Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

Chapter 622: Finally Got Fooled

Cliff has always believed in his sixth sense, so even though his generals kept calling for battle, he still did not order an attack in the end.

The second, third, and fourth days were quickly passed by Cliff watching.

During these four days, in order to test out whether the enemy had an ambush, Cliff continued to increase the number of angel commandos, hoping to make the enemy take the lead in responding by exerting pressure.

At the same time, a large number of scouts were sent out during the day to search for any clues around.

Facing the ever-increasing angel commando, the Demon Race coalition quickly responded, but their response made Cliff very disappointed.

In order to prevent the vampire guards from being broken individually, Green carried out a major integration of the original guards. Hundreds of vampire guards were directly merged into dozens by him.

Although the number of guards dropped by more than half at once, at least the Angel Raiders could no longer eat them in one bite.

Moreover, the vampire guards can't protect anything at all. Their mission is actually to guard against and prevent the Angel family from dominating, so the reduction in the number of guards will not affect the transportation of logistics supplies on the ground.

Seeing that arson would not work, the angel commando team also took the initiative to attack the transport convoy on the ground several times. After killing the surrounding demon warriors, they opened the supplies loaded on the vehicle.

When the white rice was scattered all over the ground, the hearts of all the angel warriors were filled with bitterness.

Cliff once suspected that the enemy was using a cover-up, that what was loaded on the vehicle was not grain at all, and that the real purpose of the enemy was to attract them to take the bait.

But when the transport vehicles were opened and the angel soldiers found that the vehicles were loaded with rice, bacon and other food, the faces of Cliff and others immediately turned as black as charcoal.

If the enemy didn't use cover-ups, how much food did they have to send to the front line after so many days?

This is a scheming game, a psychological game between the enemy and us. Obviously, so far, Yunzhong City has lost.

Although the angel commandos managed to burn a lot of transport vehicles, for the enemy's huge transport convoy, what they burned was just a drop in the bucket.

When Green learned that some of the supply vehicles had been burned by the angel warriors, he immediately showed a bright smile, because he knew that Cliff, an old fox, was about to take the bait.

In fact, in this psychological warfare, Green did not engage in any falsification from the very beginning. Every transport vehicle passing under Yunzhong City was filled with various materials urgently needed by the front line.

Green's plan was very big this time, so he directly used his most important logistics transport convoy as a bait, the purpose of which was to lure the Angels into the bait.

His plan this time is not so much a game as a gamble.

If the bet is won, not only will the Demon Clan Alliance obtain a stable and safe transportation channel, but the Angel Clan will also suffer heavy losses in their home court, Yunzhong City, and they may even directly capture Yunzhong City, which is simply murderous. .

If the bet is lost, the logistical supplies of the demonic allied forces will suffer a devastating blow, and the demonic allied forces in the griffin collar are likely to withdraw directly due to lack of food and grass.

In this battle, Green not only blocked the future of the allied forces of the Demon Race, but also blocked his own life, because once he failed, no matter whether the Demon Emperor killed him or not, he would have no reason to continue living.

But so far, Green's chances of winning are still very high, because Cliff is not his opponent in terms of strategy, tactics or psychological offense and defense.

In order to give Cliff a reason to make up his mind and help him make a decision, Green directly increased the number of demon guards escorting the convoy.

As a large number of demon fighters appeared near the convoy, it became more and more difficult for the angel commando to achieve certain results.

After failing to find any traces of enemies ambushing around him for four days in a row, the pressure on Cliff's shoulders was also increasing.

Facing the disappointed gazes of the clansmen, Cliff couldn't express the pain in his heart, and he even wondered if he was too cautious.

Although the generals under him did not say anything clearly, their daily call for battle is undoubtedly a different kind of protest.

As more and more generals are invited to fight every day, the pressure on Cliff's shoulders is also increasing, making him almost out of breath.

Seeing that Yunzhongcheng's war sentiments are getting more and more intense, Cliff knows that he can't continue to suppress it like this, and must guide it to release, otherwise there may be big troubles.

The best way to vent this emotion is undoubtedly to take the initiative to fight, so Cliff finally issued an order to raid the enemy's transport convoy in an all-round way.

On the night of the fifth day, teams of angel commandos swooped down from Cloudsdale as usual, and then had a fierce battle with the vampire guards and demon guards below.

Just when everyone thought that tonight would probably be a few small-scale local wars, following Cliff's order, 100,000 bright angel warriors in silver armor rushed down from Cloud City.

At night, although the holy light is very dim, it can't even shine on the ground below, and it can't condense the armor of the holy light for the angel warriors, but the unique silver of light in the cloud city makes the angel warriors still have a powerful force. fighting power.

The Bright Angel Legion is not only the strongest combat force in Cloud City, but also the only Angel Legion in Cloud City that can not rely on the Holy Light.

Their armor and weapons are all made of silver of light, and they still have great strength after leaving the field of holy light.

The original intention of Cloud City to form the Bright Angels Legion was to let them go out to fight, but due to various reasons, this legion was finally imprisoned in Cloud City.

Tonight, Cliff sent the Bright Angels Legion to fight, which shows how much he attaches importance to this battle.

Under the reflection of the starlight in the sky, the 100,000 light angel fighters are like 100,000 meteors, sliding down from the sky with silver light.

As the Bright Angels Corps suddenly joined the battle, the battlefield near the ground immediately showed a one-sided situation.

A large number of demon warriors were beheaded to the ground, and flames burst out from the vehicles filled with various supplies, and the ground was full of fire and shouts of killing.

When the Bright Angels launched their surprise attack, Green and Xue Wuji were sitting on a small slope drinking. When a large fire suddenly appeared in the distance, the two of them already knew what had happened without the need for scouts to report.

Seeing the flames from the material cart being ignited, Green was overjoyed. He clenched his fists and laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha, I finally got fooled, I finally got fooled."

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