Saying that, he went to grab the animal leg meat from Jiesi's bowl.

Jess was initially frightened by the crowd's enthusiasm. She didn't know how to eat when she saw the bowl full of vegetables. But suddenly Su Chen came over to grab her food. She didn't care whether she could eat so much.

He hurriedly protected his own food and shouted:"You scoundrel! How dare you steal my lady's food? You, you... ah, take my meat back!"

This home-cooked meal was inevitably staged. A food fight.

In the end, of course, Su Chen burped and left gracefully. With his skills, how could Jiesi, a little girl magician, be his opponent.

And based on her appetite, that little girl is no match for me. I have always been known as a big eater. If you dare to snatch food from Su Chen and me, that's not like beating a dog with a meat bun - you will never come back!

And since Jess and Su Chen were competing for food, this meal was also the fullest she had ever eaten. After the meal, she could only sit on a stool, staring hard at the burping face with her big beautiful eyes. Su Chen smiled obscenely.

Su Chen was happy, it was better to be at home, he had the home field advantage, and he defeated this crazy girl in one round, greatly humiliating Yixue's repeated defeats.

In the afternoon, Su Chen and Uncle Zhuoer went into the mountain to see if the monster had retreated.

Silly and Jessie both clamored to follow him. One said he had unparalleled martial arts skills, and the other said he had peerless magic.

There was no other way, so Su Chen had no choice but to take these two"amazing masters" into the mountain together.

As soon as he entered the mountain, Su Chen's extremely comfortable feeling came back to his whole body. This is the smell of the mountain, this is the smell of nature, this is the smell of the jungle.

Jiesi also found that Su Chen was very different from usual after entering the mountain. It was as if he had become a different person, as if he was integrated with the mountain and forest. Su Chen's steps were even more brisk and agile, without a trace of sound.

Looking at Jess's doubtful and envious eyes, Uncle Zhuoer sighed:

"Su Chen's skills are unique to Balu! Su Chen's father, brother Dudley, became the undisputed best hunter in Balu with his unparalleled physical skills and sensitive senses. Su Chen lived up to expectations and inherited Dudley's skills. It's a pity that Dudley Brother Li...sigh."

Everyone looked gloomy. Jess also guessed that Uncle Dudley's broken legs were not disabled very early, and couldn't help but feel sad for Uncle Dudley.

Su Chen laughed:"Dad, yes As for me, when I go into the mountains, he goes into the mountains. What my father did, I will continue to do for the rest of my life!"

Next, Su Chen carefully investigated the situation of the monsters in the mountains, and found that except for some lowest-level monsters such as Blue Rabbits, there was not a single other monster, let alone the large monsters that Uncle Fu'an mentioned.

Su Chen felt There was something strange in the mountains. I'm afraid it's not as simple as everyone said, but it's hard to tell everyone. I can only remind Uncle Fu'an to pay more attention.

Jess listened to Sili talking about what his brother Chen did when he caught the Blue Rabbit. He was very excited after hearing how resourceful and wonderful he was, and insisted that Su Chen catch the cute Blue Rabbit.

Su Chen said impatiently:"Have I prepared any tools for going up the mountain this time? Where can I catch the Blue Rabbit for you?" ah! The little girl is causing trouble!"

"I don't care, Sister Silly said that Blue Bunny is so--so cute!"

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