A drop of world pulp glows green and crystalline, exuding a rich breath of life, the closer he gets, the more Qin Hao can feel the purest life energy.

Without any impurities, if you look closely, the inside of the world pulp is like a honeycomb structure, supporting the rudiments of a world.

Holding it in your hand, you can feel refreshed and refreshed, invigorate your mind and body, give people peace and tranquility, dispel all restlessness and irritability, and calm your heart like water.

This is the first time Qin Hao has come into contact with such a high-grade mysterious substance, and some inferior mysterious substances are far from being comparable.

The process of using defective divine qualities will not only cause danger to life, but also be extremely likely to make people's temperament change drastically.

Becomes brutal and bloodthirsty, is replaced by a second personality, and even loses itself completely, and begins to take revenge on society in the real world.

The higher the quality of mystical energy, the more peaceful and tranquil it will be.

"The quality of the world's pulp is worthy of the top of perfection!".

The process of breaking the limit cannot be interrupted, and a safe place must be found.

Qin Hao's eyes were suspicious, and he looked at the lava giant that had been cut down, leaving a huge crater.

There were still two thousand seconds of flames left around, and the fireworks were pulsing, and although the lava giant fell, the residual overlord-level aura was still there.

The so-called overlord, a region often gives birth to only one, just like the tiger king rules a region, each holding its own territory.

And the residual breath is a good deterrent to other monsters who dare to covet the world's pulp energy.

At least ordinary mobs can't resist two thousand seconds of injury, and boss-level monsters are afraid of this kind of overlord aura.

"This lava crater is really a godsend place to break the limit. Everything

is ready, Qin Hao no longer hesitated, and quickly went to the lava pothole, the rock wall was full of potholes, looking for a wide and comfortable pit to sit down.

Qin Hao was still unsatisfied, and arranged sword qi wheals around the pit to form a protective hood.

He also felt unsafe, and the 999 flying knives carried by the sword qi Changhe were swimming around the periphery of the gang cover.

The outermost part is the spread of poisonous gas, which just uses the mist-swallowing mimosa to demarcate the surrounding boundary, so that the poisonous gas will not spread aimlessly and will not achieve the deterrent effect.

With such an arrangement, Qin Hao felt safe, picked up the Limit Breaking Pill, and put it in his mouth.

The rich aroma rippled in the internal organs, the thousands of pores of the body opened, the body temperature began to boil, and the blood stirred up like an angry general.

Immediately, the body was subjected to waves of impact, and the ubiquitous pinprick sensation hit.

"It's a symptom of breaking the limit, representing the limit of what the body can bear.

Qin Hao endured all kinds of severe pain, sweating like rain, and even his mind was a little dizzy.

This level is not enough!

Only when the body reaches its most extreme state can it better absorb the world's sap.

After all, this majestic life energy, if it was not completely taken to the maximum limit, it might make Qin Hao explode on the spot.

Even if there was the slightest risk, Qin Hao would rather endure the pain and snuff it out.

Such a perfect absorption of the world's sap will bring thousands of times more benefits, and it is definitely greater than anyone else's potential to break the limit.

Finally, Qin Hao felt that he had reached the end of his limit, and his consciousness was about to fall into a complete coma.

Taking advantage of the last trace of clarity, the cool world sap swallowed into the mouth.


Just like eating the most delicious food in the world, Qin Hao let out a light hum of satisfaction.

The cool and comfortable power began to flow in Qin Hao's limbs, and every time he passed by, the stinging sensation was smoothed out.

The world pulp is being transformed, becoming stronger Qin Hao everywhere, his heartbeat is like a drum, compact and powerful, like a spring thunder blooming.

Zizizi -

Qin Hao's scalp began to age and fall off, growing a fairer and flawless skin, and his fingers were as crystal clear as jade.

And that's just the energy of the first wave of world pulp.

This was followed by the second wave, the third wave.

One wave is stronger than another!

"It deserves to be the most top-notch mysterious substance, and the stamina is so great!".

Qin Hao was glad that it was right for him to reach the limit of his body first, otherwise, the absorbed World Pulp itself would not have harmed.

On the contrary, because the energy of the world pulp is too large, and his body is too fragile, it is a big joke to be killed by an explosion.

His eyes, in particular, began to burn and burn, as if they were completing some kind of qualitative change.

After a long time, Qin Hao quietly absorbed the residual energy in order to achieve the most perfect state of the mysterious substance.

The heat was like a vapor mist, coming out from the top of Qin Hao's head, sizzling.


When Qin Hao opened his eyes, he emitted a burst of divine aura and light, and quickly restrained and retracted into his body.

"Is this the process of life leap and evolution?"

he felt that he was a hundred times stronger than before, and he

gently grasped the rock underground, and his handprints were carved like gluten.

Moreover, from the reflection of the light curtain, he looks much younger, as if he will never age and die.

"It's the confidence and delusion that life has evolved to give me.

Qin Hao began to be vigilant, with a sharp weapon in his heart, and his murderous intent arose. In the same way, when a person is strong, his self-confidence will also be greatly expanded.

Of course, self-confidence is no problem, but what is terrible is boundless self-confidence, which is the way to die.

He knew that he was still a long way from being immortal, immortal.

Find a time to test it and see how far your strength has evolved.

"This feeling of holding power in your hands, as if even the sun and the moon can be crushed, is wonderful!".

"The strangest thing is that I have mutated in the process of evolution

, especially his eyes, the pupils are dark green and crystalline,

but they do not conflict with Qin Hao's overall elegant temperament.

It is a mixture of eternal and real-world temperament and beauty, which is unforgettable at a glance.

It is said that the top-level mystical substance will mutate when the limit is broken, and it will have additional special abilities.

Qin Hao felt it carefully, his voice was excited, and his eyes lit up.

"Mutated green pupils?"

As Qin Hao's gaze turned, the living object began to keep beating numbers.

Fog Swallowing Mimosa: Remaining - 123 days and 15

hours Jingjing (garland form): 800 years, 75 days, 22 hours

, and the life span of the flower demon is more than 1,000 years

, and it seems that Jingjing consumes her own life span of two hundred years in order to squeeze the world's pulp.

Qin Hao's heart was moved, and he was determined to let Jingjing recover quickly.

"Could it be that I can see the number of any living being?"

He immediately looked at himself, feeling a little excited and expectant, his lifespan should be blessed a lot by the world sap.

I don't know how much time has been added?

A number jumped out: 41 days and 23 hours

in 202, "I have added hundreds of years to my life!" Qin Hao's heart was agitated.

Centenarians are rare in the real world, he has a full 200-year lifespan, and this is only the first time that the limit has been broken, and there will only be more in the future!

What is the most precious thing about time? appearance, knowledge, money, power, and opposite-sex relationship?

These are all illusory, and there is only one that is truly precious, and that is life.

If life doesn't exist, it's just talk.

At this moment, all players in the Eternal World received an announcement.

[Serverwide Announcement]: Congratulations to Huaxia District, the first player to break the limit in the whole server has appeared, all players in Huaxia District have received the regional blessing of the world, and the life of all players in Huaxia is +30 days.

[Serverwide Announcement]: Congratulations to Huaxia District, the first player to break the limit in the whole server has appeared, all players in Huaxia District have received the regional blessing of the world, and the life of all players in Huaxia is +30 days. This message is ...... x99 times

At this moment, the whole server was shocked, and the world was in an uproar!

The world has set off an earth-shattering discussion!

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