The yamen servant moved quickly. After leaving the yamen, he immediately went to where Zhang Wu was.

"Zhang Liu, don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation. Please wait here for a moment."

Because of the sudden incident, the defendants were not present.

Chen Jinding and Qiongying were not in a hurry, so they just waited.


After Lu Yan came out of Yang Yuhuan's palace, he came to the Qiwu Pavilion.

Place the Tiger Head Guillotine, Merman's Tears, and Water Spirit Pearl into the Strange Object Pavilion.

Water Lingzhu, Earth Lingzhu, and Wood Lingzhu immediately started a chain reaction.

Yun Guo's spiritual energy suddenly became more dense.

These spiritual energy continue to reach the bodies of the people and poultry, nourishing the people's bodies and making them healthier.

Under the mountains of Qingyan Mountain, a mineral deposit is being nurtured.

This mineral deposit is the mineral deposit nurtured by the jasper green cow.

An emerald mine.

The emergence of this thing has undoubtedly brought strong economic strength to Yun State.

Jade is money.

Especially the imperial green jade, which is really valuable.

Lu Yan took out the tiger-headed guillotine and put it together with the dragon-headed guillotine.

The two reacted immediately, and the rays of light connected and nourished each other.

Then, Lu Yan took out the Mermaid's Tears.

Shark, a legendary creature, also known as Quanke, is a mysterious creature with a fish tail and a body in ancient myths and legends.

Similar to the mermaid in Western mythology.

As early as Qian Bao's"Sou Shen Ji", there is a record:"There are sharks outside the South China Sea. They live in the water like fish and do not waste their weaving skills. When their eyes weep, they can produce pearls."

According to legend, the sharks are good at weaving. Dragon yarn can be made that does not get wet when soaked in water, and can turn into beads with its tears.

In the famous work"Jin Se" by Tang poet Li Shangyin, the legend of the shark people is quoted in"The moon in the sea has tears".

According to legend, the ignition point of the shark's oil is extremely low, and one drop can burn for several days. It is widely rumored that there is an ever-burning lamp fueled by shark oil in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin.

The Shark tribe is also called the fish-men tribe. They have long and slender lines. Most of them are women, and all of them are as beautiful as flowers. They are very beautiful.

Most of them live in the sea, but there are also a few in sea rivers, large lakes, including underground lakes.

If the shark wants to go ashore, he must first use magic to regenerate his legs, or just use them to walk. It would be difficult for a mermaid to survive outside the water for more than a day without changing his physique.

The sharks use a chant-like language and convey messages in the sea with a song-like tone. When humans hear strange singing at sea, they know they have encountered a shark.

They built underwater cities by building scaffolding to cultivate fast-growing corals, or weaved house nests out of water plants and suspended them in the sea. A tribe would have up to hundreds of such grass nests connected together.

The sharks often migrate as the ocean fish and warm currents change, so some sharks will use balsa wood and bubbles in the sea to build huge underwater floating cities that drift with the ocean currents.

The sharks are good at weaving a very thin silk called shark gauze using raw materials from the sea. It is light, tough and has an extremely smooth surface. It is used in sea construction and clothing. This is an extremely precious silk fabric.

Legend has it that the"mirage" that appears on the sea is the market where sharks sell and exchange this kind of shark's yarn.

The myth of the sharks: The world used to be all water, and that was the world of the sharks. Suddenly one day the sky broke, and huge rocks and soil fell down. What emerged from the water became the earth. Some sharks were curious and walked onto the earth, walking further and further away, even forgetting to go home. Over time, the tail fin turns into a leg, and it can no longer return to its homeland of the sea.


The tears of the shark in Lu Yan's hand are the tears of the shark.

Mermaid's Tears: A special item with unknown function and unknown effect.

The Mermaid's Tears have no stated function.

But Lu Yan always felt that this thing would be used one day.

So I put the Mermaid's Tears into a porcelain bottle.

Finally, there is the Water Spirit Pearl.

Not much more to say about this.

Has infinite mana.

Among the five spirit beads, Lu Yan still has the golden spirit beads and the fire spirit beads.


The government officials found Zhang Wu and escorted him to the county government office.

Zhang Wu refused to admit it at first, but under strong pressure, he finally admitted his crime.

Zhang Wu beat someone to death.

His nature was extremely bad, so he was sentenced to death and ordered to be executed after the fall.

After Zhang Wu heard the news, he was stunned.

He didn't expect it to be so serious

"Spare your life, spare your life." Zhang Wu kept kowtowing, hoping that the county magistrate would spare his life. However, what Zhang Wu trampled on was the law of Yun State.

It must not be forgiven.

Therefore.······He was escorted directly to prison.

Chen Jinding and Qiongying listened to the discussions among the people around them.

"This man deserves to die. He beat his husband to death and still wants to live. His life is not his life."

"It’s not that I won’t report it, the time has not come yet"

"The laws of the Yun Kingdom cannot be trampled on. No one can do anything that violates the laws of the Yun Kingdom."


Everyone pointed and pointed, Chen Jinding and Qiong Ying came outside the Yun Palace while talking about what happened just now.

The two people looked at the majestic building in front of them and were amazed.

Yundu is already quite powerful, but I didn’t expect that Yunwang Palace would be even more impressive.

And the protection is even tighter. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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