Everyone looked at Liu Zhongfu in front of them, and they all knew him more or less.

"Liu Zhongfu, why are you here?"Lu Yan was very curious.

Logically speaking, at such an old age, he should be enjoying his twilight years. Why did he end up in the Yun Kingdom?

"Reporting back to the king, the country was destroyed, the hometown was destroyed, and the common people were alone and had no children around them, so they traveled around. After the common people came to Dongzhou, they heard about the reputation of Yun State, so they came to Yundu." Liu Zhongfu also No hiding.

Just say whatever the situation is.

No hiding

""Oh," Lu Yan was not surprised.

In this world, many countries perish every day, and similarly, new countries are born every day.

But generally speaking, big fish eat small fish. Big countries annex small countries.

Just like the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, From the original eight hundred vassal states, they became the seven heroes of the Warring States Period, and finally the world returned to Qin.

This is also the case in the Yanhuang Continent.

The vassal states are in dispute, and there are many small countries.

As big as the Cloud Kingdom, it is powerful.

As small as a city, it is said to be a vassal state, but in fact it is more like a city lord.

It is not unusual for the other party's country to be destroyed.

"Do you have any plans in the future?" Lu Yan saw that the other party was a talent. He wanted to take it as his own.

Among the four major Chinese cultures are chess, calligraphy and painting. In terms of music, there is a guqin master - Shi Kuang.

This is a master of guqin.

In terms of calligraphy Needless to say, there are Cai Yong with Feibai style and Yan Zhenqing.

I won’t say much about the others.

These two alone play a decisive role in the history of Chinese calligraphy.

Except for the calligraphy sage Wang Xizhi, who dares to be the best in calligraphy? Comparing two people.

In terms of painting, let’s not mention the harem girls. There is a master of painting in Yun State - Zheng Banqiao.

He only specializes in chess, and there is no special expertise.

Just in time, Liu Zhongfu came

"The common people have no plans, just make one move." Liu Zhongfu just wanted to play chess well.

He didn't think much about anything else.

"Let's do this, I happen to be short of a chess player, so you can stay with me and teach me how to play chess." Lu Yan decided directly.

As a generation, he has this qualification. He can also decide the life and death of the opponent..

Of course, it is also related to the strength of the other party.

If Liu Zhongfu were someone like Han Xin, Jiang Ziya, or Yue Fei, Lu Yan would definitely be respectful and kind.

This is the capital brought by strength.

If you want to win the respect of others, you must first have the respect of others. Strength

""Yes." When Liu Zhongfu heard Lu Yan's words, he did not refute.

Because he knew that it would be useless to refute.

Since he couldn't resist, he might as well try to enjoy it.

"There are seats over there, take a seat"

"Thank you, Your Majesty"


Wei Zhongxian's eyes were filled with joy.

As long as the other party stays with the king, he can be regarded as multiple allies.

We can get along well in the future.

Liu Zhongfu didn't expect to have his own seat, so he sat in a corner.

But even if he is in the corner, he still has a seat.

"No wonder everyone says that King Yun has a good reputation, it is true." Liu Zhongfu was filled with emotion. He sat very quietly in the corner.

On the other side, everyone looked at Liu Zhongfu who was sitting down, their eyes full of envy.

Liu Zhongfu has four chess skills. Steps are also the tactics and style on which he is famous.

The first is to lay out the first priority of chess, just like the first step of the soldiers to wait for the enemy. The intention is to achieve the right density, the form is unyielding, the distance is enough to support each other, and the sequence can be Consistent. If you are in other areas, or in six-three, three-six, or nine-three, thirteen, do not stick to one thought, and advance and retreat appropriately. Jue said:"Don't be too far away, and it will be easy to break when you are far away. Don't be too close. Promote, and if you promote, you will win."That's exactly what it means. Those who are good at chess will not be trapped here, but will be trapped there; the strength lies in their own strength, and winning lies in the strength of others. This is the grid. The second is to invade the husband's chess, and the path will not be successful, and the son will not be killed, so take advantage of the opportunity. Changes of wisdom cannot be planned. And the layout has been determined, the strong and weak are not divided, and the situation is at a standstill. Then the method of aggression can be implemented during this period. Support and support will be connected, hooks and drops will be connected, and many parties will press and invade. Invasion. If it is done, the road will have to be hastened; if the pressure becomes more and more urgent, the opponent will have to win. If you are angry and move first, you will look at the enemy and ask for his feelings, observe the movement and control the changes. This is called a person who is good at responding..

Third, using the method of war is not the key to chess. If you have no choice but to use it, you must be honest and prudent to guard the territory, take care of the overall situation. Those who are good at teaching me in the territory will escape. I use reality to attack weakness, If you wait for work at leisure, the attack will be broken and the battle will be defeated.

The fourth is to choose and give up, which is the grand plan of chess. After the battle, the isolated chess is isolated, the choice is not clear, and the danger will come. To implement a decisive victory is called taking, and to abandon a piece to gain momentum is called Give it up. If the inside is enough to foresee a clever plan, and the outside is enough to enhance the situation, if you control it, don't control it, and if you defend it, don't attack it. Such a chess game, although it is rare, can be taken but it can be saved; if there is no plan inside, and no support from the outside, then go out. The poorer you are, you will only benefit the opponent's power; the more trapped you will be, and you will only strengthen the opponent's power. Although there are many chess games like this, you can give them up and leave them. The player's intention is the same as using soldiers, so these four chapters are summarized in summary. Wu's method. As the ancients said,"If the enemy is timid, he will make use of his plans to take advantage of his weakness; he will make silent plans and fight within a small space; he will solve problems and solve problems in an instant." Movement and stillness come one after another, unpredictable and strange. Don't let hesitation hinder success, don't let small gains hinder long-term strategy."

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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