"Boss Baocheng, look at the mountains on the east and west sides. The Burmese ape-man army seems to be going around the mountains on both sides of Daluo City."

After the ape-man army of the Burmese army started taking action, the Tenglong Army players who were responsible for watching inside the city tower immediately discovered their actions.

This time, Desa and Saadi were determined to attack from the north and south, and then cooperate with the Owl Legion's aerial assault to capture Daluo City in one fell swoop.

Therefore, they had no intention of concealing the purpose of their actions, and directly sent 20,000 ape-man players to start climbing from both sides.

After hearing movement on the mountains on both sides, Ding Baocheng immediately went up to the watchtower at the top of the tower to take a look.

When he saw the mountains on the east and west sides full of Burmese ape players, he immediately ran naked to the window and shouted loudly to Ning Yuan who was enjoying the killing on the city wall:

"Ding Yuanbao, don't just kill the enemy. Look at the mountains on the east and west sides. The enemy wants to get behind us and attack us from the front and back."

In front of a large group of Myanmar players, Ding Baocheng was worried about exposing Ning Yuan's identity. He didn't dare to call Ning Yuan his boss, so he called out Ning Yuan's pseudonym this time.

At first, Ning Yuan, who was excited to kill, didn't realize that Ding Baocheng was calling him. It wasn't until Ding Baocheng called him for the third time that he suddenly realized.

After smoothly dealing with several Burmese werewolf players who rushed to die, Ning Yuan called a mountain-moving giant ape to take his place, and then immediately ran into the tower.

After going up to the observation tower at the top with Ding Baocheng and seeing the Burmese ape players all over the mountains and plains, Ning Yuan smashed his mouth helplessly and said: "It seems that the Burmese guys also know that this war cannot be delayed, so they are a Come up and fight us tooth and nail!

They first wanted to use the powerful orc army to catch us off guard, hoping to hit us with one hit.

After the plan failed, they decisively sent out the cannon fodder legion to launch a suicide charge, hoping to use the cannon fodder legion's corpses to pile up a slope that could directly charge to the top of the city.

Now that the slope has not yet taken shape, they have sent a large number of ape-man player troops around to our rear. They don't just want to attack us from the front and back.

I estimate that once the slope is formed, the owl army hovering in the sky will immediately join the battle. At that time, we will not only be attacked from the front and back, but also be prepared for attacks from above. "

"Boss, if this is really the case,

Then we are very passive. "

After hearing Ning Yuan's analysis, Ding Baocheng's expression suddenly became more solemn.

Looking at Ding Baocheng with a serious look on his face, Ning Yuan said with a smile: "Passive is a little more passive, but it's not as pessimistic as you think.

I dare to bring more than 3,000 of your Wind Winged Bat Legion to attack Daluo City. I must have a trump card.

It's just that a trump card is a trump card after all, and it's best not to use it.

I never thought that the Burmese guys would be so difficult to deal with. This is only the first day, and they will probably force us to use their trump card. "

Hearing that Ning Yuan had prepared a trump card, Ding Baocheng immediately widened his eyes and asked: "Boss, what trump card is it? Is it the Silver Pegasus Knights of Pu'er City?

No, didn't you say before that the Silver Pegasus Knights in Pu'er City were restrained by the Flying Legion of the Alliance of Beasts?

Damn it, boss, you didn’t bring that legion here, did you? "

Ding Baocheng suddenly remembered a legion. After thinking of that legion, his mouth opened in surprise, and the index finger of his right hand unconsciously pointed to the top of his head.

Seeing that Ding Baocheng had guessed it, Ning Yuan hammered Ding Baocheng's chest with his fist, smiled slightly and said: "What else?

Do you think I would be so arrogant that I would bring only 3,000 of you to fight with an army of hundreds of thousands of Myanmar players?

Although I am arrogant, I am not stupid. I still know how many pounds we have.

If you can transform twenty-four hours a day, then I definitely don’t need to prepare any trump cards.

Unfortunately, you only have two hours of transformation time every day.

After the transformation time is over, without armor, you are no different from useless people. In such a large-scale siege, you will be easily killed by the enemy's long-range attacks.

In order to get these precious demon shadows for you, our Condor Empire has spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, so it is absolutely impossible for me to let you use human bodies to fight the enemy.

Before I came here, I had already guessed that the Burmese guys would probably use the human wave tactic to waste your transformation time, so I had made preparations in advance and secretly ordered Rose Holy Light to lead the Seraph Legion to help.

They hide in the clouds above our heads every day during the day, and fly to Pu'er City to rest at night.

Now as long as I give the order, Ross will immediately lead the Seraph Legion to kill them.

However, the reason why the trump card is a killer weapon is because the enemy will not realize it and we can catch them off guard.

When the killer weapon is no longer a secret, the enemy will be on guard, so it is better not to use it if possible. After all, good steel should be used on the blade. Using it on a Burmese guy is a bit overkill. It feels like using a knife. "

As analyzed by Sadie and others, Ning Yuan has indeed become mature now. He knows how important his identity is, so even if he still has several death-free gold medals, he will not give them to anyone. A chance to kill yourself.

This time when they came to attack Daluo City, Ning Yuan apparently only brought a demon army of 3,000 people, but in fact, a Seraph Legion of 8,000 people followed them above their heads.

The demon army with the wind-winged bat demon shadow, the star-patterned demon tiger demon shadow and the mountain-moving giant ape demon shadow is already very powerful. It is difficult for ordinary armies to defeat them head-on with their numerical advantage.

Coupled with the fact that there are 8,000 Seraphs protecting us in secret, this is definitely a perfect double insurance.

Seeing Ding Baocheng's excitement after learning that there was an army of Seraphs protecting his side above his head, Ning Yuan immediately reminded him:

"Baocheng, I actually don't want to use the Seraph Legion's trump card on the Burmese guys. After all, the Burmese guys are just small players. Our real enemy in Southeast Asia is the silver capital, so you know what I mean. Come on!"

“Boss, don’t worry, brothers are not given for free.

If the enemy uses his trump card on the first day, the brothers will feel disgraced.

Let's do this, boss, you should continue to lead the first group to defend the front, and I will lead the second group to defend the rear. As long as the enemy attacks from the rear, we will immediately transform and fight. "

After reading the implication of Ning Yuan's words, Ding Baocheng immediately patted his chest to assure Ning Yuan.

"Okay, you will be able to command the 2,468 groups, and I will command the 1,357 groups.

After we separate for defense, the previously planned staggered transformation time plan also needs to be changed.

In order to be able to hold on until dark and ensure that there are mountain-moving giant apes to defend the city at all times, we cannot let each group of brothers transform at the same time.

Let's do this, if the defensive pressure is not great, we will arrange as few brothers as possible to transform when changing defense, and let some brothers retain their transformations and be ready to provide support at any time. "

Ning Yuan pinched his chin while explaining casually.

"I understand, boss, don't worry, I will depend on the situation and try not to waste the brothers' transformation time."

Ding Baocheng hammered his chest, signaling to Ning Yuan to feel relieved.

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