Online Game: I Am the One

Chapter 16 Forever Memories (Part 1)

Bai Yue put her hand gently on A Feng's chest, her eyes were filled with helplessness and a little sadness. She really didn't know what to say! However, at the moment when she and Ah Feng were hugging, a man ran from a distance and punched Ah Feng in the face. He was Feng Cangye! Originally, he was looking for Bai Yue to ask for something, but when he saw such a scene, and then saw Bai Yue's hand on A Feng's chest, it showed that the hug was not voluntary, and Feng Cangye rushed forward as soon as his brain was filled with blood.

In Bai Yue's surprised look, Ah Feng was stunned for a moment. The fist hit Ah Feng completely in the face. Ah Feng was beaten back and his head tilted to one side. Bai Yue felt incredible—— Ah Feng didn't escape his attack. (Who told Ah Feng to be in heat? There is nothing he can do to avoid it!)

Then Feng Cangye pulled Bai Yue behind him and said to Ah Feng: "If you have any problem, just come to me, I don't care who you are?!"

Ah Feng coughed and wiped the blood from his lips with the back of his right hand. He stared at Feng Cangye in front of him, not knowing what he was expressing. Bai Yue suddenly woke up and walked between the two of them with a wry smile and said, "What are you doing, Ah Feng...are you okay?!"

Ah Feng was fine. He glanced at Feng Cangye and said softly: "It's very similar to..."

Then he turned around and left. Bai Yue stood there, biting his lips tightly, but trembling slightly. Feng Cangye looked at Ah Feng strangely, then looked at Bai Yue nervously and said, "You...are you okay?!"

Bai Yue smiled: "It's okay, you can go back. Ah Feng and I are good friends, don't you know it?!"

Bai Yue left, and Feng Cangye stayed where he was. Only now did he remember that no one could care about Ye Yunfeng in school, but Bai Yue could, because she was his...

Ah Feng was walking through the crowd. It started to rain at some point. There were fewer pedestrians on the street and more umbrellas. The vast crowd gave Ah Feng a feeling of confusion. He didn't know what was going on. When we came to the suburbs, this was a cemetery. All the people who died in this city were hidden here. When Ah Feng woke up, he was already standing in front of a grave with a picture of that person and his name on it. There are withered flowers in front of the grave...

The rain fell down, as if God was crying. It rained on the photo of the boy who was still smiling, and on the tall figure standing in front of the tomb. Everything was covered by the rain.

The boy in the photo looks to be about fourteen or fifteen years old. He has a silly and cute smile. He is not very handsome, but very cute. From the photo, you can clearly see how sincere the smile is. This boy's name is - Yuan Yiping. , was A Feng’s junior high school classmate who died in a car accident.


Ah Feng met Bai Yue for the first time when he was four years old. At that time, Xiao Yu was still crawling on the ground. The family moved to this place,

I met their family accidentally on the road, and then someone from their family came up and asked if they wanted to help. After chatting for a while, I found out that they also lived here, just a few blocks away. At that time, Ah Feng saw the happily smiling Bai Yue for the first time. He didn't understand it at a young age. After a while, Bai Yue took him to the place where children should play - the sand pile.

When Bai Yue was six years old, he was bullied by a nine-year-old man on the road and asked for money. Bai Yue refused to give it and was beaten to tears in the end. He showed no pity for Bai Yue, a cute little girl. Then Ah Feng appeared and kicked the arrogant guy who was known as the biggest gangster in the city to the ground. Bai Yue hugged Ah Feng tightly and cried because of the pain. Ah Feng didn't understand but at that time he said : "Don't worry, I will always be with you and always protect you!" At the end of the sentence, he was more serious than a child has ever been. Bai Yue just looked at him blankly, and then said inexplicably: "Yes."

When they were seven years old, Ah Feng and Bai Yue were in the same class in elementary school. They were said to be a couple. Children at that time did not think rationally. I don't know why they were said to be like that. She didn't speak and stayed like this, and then she started talking again when Ah Feng, Xiao Yu and others came to her home together.

When she was eight years old, Ah Feng and Ye Yu went to France together. Ah Feng brought something from France as a gift to her. For a period of time, both of them thought this was a token of love, and their relationship became extremely good. Also in this year, A Feng and Bai Yue had their first kiss, each giving it to the other inexplicably. The cause of the incident seemed to be to grab food. But that was just a period of time. After the two of them slept for a while, or it should be said that there was no new feeling, the hot relationship cooled down again, and they forgot about any love tokens and threw them into Walking in dusty places.

