Chapter 643: Defeat the Kobolds!

He saw his brother's face, as if he was shouting something to him, but he couldn't hear anything.

The blood in his body poured out of his mouth uncontrollably, but the boy seemed not to feel any pain.

He wanted to see his grandma and Niuniu, but he no longer had the strength to stand up.

The young man lay in his brother's arms, looking up at the sky, and saw a black dot flying rapidly from the distance, and he smiled.

He tried hard to tell the people around him that the clan leader was back!

But he couldn't lift his hand, his lips moved slightly, his head tilted, and he fell into his brother's arms.


The young man held his younger brother in his arms and roared like a wounded beast.

He grabbed the hatchet that his brother had dropped, and rushed towards the group of goblins regardless of the crossbow bolts.

When Su Chen finally flew outside Shenlong Ridge, the black mass of kobolds had already broken through the east city gate, killing each other with the tribesmen.

And it’s overwhelming.

Tribesmen without military training simply cannot resist.

There are still more than a thousand goblins fighting with the tribesmen in the city.

In the warehouse in the north of the city, there were also many goblins carrying things. Two beautiful figures flying on the roof were confronting those goblins.

The number of enemies was so huge, and tribesmen were dying in large numbers every second. Su Chen's eyes were splitting when he saw it.

When it was still more than fifty meters away from the ground, it turned over and jumped down, pulling the stupid bird that screamed"Quack".

The stupid bird had no one to grasp its head and could not maintain its balance in the air. It and Su Chen smashed down like cannonballs among the kobolds at the city gate.

"Do I care about you?"

Su Chen, who had smashed countless kobolds away, was unscathed. He held a heavy sword in one hand and grabbed the legs of the stupid bird with the other and swept around. The stupid bird screamed"quack", but it was completely unable to compete with Su Chen's huge strength.

The stupid bird was beaten All the kobolds they hit suffered broken bones and tendons, and vomited blood and died. Even the kobolds that were slightly touched by the undead fire of the stupid bird still howled miserably and rolled to the ground.


There was a loud cheer in Shenlong Ridge.

Su Chen's arrival gave the struggling tribesmen a burst of new strength, and the front line against the kobolds gradually stabilized. The kobold chief who was commanding from behind couldn't help but watch. When he saw Su Chen clearly the undead bird in Su Chen's hand, he let out a strange cry in his throat:

"Those guys who were supposed to go down to the Maha Abyss didn't tell me that there were demons here!!!"

The kobold chief calmed down his anger. After thinking about it for a moment, he immediately ordered a group of a hundred kobolds to use maces and boulders as weapons and throw them with all their strength at the demon-like man.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Countless maces and boulders hit Su Chen, but he didn't care.

Surrounded by countless kobolds, he squinted his eyes and just swept away.

Even if he was hit by a mace full of spikes, as long as it was not harmful, , at most it was just a bloody hole that would heal soon.

Su Chen just rushed towards the place where the kobolds were most numerous. Wherever the heavy sword passed, countless severed limbs and debris flew.

Wherever the stupid bird passed, there was no living thing.!

In less than ten minutes, the kobolds around Su Chen had been killed by Su Chen alone!

In just ten minutes, nearly two thousand kobolds were killed by this demon-like man!

The kobold chief looked at him The tribesmen were harvested one after another by this man like wheat, unable to stop him at all!

"retreat! retreat!"

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