Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums

Chapter 124 Are You Aren't Afraid Of Me Going To Sue Mom?

Probably because of the inconsistencies in the progress of middle schools in various regions, the Jiangcheng Teachers' First Attached to the special county student admissions examination in 2011 only took three courses other than language and mathematics.

But because there are few subjects, the actual difficulty of the exam is not low. Mathematics even slightly involves some knowledge content of inequality in high school, but this has already appeared in the test papers of previous years, so it is not unexpected.

Before the exam, Mei Fang, Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan had gone through countless seas of questions. In this exam, especially the big questions involving mathematics, they had seen similar question types. After the exam, the three of them were a little bit right. Most of the answers are fine except that Xia Yuan is a bit inferior in mathematics.

Xia Yuan is relatively satisfied with her performance in this exam. After the exam, she has been pawing on Youxi's shoulder to stick to her.

"I really envy you guys... This is a complete relief."

Xia Yuan had an art test to interview the next day, so she couldn't completely let go of her tense heartstrings. Lin Youxi patted Xia Yuan's hand to encourage her.

The three of them were admiring the campus of the First Attached Teacher of Jiangcheng, just in time for the school to close in the afternoon, high school students of the First Attached Teacher of Jiangcheng appeared one after another.

Jiangcheng Division One has uniform requirements for school uniforms, but Xia Yuan doesn't think it's too much, and even a little envious.

"Their school uniforms are so pretty, too, like the sailor uniforms of Sakura Country! By the way, I heard that many school-themed youth romance dramas were filmed here."

"Indeed, this is the environment."

Mei Fang paused and said, "Jiangcheng Division 1 has always adhered to the idea of ​​giving time to students. Not only will they not occupy any holidays and weekends, but they never take exams in the evening self-study of senior one and senior two. If you are more courageous, you will not come. It doesn't matter."

"How did you get admitted to so many good universities with such a relaxed attitude! It's more comfortable than our junior high school!"

"After all, my own student source is the best student source in the entire Chubei Province, and the rest depends on my own self-awareness. If I don't have enough self-control and rely on the teacher's supervision to study seriously, no matter how good my grades are, I'm afraid it's not suitable for me. Come to this school."

"I'm afraid that the game will be useless, right?"

Xia Yuan nodded, "Fortunately, we have a team of three to supervise each other! By the way, if we don't supervise and learn from each other, who would be the first to be useless? I vote for Fang."

Mei Fang was very surprised when he heard this, "Huh? Have you always felt that way?"

Xia Yuan nodded, "Think about it, when you were in elementary school, you always didn't do your homework, missed classes in class, played games or wrote codes during the holidays, it wasn't that I reminded you to supervise you in class every day, and urged you to do homework, you didn't I will study hard!"

"I study efficiently. I can actually finish what I learned in elementary school in two years, can't I?"

"But I think I'm important too."

Xia Yuan puffed up her cheeks, "Don't you think so?"

Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with children.

Mei Fang reluctantly spread her hands in agreement, "There is some truth to what you said... What about you, do you also think I'll be useless?"

Lin Youxi shook his head, "I think I should be the one who can be useless."


Lin Youxi's words surprised both Xia Yuan and Mei Fang, "Do you think so!"

"When I was in elementary school, I was serious about studying, and it was actually because Yuanyuan inspired me."

Lin Youxi smiled and said, "Yuanyuan has always been my role model and goal. I have been her little follower since I was a child. I saw her study hard, so I will study hard."

"That, that's what happened when I was a child, it's nothing..."

Xia Yuan's lips were modest, but his face couldn't help but smile excitedly. He put his arms around Lin Youxi and kept posting them, "After junior high school, you will be my role model, super student Lin Youxi."

"I think learning from a role model is not necessarily the best grade, it mainly depends on the aspect of learning attitude, and the fate is to learn from the role model."

"But, the learning attitude must be transformed into actual learning results!"

"I think Yuanyuan has done a great job, think about it..."

Mei Fang watched the two girls flattering each other, and suddenly couldn't help but interjected, "Doesn't either of you think that I can also be a role model? I think I am also amazing."

"Go away, Afang! It's none of your business!"

Mei Fang was chased by the two girls and had a fight, Xia Yuan finally talked about the arrangement.

"I still have an exam tomorrow, but I can finish the art test in the morning. I made an appointment with Youxi on the way here. After I finish the exam, we will go to Happy Valley to play together. Afang, you can play too?"

"Um, Happy Valley..."

Mei Fang covered her mouth and waved her hands, "I can go with you, but I don't care about some projects."

"Hey... ah... ah..."

Xia Yuan imitated the tone of the girls in Japanese comics and looked around Mei Fang carefully, "My little classmate A Fang, you don't dare to ride the roller coaster, do you?"

"Afang has been timid since he was a child, so let's not force him. The two of us can have fun."

Lin Youxi's persuasion sounded like sarcasm, but Mei Fang couldn't bear it.

"Hey, what's the matter with you two... Have we been watching ghost movies for nothing all these years? I don't know which two little crybags they were that day. They were scared to cry after watching a ghost movie, and couldn't sleep at night. You want me to sleep with someone..."

Mei Fang wiped away tears while speaking, "Oh, I'm really wronged, I'm really wronged——"

"Then, it's the same as watching a ghost movie for the first time! We'll be fine later!"

Xia Yuan blushed, put her hands on her hips dissatisfied, and said, "And ghost movies are different from roller coasters. If you're afraid of heights, Fang, don't go there!"

