Chen Ming's voice was loud.

Let everyone present hear it clearly.

Three hundred meters!

It's over!

Although no one knows why Chen Ming is so confident, for some reason, everyone is full of trust in him.

Even those players from the Bear Country who hated Chen Ming before!

Everyone looked excited!

My heart suddenly felt greatly inspired!

And this is why Chen Ming must seize the opportunity to show off his skills.

Boost morale.

Very important.

Otherwise, it would be unimaginable to him how hard it would be to walk the last three hundred meters when those birds arrived.

He glanced at the farthest distance.

Within the range that Eagle Vision can cover, more and more golden lights and shadows appear.

Don't dare to stay longer.

Chen Ming and Xiaolong immediately landed and returned to the ground.

The encouragement just now had a very obvious effect, and the speed of the team's march really became a lot faster.

Taking advantage of the high morale of everyone, Chen Ming quickly revealed all the news he had received from the Queen.

"Everyone, please hurry up!"

"Many flying monsters are coming. We must fight against them and rush to the front of the snow-capped mountains!"

If Chen Ming had told everyone the news just now, it might have only plunged everyone into despair. After all, the evacuation along the way was already too difficult.

Those birds will be the last straw that breaks everyone's nerves.

But now...

Although this news will excite everyone, it will also make their adrenaline surge!

"It's only three hundred meters away, rush!"

"I've been holding on for so long, I can't fall before the finish line!"

"I must get the reward for this mission!"

"Damn it, those three wolves just besieged me, and I survived, but a mere bird wants to kill me?!"

Everyone's eyes are red!

These last three hundred meters.

The most difficult three hundred meters.

Their speed actually increased a bit!

Chen Ming followed the previous method to eliminate the surrounding monsters, but found that he could not keep up with the pace of the large army.

"Okay, okay!"

Chen Ming was secretly happy.

He immediately changed his strategy and no longer pursued killing. Instead, he suppressed the blood volume of nearby monsters below 50% and immediately stopped, turning to deal with other monsters.

Although 50% of their health is not enough to make them lose their combat effectiveness.

But after they gathered enough, Chen Ming and Xiaolong relied on the dragon's power to suppress them for a while.

Even such suppression cannot always be effective.

As long as Chen Ming releases his dragon transformation, or Xiaolong starts to attack, the suppression will fail, but at least it will allow Chen Ming and the others to hold on for a while.

This is an approach that treats the symptoms rather than the root cause.

This will only cause more and more monsters to gather nearby.

But it can buy time for Chen Ming.


The most scarce thing now is time!

With this strategy, Chen Ming struggled to cover the rear of the team and kept pressing forward.


Faintly, he could see the snow-capped mountains ahead.

The creatures that were pretending to be an avalanche had disappeared, but in the wind and snow, Chen Ming saw a bit of burning fire.

There is the marking point given by the Queen.

She searched back and forth on the snow-capped mountains several times, and finally determined the location that was the weakest and most likely to cause an avalanche.

"Xiaolong, that's right there!"

"Go to that location and give me a breath of dragon breath!"

Chen Ming roared angrily as he withdrew the badge and activated it suddenly!

This time, what he activated was not the tracking function to reversely track the location of the holy beast, but its stealth ability!

As the badge was stuffed into the gap between Xiaolong's claws, the stealth effect of the badge suddenly exploded, engulfing Xiaolong's body and disappearing without a trace!

This is one of the reasons why Chen Ming believes that Xiaolong will be able to complete the task.

With the stealth effect of the badge, the little dragon is not afraid of those flying beasts!

As for whether the power of the badge used by Xiaolong comes from the holy beast, whether it will be seen through by the holy beast and targeted... Chen Ming has not considered this possibility.

I have to admit that this possibility is quite high.

But Chen Ming believed that the holy beast would not take action against Xiaolong.

Because its goal, the core goal, is actually oneself.

The little dragon flew away. No matter what it did, the holy beast was happy to see it.

If the little dragon didn't have the invisibility effect, the holy beast might just let those monsters kill the little dragon and hinder its actions. But now that the little dragon has a hidden disguise, it is reasonable for the holy beast not to take care of it.

as expected.

The camouflaged little dragon suddenly flew out.

The journey was smooth.

There was no hindrance at all.

At full speed, it only took four or five seconds to reach the point marked by the Queen.

"Baiyu Tang, are you sure you want to do this?"

Message from the Queen.

She saw the players at the foot of the mountain being chased by a herd of beasts.

You can also see the dragon coming towards you through the coordinate display in the team.

She still couldn't understand.

What exactly does Chen Ming rely on?

Why did he dare to trigger this avalanche? !

Even though the herd of beasts will be eliminated by the avalanche at once, the players closest to the snow-capped mountains will also be hit mercilessly by the avalanche.

Death is a fair ending.

Regardless of players, monsters, or that powerful NPC, Long.

There won't be any difference!

Once an avalanche is triggered and everyone is buried, is there any difference between that and being torn apart by a herd of beasts?

On the contrary, he will bear the reputation of executioner.

"Don't worry."

"Just watch quietly."

Chen Ming's reply was quite simple.

Just from this relaxed reply, the Queen could feel his confidence.

Why is he so confident?

The Queen couldn't understand.

But there was nothing that could stop things from happening.

Xiaolong's breath, which had been brewing for a full three hundred meters, was already ready to be fired.


The hot dragon's breath, like a beam of light or a raging flame, burst onto the fragile and thin layer of snow.

Easily melted the thick snow covering the outside.

Dissolved the ice inside.

It destroyed the delicate balance that was already extremely fragile and could barely hold on.


From the depths of the iceberg, there was a buzzing sound.

It was like a giant who had been awakened, venting his dissatisfaction.

Naturally, he was outraged.

It will use an avalanche to wash away all living things in the world as a means of thunderous punishment!


Ice blast.

Snow dust filled the sky.

The real avalanche is coming!

Like a hungry beast, it jumped down from the mountain!

The first to bear the brunt is the group of players at the foot of the mountain!

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