Seeing that Ning Yuan had finally given up the idea of ​​killing the space-time elk, Casey finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he still wanted a clear promise from Ning Yuan.

"No problem, anyway, all I need are space gems, since there are plenty of them in the Burial Ground, then I will definitely not harm them again.

How about this, after returning to the plane of the Condor, I will immediately declare the time-space elk as the first-class protected animal of the Condor. If anyone dares to harm them, I will execute him directly. " Ning Yuan assured Casey.

Since the time-space elk will enter the burial ground to wait to die at the end of their lives, there is no need for Ning Yuan to kill them. Ning Yuan can still tell which is better, killing chickens to get eggs or flowing water.


Racial talents: born wise, call of the wild, child of nature, force barrier, spiritual communication, natural blessing, raptor druid, claw druid, dragon druid.

Naturally wise: Druids are born wise, and their mental and intellectual attributes are at least five stars.

Call of the Wild: Druids are naturally close to nature, and they can get closer to those ferocious beasts more easily.

Children of Nature: Druids are blessed by nature, and their agility and endurance attributes are at least four stars.

Force Barrier: Druids are not naturally suitable for fighting with people, and their force attribute is up to four stars.

Spiritual communication: Druids can use spiritual power to communicate with beasts.

Blessing of Nature: The unique ability of the Druids. They can use Blessing of Nature to heal the wounds of monsters. It can be used once a day, and it can only be used on beasts.

Claw Druids: Druids can tame and drive ferocious monsters.

Raptor Druids: Druids with six-star intelligence and spirit can tame and drive flying monsters.

Dragon Druids: Druids with seven stars in intelligence and spirit can tame and drive wild dragons.

Elk Strawberry: It can only grow in the space-time elk excrement. After eating, it can increase the growth rate of animals. Long-term consumption can slowly improve the intelligence level of animals. It is only eaten by animals. Humans and other higher creatures have no effect after eating. Elk strawberries mature once a month.

Although druids have a lot of racial talents,

But in fact, there are not many useful ones, because many of them are the restrictions imposed by God Nuwa on this race.

The natural wise man, the child of nature, and the force barrier ensure that the druid's intelligence and spirit attributes are at least five points, the agility and endurance attributes are at least four points, and the force attribute is at the highest four points.

The three racial talents directly determined the fate of the druids, that is, they could not become excellent fighters.

Natural Blessing, this talent can improve the endurance of the beasts and greatly reduce the death rate of the beasts, but the number of use once a day is a bit pitiful.

Call of the Wild combined with spiritual communication is a good combo talent, allowing druids to deal with some adult beasts.

However, the biggest role of this combination of talents is to allow druids to cultivate cubs with ease. After all, many adult beasts with a certain amount of wisdom are unwilling to be driven by others, even druids.

And raising cubs is easy. For the druids, it's as easy as eating and sleeping.

Ordinary people can only raise cubs as pets, because it is difficult for them to understand the language of cubs, and they don't know what they want and need.

The Druids are different.

They can understand the language of the cubs, and can make the cubs understand what they mean. They treat the cubs as if they were their own children, and there is a deep emotional bond between them.

When the cubs grow up, they will be loyal to the druids who raised them and live with them for the rest of their lives.

Although the pets raised by ordinary people are also very loyal to their owners, compared with the beasts raised by druids, their combat effectiveness is several levels lower.

The domesticated beasts of the druid family are very disciplined. In daily hunting activities, they know how to hunt in groups. In wars, they will launch the most ferocious attacks on the enemy with other small partners.

They are the bravest warriors, never afraid of death, as long as the druids don't give them an order to retreat, they will keep fighting until they die.

When the druids tell them to retreat immediately, they will immediately turn into disciplined warriors, and they will turn around and leave without hesitation, absolutely without the slightest desire to fight.

So don't look at the druids who can't produce any masters, but they can still be so powerful that everyone is afraid.

Although the druids can domesticate any cubs in theory, in reality there are many factors restricting them.

First of all, the druids' own force is not high because of the barrier of force, so they have to domesticate some powerful monsters to make up for their lack of force.

Ordinary wild beasts are limited in strength and easy to die, which is not within their consideration, so whether they can find the source of taming beasts is the most important thing for the druids, because it will directly affect the entire The question of whether the tribe can survive.

Secondly, after solving the problem of the source of taming animals, the Druids will then face the problem of food sources.

As we all know, the strength of many monsters is linked to their size.

While the bigger the body is, the stronger the strength is, and their food intake is also proportional to the body size.

Moreover, many ferocious beasts are carnivores, so if they want to tame these ferocious beasts, druids must solve the problem of food sources, otherwise, even if they find good taming seedlings, they will not be able to cultivate them.

Again, the ability of Druids to tame Warcraft is linked to intelligence and spiritual attributes.

According to different abilities, they are divided into Claw Druids, Raptor Druids and Dragon Druids.

From the moment every Druid is born, they are Druids of the Claw, able to tame ferocious beasts from a young age.

The druids whose intelligence and spiritual attributes reached six stars were raptor druids. They could not only domesticate ferocious monsters, but also domesticate flying monsters.

As for the druids with double seven stars in intelligence and spiritual attributes, they belonged to the dragon druids, and even the dragons could be domesticated. What else in this world could they not tame? They are the true kings of the druid family.

Finally, although the druid family can domesticate a lot of monsters in theory, in fact, the number of monsters that each druid can domesticate is fixed.


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