When they were nine years old, it was the day that Ah Feng and Ye Yu least wanted to recall, and it was also the year that Bai Yue least wanted to recall, because Ah Feng had not said a word in three months, and even to Xiao Yu, he only expressed it through actions. It was also that year that Ah Feng became a stranger. The innocent boy who smiled all day long disappeared, and he lived more like an adult. She ignored Bai Yue for three months, but in the end Bai Yue came over to talk to him. That year, Bai Yue firmly said that he was her best friend. He will always remember that stubborn face.

When they were eleven years old, the two of them fought with a group of people at the same time because they bullied Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu beat them up. They called their own brother, even though he was only about ten years old. At that time, Ah Feng looked worriedly at Bai Yue, who had a nosebleed, but she smiled boldly: "What do you mean, we will always be friends."

Maybe this sentence comes true? ! The relationship between the two really remains at the stage of friends. Ah Feng didn't know when he fell in love with her, but what impressed him most was the way Bai Yue cried when she was hiding in his arms when she was six years old, her thoughts at that time, her feelings at that time, it turned out that this Girls need to protect themselves.

Junior high school period.

That was the beginning of the whole story. It was also in this year that Bai Yue met Yuan Yiping, a silly but cute boy who was stubborn.

"Hey, Ah Feng, I'm in junior high school!" A cute little girl danced and said to Ah Feng, who was still a little boy but had a cool face.

Ah Feng glanced at her and said calmly: "Same!"

The girl looked at Ah Feng, who was still looking like this, and continued to smile as if she didn't care: "You said you would carry me last time, and I want you to fulfill your promise now to commemorate the day when I entered junior high school."

Ah Feng had a drop of sweat on his forehead and said, "No need?!"

"No, I want to..."


These two people were Ah Feng and Bai Yue. At that time, they still had the same innocent smiles. (The scene is similar) If they had not met Yuan Yiping in junior high school, then Ah Feng and Bai Yue might have stayed like this forever, maybe they would have clearly understood their feelings, maybe they had become a couple, maybe... but this was just Perhaps the facts cannot be changed.

Going to school is actually a very simple thing. Ah Feng and Bai Yue are still sitting at the same table. This must be said to be because of Ah Feng's personality. Bai Yue is sitting inside. Next to her is a shy boy named Yuan Yiping, who is blushing. Hong looked at the other side, not knowing that his neck had completely turned half a circle. This also made Bai Yue curious, what was this man doing?

Perhaps it was this idea that led to the complicated relationship between Bai Yue, Yuan Yiping, and Ye Yunfeng for a period of time, as well as the final sad separation of the first two, and the separation between heaven and man. Bai Yue often thinks like this at night: "If...if I hadn't gone to talk to him at that time, would he not have died in the end?!"

People are a highly curious race, and so is Bai Yue. She looked at the boy next to her who turned his face to the side in wonder, then patted his shoulder with a bit of "boldness" and said with a smile: "Hey, what's your name?" Name, what are you doing?"

Just because of this short sentence, Bai Yue met Yuan Yiping out of interest. The male protagonist in this tragedy did not know what experiences he would suffer in the future. If there is a chance to choose this boy again Would you still choose that way? At the moment of Ah Feng's death, that moment still remains clearly in his mind. The look in his eyes at that moment showed that he had never regretted it. At that moment Ah Feng felt that this boy knew how to love better than himself? Do you know what love is? Do you know how to give others happiness? How could a little boy who was not even 16 years old give him such a clear feeling? Answer?

Maybe that's just because his heart was still so pure at this time, just like Bai Xue, who had not been polluted by the atmosphere. He was the most beautiful at that time, and the image that stayed in the hearts of A Feng and Bai Yue was also the most beautiful. This, probably No one can be replaced!

"I...I..." Yuan Yiping was speechless in embarrassment, but his face had turned around, but his eyes did not dare to look at Bai Yue, and his face only became redder and redder. Bai Yue suddenly felt that this boy was so fun!

After learning about the boy's hesitant introduction, Bai Yue found out that this man's original name was Yuan Yiping. And why are you talking like this? After knowing that it was because of him, Bai Yue laughed at him for a long time. Bai Yue, who found Yuan Yiping like this and found it amusing, became more playful and moved closer to him to chat with him. The boy's face turned redder and his sitting posture became much stiffer, as if he was sitting on a needle blanket. . However, when the two of them were chatting, neither Bai Yue nor Yuan Yiping saw the calm expression on A Feng's face on the other side.

Maybe many things happen by coincidence? Things in the world are often wonderful and strange. Ah Feng doesn't believe in such an illusory thing as fate. He means that as long as you strive for it yourself, it will be more effective than any fate. This makes Bai Yue often say that he has no romantic qualities, but how many people know or understand that A Feng has fantasized about romance between himself and her countless times in his heart?

