Chapter 550 Restoring the Soul! Enter the small world again!

Su Chen didn't know which tendon had opened his mind. With a flash of inspiration, he jumped up and grabbed the hair on top of his head with both hands.

With soft hands, Su Chen firmly grasped a large bunch of hairs, closed his eyes tightly and tightened his face.

I don't know what kind of giant beast the owner of this hair is, but Su Chen is like a cocklebur seed, hanging firmly under its belly hair.

As the giant beast jumped up and down, flying rocks or broken wood were shot from time to time.

It would be great if Su Chen didn't fall off. In this case, he couldn't care about these details. After a while, his whole body was covered with scars.

This feeling of pain.

The beating actually caused Su Chen to gradually become unconscious.

Then he felt his body suddenly sinking.

Then there was something like suddenly jumping out of the boundless darkness.

The surroundings suddenly became bright.

Open your eyes again.

Su Chen has returned to the small world of birds singing and flowers fragrant.

Next to him, Luo Shen was looking at him with surprise.

"ah! This slightly flawed soul recovered quite quickly!"

Su Chen came back to his senses and dispelled the experiences and memories of the previous small world.

He smiled and said:"Indeed. It took a few months to restore and perfect a ray of soul, and it shouldn't take much time to perfect the next few strands of soul."

"Uh-huh."Luo Shen nodded happily.

Su Chen smiled and said:"Come on, continue."

Luo Shen once again created a small world according to his words.

Su Chen separated a ray of flawed soul, transformed into his own appearance, and entered this small world again.

And this world happens to be a fantasy world……


"know - know——!"

The August sky is as red as iron burnt by fire.

The branches on both sides of the road were drooping, and they were as listless as the pedestrians passing by the sultry weather.

Su Chen, wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and denim shorts, was walking on the way to get off work while chewing ice cream, repeating the life of an office worker day after day.

Although it has only been a year since he graduated and started working, he is already tired of this kind of life.

The helpless reality was that a butcher's knife was pressed firmly against Su Chen's neck. As a poor man with no status, he could only bow to his fate.

The sky is gray and the temperature is close to 40 degrees. This place has become a veritable steamer.

Su Chen quickened his pace. He just wanted to return to the rental house and take a quick shower.

"ah! what is that?"

Su Chen suddenly heard the people around him exclaiming.

He looked left and right, only to find that his surroundings had fallen into boundless darkness at some point. He could only see himself and nothing else, except for the shocking figure. Weirdly black.

Before Su Chen could react, his vision suddenly became distorted.

It was as if his body had turned into noodles and been sucked into a deep, dark hole.

The strange thing was that his body was stretched into threads without any pain, until Su Chen lost his last consciousness


The Jianhen Valley in winter is simply not a place for people to stay.

In the past, the upper half of the Sword Mark Valley was covered with snow all year round, but the lower half was filled with unknown magma.

The only thing here is the everlasting tranquility and serenity


The thundering sound directly triggered avalanches on several mountains around the Jianhen Valley.

The white snow rumbled down like a wave, destroying everything. Until it encountered the Jianhen Valley, all the white snow rushed into the valley and mixed with the underground magma. Once touched, it instantly disappears into nothingness.

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