Online Games: Peak Summons

Chapter 612 Survival from Desperation

As soon as the straggler jumped into the icy lake, he felt that his limbs had no strength at all, and it was impossible to paddle to save himself. Pin Shu Wang (w W W . V o Dtw . c o M)

He understands that this is the result of running out of stamina bars, and now he can only helplessly let his body sink in the water, waiting for the end of being drowned!

On the shore of the lake, Zheng Xiaohui and Duan Shao led the Assassin players who stepped forward and watched the stragglers jump into the lake, smiling happily.

"This guy actually dances really well. We'll wait here for him to drown, and then we'll see when he comes back to life." Duan Shao laughed.

"That's fine, let's save it. Brothers, keep an eye on the lake, guard his body, and don't let him run away again." Zheng Xiaohui ordered loudly, and immediately greeted him in the guild channel. Waiting subordinates.

He viciously used the method of guarding the corpse at the same time, so that several people in Xiazhong Studio could not be resurrected!

More than a thousand players immediately stared at the lake, the circles and ripples that were still rippling after the skirmishers jumped into the water

For a player whose stamina bar is depleted, jumping into the water is akin to suicide.

Everyone kept their eyes wide open, waiting for the straggler's body to emerge from the water, and then watching for his resurrection time.

However, a few minutes passed, and the ripples on the lake's surface had all dissipated, but the corpses of the stragglers had not been seen floating up from the water for a long time.

"What's going on, did his body sink to the bottom of the lake after his death?" Duan Shao waited excitedly for a long time, but he still didn't see the body, so he asked suspiciously.

"It's possible, I'll send someone down to have a look at the bottom of the water." Zheng Xiaohui said with a frown.

He turned around and waved his hands, ordering his two men to jump into the lake to search.

With two plops, water waves appeared on the lake again, and two Yonghen players jumped into the water one after another.

In an instant, the two dived into the water and disappeared.

Everyone on the shore could only stare wide-eyed and wait for the news from the water.

Within a few minutes, the sound of splashing water sounded, and two players emerged from the water.

"How is it? Is the body underwater?" Zheng Xiaohui asked anxiously.

"Boss, there is nothing in the water." A diving player said.

"You're stupid, you don't know how to search carefully, maybe the undercurrent at the bottom of the lake washed the corpse elsewhere?" Duan Shao scolded.

"We searched a large area underwater, and we didn't feel any undercurrent." Another player said aggrievedly.

"That's strange, such a big living person, he can't swim without stamina, and he can't log off and teleport during the city battle, where can he go?" Zheng Xiaohui was suddenly surprised.

"Tell me, what's the situation at the bottom of the lake? Is the water deep?" Duan Shao touched his chin and asked.

"The lake is about ** meters deep. The bottom of the lake is black silt. There are no aquatic plants or creatures, and it keeps bubbling." The first player who dived replied.

"There are still bubbles at the bottom of the lake?" Zheng Xiaohui and Duan Shao were puzzled at the same time.

"Each bubble is the size of a football version, we suspect," the second player on the dive hesitated.

"What do you suspect? Tell me quickly." Zheng Xiaohui suddenly became nervous, he already felt that something was wrong.

"I suspect that the one who dived just now relied on the water bubbles to provide oxygen at the bottom of the lake, and then recovered the stamina bar and escaped." The player said.

"Damn, this kid is so lucky!" Duan Shao exclaimed.

"No matter how fateful he is, he can't recover much stamina in such a short time, and he can't escape very far." Zheng Xiaohui said viciously.

"Then what should we do now?" Duan Shao asked.

"Go into the water and line up in a horizontal line to search in the water. I don't believe he can fly to the sky." Zheng Xiaohui ordered.

As soon as the order came out, the team of thousands of people jumped into the azure lake like dumplings!

For a moment, the tranquility on the lake was suddenly broken


In fact, long after the straggler jumped into the lake with the determination to die, he opened his eyes in horror and looked at the bottom of the lake, sinking involuntarily.

Before he sank a few meters deep, he felt the pressure of the lake water in his chest, and he was already out of breath, and he swallowed several mouthfuls of lake water involuntarily!

Just when he thought he was going to die here, he suddenly saw huge bubbles floating out of the mud at the bottom of the lake.

The blister was about the size of his head, and after emerging from the bottom of the lake, it rose three meters in the water before being crushed by the pressure of the lake water.

The straggler looked back curiously, watching a water bubble float up from him, and a water bubble happened to land in front of him.

With a puff, the blisters burst when they hit the tip of his nose, but immediately a fresh stream of oxygen went down his nostrils and directly entered his lungs!

There is no unparalleled road!

The straggler suddenly saw the hope of survival. It turned out that these blisters were big bubbles one by one, which could just provide him with life-saving oxygen!

He immediately stopped panicking, spread out his limbs and relaxed, and allowed his body to sink slowly

After sinking to the bottom of the lake, his back immediately touched a soft cushion. It seemed that the mud at the bottom of the lake was as soft as a cushion on the sea surface.

The straggler lay on his back at the bottom of the lake, a series of water bubbles emerged from the lake mud below him, many of which exploded directly around his ears and nose, immediately providing him with enough oxygen.

What surprised him even more was that as the oxygen problem was solved, the stamina bar in front of him started to rise slowly!

The stragglers simply greedily absorbed the oxygen in the water bubbles, and within a minute, the stamina bar returned to the red alert state.

Although the red stamina bar still represents danger, his hands and feet can finally move!

The stragglers immediately took advantage of the buoyancy in the water and turned their bodies over with one hand in the mud at the bottom of the lake.

Now he can take a closer look, what is this life-saving mud at the bottom of the lake?

He grabbed the black bottom of the lake with both hands, only to find that it wasn't mud at all, but something strange like a sponge!

As he exerted force with his hands, large pieces of water bubbles immediately began to emerge from the black object at the bottom of the lake.

The straggler quickly sucked in the air in the water bubbles, grasped the black object with both hands alternately at the bottom of the lake, and moved forward step by step

He knew in his heart that if he didn't leave this area quickly, Zheng Xiaohui would send people into the water to search for his body in a short time, and the danger was still not resolved!

While waiting for his stamina bar to recover, he grabbed the black object at the bottom of the lake with both hands and slid forward.

As soon as the stragglers left the water area over there, they were many meters away, when they heard two loud noises on the lake, it seemed that someone had entered the water!

He was scared out of his wits, regardless of the fact that the stamina bar was still on red alert at this time, he immediately kicked the water backwards with both hands and feet, and left the water area at an accelerated speed.

The fixed update time is around 00:01 every day.

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At the same time, I recommend my friends' books "Mad Dragon Retirement" and "Extreme Cultivation and Evil Shao"

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