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Suddenly, the two men moved.

They stepped forward and stepped on carefully.

Every step is cautiously, for fear of making the slightest noise.

100 meters in front of them is the Devil Scraper. If you use your own strength, you can receive the Devil Scraper in an instant.

However, the two of them did not dare to use their own strength.

Only dare to use ordinary means to move forward.

100 meters is like a moat for two people.

Getting closer and closer, soon, the two of them walked up to the Demon Sundering Grass.

Kneel down, be careful to extend the hand, to pull the magic grass, the speed is extremely slow.

Seeing the appearance of two people, Su Ziyang slightly frowned, “What are they afraid of?”

Fear comes from the unknown.

You have to figure out what’s inside.

Since you are very afraid of making noise, then I can make you some noise?

Thinking about this, Su Ziyang’s mouth rose slightly.

Then, he picked up a small rock and glanced at the two people.


Because Su Ziyang deliberately controlled it, the little stone drifted slowly towards the two people like a gust of wind.

The sound is very soft, and it is impossible to distinguish it without listening carefully.

The two men are at a critical moment at this moment, and soon they will touch the Demon Scraper.

At this time.


It sounded.

A stone fell in front of them, spinning around in the same place.

This sound, like thunder, blasted above the two people’s heads.

The two stared at each other, showing incomparable resentment.


2 Behind the person, Hu’s 4 wings grew.

Not even think, it’s fanning quickly and running out.

At that speed, gusts of wind were set off.

However, they have not yet run out of ten meters.


A rare beast roar shook the space, buzzing and shaking.

A huge silhouette rushed in.

In the blink of an eye, they fell in front of two people.


This silhouette, after landing, the ground trembled violently, and the two people were directly shaken by the air wave and fell heavily to the ground.

Su Ziyang pupil shrinks, his face is surprised.

I saw that a monster shaped like a buffalo appeared in front.

It opened its mouth and roared, its mouth full of fangs.

The air waves squirted out in its nostrils.


All of a sudden, flying sand running stone, the air wave shook.

This monster rushed forward, aimed at one of the men, and bit it down.


The strange cry stopped abruptly.

This man was swallowed by the monster.

“ka-cha ……”

There was a sound of broken bones.

Blood water spouted from the monster’s mouth, like rain, falling on the cracking magic grass.

The rain of blood was completely attracted by the Devil Scraper, without a drop left.

“ka-cha ……”

Such a voice kept ringing.

When another man saw this scene, he was extremely frightened.

He crawled around and quickly retreated.

Then he hid behind a huge boulder, shiver coldly.



The monster, like the wind, jumped in front of him, holding his arm in his mouth, and walked towards the Demon Cracking Grass.


“ka-cha ……”

There was another sound of broken bones.

This man, without struggling a few times, turned into a rain of blood, sprinkling on the Demon Cracking Grass.

This scene happened in a flash. From the appearance of the monster to the death of two angels, it was a blink of an eye.

“Dread beast!”

Su Ziyang muttered to himself while looking at the monster like a buffalo.

Horror beast is a kind of evil beast that devours the flesh and blood of others and grows, just like a spirit-chewing black ant.

The terrifying beast is extremely defensive, and its skin can withstand strong attacks.

It can be said that it is basically invincible in the same realm.

Divine Eyes used it.

Su Ziyang discovered that the Horror Beast was already in the 2nd Rank Martial Lord Realm, and his fleshy body defense was much stronger than himself.

If you want to defeat it, without any means, it’s impossible.

“However, it can also be used as food for the spirit-eater black ants.” Su Ziyang murmured, his eyes sparkling.

“Just let me meet you.”

After speaking, Su Ziyang corner of the mouth raise and ran towards the terrifying beast.


Seeing Su Ziyang coming, the Horror Beast turned his head and shot a wave of air from his mouth.

“Just this trick, want to deal with me too?”

Su Ziyang slightly smiled, standing on the spot, motionless, letting the air wave beat on him.


Ineffective, without any harm.

“First harvest a few Scrapergrass.”

With a wave of his right hand, Su Ziyang gathered the mature Scrapergrass in the space ring.

The space ring was refined before he went offline.


As if being provoked, the terrifying beast jumped up and rushed towards Su Ziyang.

“It’s just right.”

Su Ziyang corner of the mouth raise, also jumped up, his fist in his hand banged directly on the terrifying beast.


In the cave, there was a roar, and countless dust rose into the sky.

Su Ziyang’s body, like a kite with its string cut, flew backwards and hit the rock wall hard.

The terrifying beast was unaffected, standing still, motionless.

Seeing Su Ziyang, whose eyes fell to the ground, a trace of contempt appeared in the eyes of the terrifying beast, as if looking down on a trivial ant.

“I even forgot that I have only 1% strength! I am very strong, Interesting, this time, I have to be serious.”

Su Ziyang stood up and looked at the terrifying beast, his eyes shining brightly.

“Come back!”

Su Ziyang yelled, turned into a haste, and rushed forward quickly.

Seeing Su Ziyang’s appearance, the Horror Beast’s expression changed slightly, and it was also rushing towards Su Ziyang.

a man and a beast, collided quickly.


With a roar, the cave hummed.


The fear beast flew upside down and hit the stone wall hard.

It took a lot of strength to stand up and spit out one after another black blood bubble at the corner of his mouth.


The terrifying beast stood up and stared at Su Ziyang with anger in his eyes.

On it, black air currents surged crazily.

In the blink of an eye, he wrapped the entire cave.

In front of me, there was a black that could not see 5 fingers.

Su Ziyang couldn’t see through the front at all.



one after another hurt, rising on the head.

“The dark element?”

Su Ziyang murmured, feeling excited.

Now, you can make your own four-color vein dragon, and it is much stronger.

“It’s really helps me!”

After speaking, Su Ziyang hurried forward.

With a grab with his right hand, he clung to the terrifying beast.

Subsequently, use the sky bite.


The fear beast struggled frantically, roaring again and again.

It’s useless at all.

The black energy on its body and its flesh and blood were shrinking rapidly, and within a short while, it turned into a mummy with only skin and bones left.


After landing, the body exploded into dust.

When the wind blows, it disappears without a trace.

Sensing the sudden increase in his strength, Su Ziyang raised his mouth, secretly proud.

Even if it can only play 3% of its strength now, there is no problem with Grade 1 Martial Lord.


Su Ziyang’s heart was shocked suddenly, and the expression on his face was fluctuating.


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