"Go, why don't I go?" Mei Fang pinched Xia Yuan's cheek and said, "First of all, I was not forced to go by your aggressive method, and then—"

Mei Fang was halfway through speaking, but was interrupted by a high school senior who walked over quickly:

"That, who is that! You guys, why don't you wear school uniforms, which class are you in?"

Mei Fang and his team hurriedly explained: "I, we are not high school students yet... we are here to take the entrance examination for Zhuanxian students."

"Are you junior high school students?"

The glasses student pushed the glasses, and carefully looked at the three little ones, one was 1.7 meters long, the other had long legs, and the other probably had a C-cup. Thinking about her thin and small body, she couldn't help but burst into tears. After a while, I muttered, "Are junior high school students all developed so well now..."

In order to prevent being too excited and affecting the performance of the exam, Xia Yuan should end the topic of going out to play early.

Mei Lijun's schedule is tight, and after accompanying Mei Fang to take the exam, she is going to go home to spend two days with her daughter. Liang Meijuan feels that she should not stay in Jiangcheng any longer to make Xia Xun spend money, so she says she wants to take Mei Lijun's The car goes home together.

On the morning when Xia Xun accompanied her daughter to take the exam, Lin Youxi accompanied Liang Meijuan to the shopping mall to buy clothes. Mei Fang and Mei Lijun slept in the room until 11 o'clock. The two families had a meal.

When Xia Xun and Mei Lijun first met in kindergarten, Mei Lijun was just a junior clerk, and Xia Xun was already a well-known young and promising big boss in the county at that time.

So, even if he is the deputy director now, even if Xia Xun calls him from "Father Meifang" to "Brother Lijun" and then to "Brother Meiju", he respects him all the way, and he doesn't How do you like to put on a show in front of Xia Xun, and let Xia Xun arrange and take the lead in everything, the two of them always feel a little strange.

But now is a rare opportunity for him to control the dominant position in front of several family members. The closeness to Youxi's father Lin Guochuan made him feel no sense of distance when talking to Liang Meijuan. They chatted non-stop at the dinner table. Liang Meijuan I was so scared that the deputy director had always been submissive and dared not object.

Although Dad has worked very hard, but now he feels more like a noisy uncle next door, rather than a deputy director.

"Oh... I really hope that these three children can also be admitted to Jiangcheng Division 1 together, so that they can take care of each other in Jiangcheng."

Mei Lijun couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Sister Meijuan, you don't know that these three children really grew up together, and they were almost inseparable. My family's Mei Fang is also strange. Other boys get together to fight and play games with boys. I like to play with Yuanyuanyouxi..."

"Dad, don't say a few words, eat well." Mei Fang expressed dissatisfaction with his father's noisy.

"Oh, sister Meijuan doesn't know what happened to you before, so it's fine if I talk about it."

Mei Lijun took advantage of the excitement and said, "I still remember when we were planning to move when we were in the fourth grade. If your family Youxi and Xia Yuan hadn't been crying and begging for my wife, we would have moved away..."

Mei Fang was upset when he heard his father bragging. This dead father really didn't mention the Xiali car at all, right...

"Youxi, youxi, do you remember what happened at that time?"

Lin Youxi nodded, "I remember, Uncle Mei... I was very sad when I knew it. I was eating at your house that day, and ran away crying after hearing about it."

"Ah, yes, yes, and that matter, did our kid catch up with you in the end?"

Lin Youxi nodded, "I caught up with Uncle Mei, and I hugged him and cried, telling him not to leave."

"Oh, I haven't heard of this!" Mei Lijun was very happy to eat the melon.

"Is that okay to say, Youxi—"

Mei Fang kept winking at Lin Youxi, but Lin Youxi drank the soup calmly without panic.

"Look at my kid, I'm so anxious to talk about the past, why are you always like a child, you have to be more mature like Youxi, hahaha!"

Mei Lijun laughed again as he spoke, these few laughs were indeed a leadership demeanor.

"Looking at the meaning of my kid, I don't know who he will be with in the end... It's hard to choose, right!"

Liang Meijuan was a little panicked after hearing this, "'s not good to say such a thing, Director Mei..."

"You can just call me Lijun, you don't need to call me Director, it's weird haha!"

As the family who Gong Cabbage, Mei Lijun was not panicked at all, and he was still talking freely, "I think you two have such a good relationship, you must have thought about it, right?"

"Uncle Mei, now we have to focus on our studies, we can't think about these things."

Lin Youxi reminded her.

"Hahahaha! It's about the future."

Mei Lijun said with a smile, "Anyway, uncle thinks you and Yuanyuan are excellent, and our kid is very lucky to know you. First of all, if he dares to treat you badly, I will definitely beat him up." , but you don't want to get jealous and make trouble because of this kid, it's not worth it—"

"Dad, it's really impolite to talk about this topic again."

Mei Fang stepped on Mei Lijun's feet and said filially, "Aren't you afraid that I will complain to my mother?"

"You kid is really... well, let's not talk, let's not talk... eat and eat."

So the two families continued to eat, Lin Youxi didn't feel any displeasure because of Mei Lijun's too explicit topic, and smiled at Mei Fang, got up and gave Mei Fang a big chicken leg.

It can be said that she is very skilled like a little daughter-in-law.

I'm so sorry everyone! I am late to update again! I had a severe cold and insomnia last night, and woke up at 11:30 in the morning. I haven't eaten my teeth or brushed my teeth to update here, 3000 words is still a conscience, haha.

It's definitely not late at 6:30 in the afternoon, and if the coal boss wins the championship tonight, I will add another chapter.

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