Online Game: Barbarism And Civilization

Chapter 588 Angel War Elephant Legion

Cliff's words counted, and that night, Ning Yuan became the groom again.

However, before Ning Yuan had enjoyed his honeymoon in Yunzhong City, three days later, Cliff gave Ning Yuan and the players out of Yunzhong City as a gift.

Ning Yuan didn't expect this cheap old man to be so "unsentimental", so he could only return to Saint Vulture City with his two newlyweds and a thousand bright angel warriors.

After returning to Saint Eagle City, Ning Yuan immediately gathered a group of players with many ghost ideas to discuss together how to realize the Seraph revival plan.

"Boss, isn't it easy? We try to catch as many live Devil captives as possible, and then let the angel warriors carry their swords and kill them one by one. As long as the numbers accumulate, won't the mission be successfully completed?"

"That's it, what a great thing I should do. It's too trivial. Boss, you are a little excited."

As soon as Ning Yuan brought up the topic, the two players gave their opinions.

Looking at the two guys who usually have a bad stomach, Ning Yuan gave them a roll of eyes, and then despised: "If it could be so simple, I would still summon you? I thought it over before speaking.

Do you think those bright angel warriors who regard honor as the second life will take the initiative to cooperate with you in this kind of pig raising tactics?

They are going to fight against Devil in person on the battlefield, and then automatically advance to Seraphim by military merits.

If we send the tied Devil to them, I am afraid it will only attract their contempt and make them look down on us. "

Ning Yuan usually thinks about a lot of bad ideas. When Cliff proposed the Seraph plan, his first reaction was similar to the two badass players. They all wanted to use pig raising tactics to make Seraphs.

When he tentatively proposed the feasibility of this method, Cliff was immediately strongly opposed.

In Cliff's eyes, the Seraphim Warriors are the pride of the angel family, and the Demon Slayer’s Wings are the military medals that witness them becoming legends. The Seraphim’s honor is not to be desecrated.

In order to prevent Ning Yuan from taking some despicable means to blaspheme the reputation of Seraph, Cliff also specially warned Ning Yuan that once someone dared to blaspheme Seraph, then Yunzhong City would fight to the death with him.

Seeing many players looking at him suspiciously, Ning Yuan immediately explained: "I'll tell you straight.

Seraphs must be born on the battlefield, they must pass the test of iron and blood, other methods will not work. "

Although Ning Yuan wanted to try the pig raising tactics in his heart to see if Seraph could be cultivated, as long as he remembered the serious expression of Cliff at the time, he immediately dispelled this idea.

The terrain and army of Yunzhong City were so important for Ning Yuan to fight for hegemony and lose the mainland, so he had to tie it to his own tank.

"Boss, this is a bit difficult. Your cheap old man only gave you a thousand bright angel warriors, and then asked you to train a hundred blazing angels. This is a bit difficult."

"The ratio of ten to one is okay, but I am worried that if those Bright Angel warriors kill hundreds of Devil and suddenly die, then everything will be zero."

"Yes, as long as the angel warriors do not die in battle, then there is always hope that they will slowly get their kills to 1,000, but they are afraid that they will die halfway. After all, they will die in battle. If they are the first Line, we can’t guarantee their safety.”

"It now appears that the most critical issue is not how to kill Devil, but how to protect the safety of those angel warriors in battle.

Hey, a bunch of idiots, why do they have to rush to kill the enemy themselves? "


After having a clear concept, the players started to talk with each other, and soon everyone agreed, that is, to find ways to protect the safety of the bright angel warriors in battle.

Although the key point of the problem has been found, it is extremely difficult to achieve it, because the sword has no eyes, and it is unknown whether one can survive on the battlefield. At this time, if you want to protect others, it is not sick. NS?

"Boss, I think if you want those angel warriors to survive, you must give them special training."

Zhao Chen, who had not spoken since the beginning of the meeting, suddenly spoke.

Seeing Zhao Chen, who had the most ideas, said, Ning Yuan was shocked, and then immediately asked: "What special training is going to be carried out?"

"The angel warriors who have lost the Cloud City bonus can hardly be the opponents of those Devil warriors. If they are allowed to rush directly, they will be like meat buns and dogs. It is estimated that these thousand bright angel warriors will soon win. Dead light.

So, we must make them obey orders, pick up leaks from behind, and try not to let them fight close to Devil fighters, and crossbows are good long-range leak picking weapons. "

Zhao Chen spoke his own opinion very confidently.

"Don't forget that angels and Devil are natural enemies. Their hatred of each other is higher than ours. What if the Devil fighters take the initiative to rush to find them in hand-to-hand combat?"

Zhao Chen's idea is good, but Ning Yuan feels that there are still many loopholes.

"You can let them ride a silver flying horse or a golden-crowned griffin, so they won't be afraid of the Devil warrior's close body." Zhao Chen replied after thinking about it.

"But the Devil warrior comes with a realm.

Although the radius of that Realm is only 20 meters, if they have any special means, such as throwing Devil fighters into the air through a throwing device, any flying unit will fall as long as they are covered by their Realm. "

Ning Yuan still shook his head constantly. He had fought against Devil fighters before, knowing that they had terrifying physical qualities. Once the Devil army used human shells against his own air force, the result would definitely be a huge air disaster.

"Boss, we still have Golden Forest Elephants. Those big guys are all three or four meters tall. It is absolutely safe for the Bright Angel Warriors to stay on and shoot cold arrows.

We can also provide them with some javelins to attack the Devil soldiers who are close.

If there are enough golden forest elephants, we can even let an angel warrior ride a war elephant, and then arrange some players on it to block lethal attacks for them at critical moments. "

Inspired by Zhao Chen, Sun Hao, who had participated in the battle in the Ganges, immediately thought of the powerful army of war elephants.

"Boss, Sun Hao's proposal is very good. With a powerful war elephant and a player who can block bullets for the angels, their lives will be guaranteed.

Of course, the premise is that you can persuade them to go to war elephants. "

After listening to Sun Hao's proposal, Zhao Chen's eyes lit up immediately.

"Okay, I'll leave the issue of the angel warriors on the elephants, and the task of blocking bullets for them is up to you.

Lao Zhao, you will give everyone a group, and arrange a few player bodyguards for each angel warrior, and a player group that can protect the angel warrior from death will be rewarded afterwards.

If the angel warrior protected by a group is killed, then the players of that group will collectively decide on their own. "

Although Ning Yuan usually has no arrogance, and Tian Tian and the players of the Tamron Legion become one, but when releasing tasks, he still adheres to the principle of distinguishing rewards and punishments.

After thinking that it was feasible to form an angel war elephant army, Ning Yuan and the players immediately took action.

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