Yuan Yiping no longer stuttered when talking to her, and Bai Yue often teased him for fun, so the two became good friends. What is adolescence like? This is confusion, exploration, meaningless exploration of all unknown things, and pursuit of all fantasy. You may not understand it, you may still not understand it, but it is better than giving up.

Even Ah Feng was a little jealous after seeing how passionate the two were, but Ah Feng didn't say anything because he was angry, angry at Bai Yue, which should be said to be childish. The other two people had an unknown mood in their hearts. Bai Yue was happy, and Yuan Yiping was already thinking: Could this be called liking? !

Time passed slowly. During a running class, Yuan Yiping fell down and bled a lot. Bai Yue actually started crying. Yuan Yiping was stunned, Ye Yunfeng was stunned, and Bai Yue himself I was also stunned. After being sent to the medical room, Bai Yue left without saying anything. But from this moment on, a strange atmosphere surrounded the two of them. They stopped talking, and even if their eyes met normally, they would immediately turn their heads to each other...

Does this count as a child? ! The understanding of children is very strange, so strange that it is difficult to accept. From that day on, the two of them didn't say anything anymore, and Ah Feng actually felt like an outsider. But after he thought about it, he wondered if he was an outsider? !

Everything might end in such a weird way, but one day later Bai Yue suddenly remembered that she hadn't swept the floor for a long time. Why didn't she sweep the floor? Even she wondered, but later she knew, because it was her turn. When she was sweeping the floor, Yuan Yiping would erase her name and write his own name on it... After catching Yuan Yiping changing his name on the spot, the two resumed talking, but there was no relationship between them. There are some more things, some things that A Feng and Bai Yue once had, but they are things that they don't have now.

Ah Feng began to admit that he was a little jealous of Yuan Yiping, because he took away his only good friend, and he felt a little weird in his heart, but he is Ye Yunfeng, Ye Yunfeng is him, and he has his own Because of his stubbornness, he didn't allow himself to do strange things or think about strange things. People in this period will be very strange, because this is often the period when they are most confused about love, friendship, and the difference between friendship and love. There are so many confusing things that they can no longer take care of them. But it can't be abandoned.

In the second year of junior high school, this age group should be the time for growth. Yuan Yiping, who was originally much shorter than Bai Yue, suddenly became more than ten centimeters taller than her. She could no longer laugh at him with this. Ah Feng has withdrawn from Bai Yue's world. He may not say another word to Bai Yue for a day. He will only find his own things to do and do things according to his own ideas. At this time, his mentality also matured. Ah Feng began to receive love letters, but he had never read them. From curiosity at the beginning, to weirdness at the end, and then ruthlessly discarding them at the end.

I don't know when, but Ah Feng couldn't remember the day he saw Bai Yue and Yuan Yiping holding hands in the park. At that time, he seemed a little unhappy. He wanted to beat him up, but there seemed to be no reason. Ah Feng fell silent because he saw Bai Yue's smiling face that had never smiled at him before. That expression was so dazzling that Ah Feng turned around and left.

I don’t know when the two of them started to be together. Yuan Yiping didn’t confess, and neither of them broke through that level. They have always been friends, but everything seemed to be going on under the unknown, showing their love. They have a close relationship. Have they gone from good friends to better friends now? When Ah Feng once asked Bai Yue what Yuan Yiping used to attract her in the first place, Bai Yue just smiled and said: That silly look is really cute. However, after a period of time, I discovered that he was not only shy, but also a bit timid, but also very stubborn and often very persistent in some things...

It’s not unreasonable that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Ah Feng didn’t even see a single good thing about Yuan Yiping. His grades were mediocre, he wasn’t handsome, he wasn’t good at sports, and he wasn’t happy enough... Of course Ah Feng would always add at the end, I But I didn't put my personal feelings on it. There is nothing special about this boy, but he is very special to Bai Yue. Ah Feng is Bai Yue's good friend and naturally Yuan Yiping's friend. Although he cannot be said to be a good friend, he is still a nominal friend. , but Ah Feng found that he hated this boy who often giggled, but he couldn't give a reason why he hated him.

God does not exist. This was what Ah Feng said to Bai Yue. After that day, Bai Yue cried and said this again to Ah Feng. All beautiful things may disappear for no other reason than that they are too beautiful. The moment the beauty passes away, it is eternal beauty that cannot be forgotten and stays clearly in the depths of the mind.

Ah Feng remembered that day, that day was very close to Christmas, and that day was also Bai Yue's birthday, just like these days, right? At that time, Yuan Yiping said to Ah Feng in embarrassment: "Today I want to confess my love and let her become my real girlfriend. Do you think she will agree?"

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