Paperweights that are engraved with calligraphy and paintings are usually created by calligraphers and painters, and the process is the same as that of engraved copper ink cartridges: first select the paperweight you like, either wood, bamboo, ivory, or copper. According to common sense, reputable calligraphers and painters must choose a smooth paperweight with excellent material and unique shape. They evenly apply a layer of white powder on it to line the bottom, and then the calligrapher and painter will gallop on it to conceive and create.

The calligraphy and painting works on the paperweight are actually miniature versions of the calligraphers and painters' own works. Its composition, brushwork, and charm should be consistent with those of the large-scale works.

In the past, there were no photocopiers and photographic technology that could enlarge and reduce the work at will, so calligraphers and painters who could generally create calligraphy and painting on small paperweights and capture their charm must have profound skills.

After the calligrapher and painter are finished, the famous engraver will carefully carve it one by one according to the characteristics of calligraphy and painting. Carvers must be well versed in the calligraphers' and painters' ink and personality, and use their knives to recreate the characteristics of the calligraphers' and painters' works, embodying their characteristics vividly. Therefore, the small paperweight embodies the joint efforts of famous calligraphers, painters and famous engravers. , can also be said to be their joint work. This combination is not arbitrary, because the composition, brushwork, and charm of calligraphy and painting must match the style and charm of sculpture, so every successful high-quality piece is extremely rare.


After Mrs. Zou came to Yun Kingdom, she secretly looked at the scenery outside from the window.

But because we were inside the carriage and through the window, we could only see a corner.

Others can't be seen clearly at all.

After Xiao Chunzi arranged for Mrs. Zou, she had others take care of her.

At the same time, personnel were also dispatched to guard the area.

After Mrs. Zou settled down, her mind became active.

The first time I came to Yundu, my heart was filled with endless reverie.

Moreover, she had already observed the scenery in the corner of Yundu and became even more curious.

After dinner, he took a short rest and then took the maid out of the palace.

Secretly, there are Tiger Guard personnel secretly protecting him.

Afraid of something unexpected happening.

These maids themselves were Mrs. Zou's maids, and they have been following her until now.

The maids did not expect that instead of suffering any loss, Mrs. Zou would fall into the eyes of King Yun.

It seems that a beautiful woman is always an advantage.

Several maids also followed suit, which was a blessing in disguise.


Everyone left the palace and headed straight to the most prosperous area of ​​Yun Kingdom.

This is the business district of Yun State.

There are many shops and the population is bustling.

All kinds of buying and selling are here.

Mrs. Zou looked at Yun Guo at night, her eyes full of shock

"Is this Yundu?"Mrs. Zou was a little stunned.

It was really: Thousands of lights in the night market illuminated the blue clouds, and high-rise buildings were full of red-sleeved customers.

People came and went.

Business was booming.

The lights were bright.

There were many high-rise buildings.

Mrs. Zou couldn't help but take the maid into the street.

There are many places to buy and sell things on both sides.

Some are buying and selling porcelain, some are buying and selling handmade products, and some are buying and selling food.

In the current night market, there are hundreds of flowers blooming and all kinds of delicious food.

There are also some modern foods.

It is amazing.

Mrs. Zou was not short of money, it was all given to him by Lu Yan.

Mrs. Zou came to a silk and satin shop and looked at the exquisite cloths inside, her eyes shining.

There were no such exquisite cloths in ancient countries.

These cloths were from the Yun Kingdom The ones dyed by the dyeing factory were very exquisite and elegant.

Although they were not as good as Shu Brocade and Su Brocade, they were still very exquisite.

Mrs. Zou fell in love with them as soon as she saw them.

So she picked them there.

Mrs. Zou didn't know, His stunning beauty has long attracted the attention of others, especially some gangsters.

In the capital of King Yun, there is a gangster named Niu Er.

He is a rogue.

He has several brothers under his command.

He often bullies others.

Although He was punished several times by Zhang Ju, but he refused to repent.

Moreover, Niu Er was very shrewd.

He did not commit crimes, but only did some small things.

Zhang Ju could not kill him.

He could only let him go.

In addition, Niu Er There is a backer behind him.

Niu Er's backer is Tie Wuji, who is also the king of the Iron Kingdom.

Tie Wuji got separated from the large army when he went hunting.

He was rescued by Niu Er.

So Tie Wuji will He was brought into Yundu.

He could be regarded as taking care of Yi Er.

Who would have thought that Niu Er was very naughty.

This time, Niu Er was shopping in the night market and met Mrs. Zou. He was so shocked that he couldn't even move his legs. He moved.

His eyes were as wide as copper bells, staring at Mrs. Zou's beautiful figure, and his mouth was watering. In his entire life, he has never seen such a beautiful woman.


Mrs. Zou didn't notice Niu Er. She chose two colors she liked and planned to make two sets of clothes.

The store measured him and then registered him.

Let him come and pick up the goods after three days.

Mrs. Zou took the list and walked out of the silk and satin shop. Just when she was thinking about where to go to play, she saw a rogue walking up with a few people.

""Little lady, where are you going?" Niu Er smiled and asked his younger brother to surround everyone.

"Who are you? I advise you to get out quickly, otherwise, you will be walking around without food."

"Ouch, the beauty is angry!" Niu Er was not afraid, but became even more aggressive.

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