In the world, players generally worship Luo Heng, and among the player groups with Luo Heng as the benchmark, there are still a small number of shady people.

They are players who have been tortured by Luo Heng.

Former Fallen, or Fallen Person's relatives, friends, and family.

Most of the degenerates who have been hit by Luo Heng have chosen to give up revenge, Luo Heng's strength is too terrifying, and they who have lost their depraved power can't compete with Luo Heng at all.

And later, the inheritor of the Seven Deadly Sins, the arrogant heir, was beaten without dignity, which also made the fallen feel deep fear again.

Although Luo Heng tortured them, he did not cut off their means of survival, and it was a big deal to start from scratch.

It's just that if there is no major opportunity, they will be on the third line in this life.

But for arrogance, Luo Heng is heavy-handed.

A paralyzing disease was planted, and [Hei Chun] was no longer able to take care of himself.

And no player wants to help him.

The current black pure is still only level 1, and because of the paralyzing disease on his body, he can't even beat a mouse.

I can only survive on the gold coins I have accumulated before.

If you run out of gold, it will be difficult to even eat enough.

In the constant world, it is not difficult to live.

Fight any mobs casually, and it is possible to scrape together enough money for a meal.

A meal of steamed buns only costs five copper coins.

Black Chun is so miserable, and players can't expect it.

Unless someone is willing to cure the disease of black purity.

But not to mention how difficult the diseases planted by Luo Heng are, even if they are treated, people don't want to offend Luo Heng.

After all, the other party is the object of Luo Heng's attention.

As a result, the vast majority of players learned their lesson and gave up on revenge.

However, among the majority of people, there are still a small number of players who swim against the current.

Although the fallen are easily encircled, there is still a steady stream of fallen people in the world.

It's like no matter how hard you fight crime, there will still be crime.

This is an unavoidable fact.

All the degenerates regard Luo Heng as the number one threat.

"I heard that the fire man was found on Tianxing Mountain?"

"Well, and spiders. "

"It's Luo Heng's ghost again, what does he want to do this time?"

The Avengers form a new group and secretly report to keep warm.

At the same time, he was paying close attention to Luo Heng's movements all the time, trying to find out the flaws of the other party.

The major sources of evil have also announced their tasks, all of which are directed at Luo Heng, as long as they can hinder Luo Heng, they can get great rewards.

Killing Luo Heng can gain power forever without paying a price.

Luo Heng was regarded by the source of evil in the upper echelons as the biggest obstacle to preventing players from climbing the tower.

The first task of the Fallen is to prevent players from climbing the tower, but with such an existence as Luo Heng, it is impossible to stop it.

"What about reconnaissance?"

"The mountains are surrounded by mist, and you can't really see it. "

"Hide it so well?"

After a little thought, the leader spoke, "Go and see." "

"But...... Luo Heng's strength. "

"As long as he can hinder Luo Heng, he can make his strength advanced, since he has made a move in Tianxing Mountain, and he is so covered, there must be something he doesn't want people to know. "

"We just need to stop him from going so well. "

In the side seat, a man in a red robe nodded and agreed: "Indeed, Luo Heng has disappeared after conquering Rank, we can see Luo Heng's battle from the Book of Records, Luo Heng's growth has reached the point where he can single-handedly take on the Guardian." "

"If you don't suppress his strength, God knows how far he will grow. "

"Power determines our position, since we have chosen to become a degenerate, there is no turning back, and now it is a little bit to intervene. "

While they were still discussing, suddenly a herald with chicken feathers on his head rolled over!

He looked like he was in a hurry, like a fire had burned his ass.


These heralds generally do not have a good friend of the leader.

Even if it is the organization of the degenerate, it is hierarchical, just like in the big guild, it is impossible for a small minion to have a position of elder friend.

Say. "

"When the owner of the flying mount was scouting to Tianxing Mountain, he saw Luo Heng on the top of the mountain in the distance!"

As soon as this information came out, the major Avengers were shocked.


"He seems to be in a state where he can't move now, and the scout hasn't moved for a long time after watching from afar!"

"Can you kill it?"

"Like...... Not really, the sky was full of cobwebs, and the scout was cut to death by the cobwebs as soon as he passed. "

"That'...... What about ranged attacks?"

"No...... Luo Heng seems to have a shield around him, and ordinary long-range attacks can't break through, and in addition to the visible silk threads in the sky, there are also invisible silk threads, and the arrows may be cut by the silk threads. "

Luo Heng was unable to act, which was undoubtedly a great piece of information.

Facing Luo Heng in a normal state, they could not have a chance of winning.

Even if tens of thousands of people go together, they can't avoid the end of the group.

Not to mention the heyday of Luo Heng in a normal state, even if Luo Heng is weakened to only one-tenth of his strength, it is still not something that the average player army can contend with.

But if it is Luo Heng who can't act, then it may not be.

The intelligence was not collected in vain, according to their understanding of Luo Heng, the reason why Luo Heng was fleshy was because he had a shield.

However, it is well known that having a shield is all about releasing skills.

Shields are generally generated by skills, and it is impossible to create a shield out of thin air.

And Luo Heng, who can't act, does it mean that there is no shield?

Luo Heng, who has no shield and can't move.

Combined, the Avengers' organization is ready to move.

They felt like they were doing it again.

But how did they know that even if it was a summon to fight, the shield would be blessed on Luo Heng's body.

Even if he was motionless, Luo Heng still had a shield of millions of blood on his body.

"Pass my orders and notify all members of the organization. "

"Assemble now, act immediately, give up all copies, let go of everything in your hands, whether it's in love, sleeping, or making new life, all stop!"

"Assemble at Tianxing Mountain now!"

God knows how long Luo Heng's state of inability to act lasts.

God knows how long it will take for the other guilds to get the news.

The other guilds were all towards Luo Heng, and they had to come to Luo Heng in front of everyone at the first moment.

There is a layer of transparent substance like a cocoon around Luo Heng, and this substance will continue to regenerate.

If you want to break that, you probably need a lot of damage.

Then the poisonous witch must come to within twenty meters of Luo Heng and destroy it with the highest burst.

The opportunity is once in a lifetime, and the Avengers and Fallen get the news and immediately assemble.

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