who were about to hit the city of eagles.

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