Hello everyone, this is Cao Manjun! Originally, after Wanding, I always wanted to write Wanding's testimonials, to share with you my creative journey.

It happened that there was an Easter Egg Chapter event at the beginning, so I wrote it along with this Easter Egg Chapter event.

This is a long love letter.

2022 is a very special year for me. I have experienced many things during this period, especially before the arrival of December, I am experiencing an unprecedented period of low ebb.

I work for a game company. Although it is a small company with only a few dozen people, the boss and the employees are all young people. The company has a good atmosphere, and they often play games together. There are also some good projects that are on the rise.

I have been working here since 19 years from ordinary copywriting planning to team leader. At most, I have managed four people. Although I am a small head, I can barely be considered a middle-level person. The cold wave of the game industry in 2019 has also affected our company. Needless to say, the operation of layoffs, salary cuts, suspension of projects, and partial welfare operations has been stopped.

Our company laid off almost half of the people at that time, and the rest of the people, especially the copywriters, also left one after another. In the end, I was the only one left to maintain the project packaging work that had not stopped, because I liked our company's work very much. Atmosphere, usually I always organize various activities in the company, playing Three Kingdoms Killing, Werewolf Killing, singing K parties on weekends and so on. to move on.

So during the National Day, I decided to open a new book, and after that, I found out that I have green plums after I was reborn.

As I mentioned before, I am of course not a rookie author, but the trumpet of the LV3 author [Watanabe Old Thief] who was not well-known at the starting point and has a lot of sunspots.

But the old thief Watanabe is not actually my first author number. I am actually an old author who started writing books in 2015 and 16, and it has been six or seven years now.

My earliest work was written with an author account called "Fu Er Cao Man". Some of the works in it are gone. Those who like to pick up people's dark history can take a look.

I have loved writing since I was a child.

When I was in elementary school, my composition was always evaluated by the teacher, and I read it in class. My elementary school Chinese teacher always encouraged me to become a writer in the future.

Elementary school Chinese has a requirement to write a diary every day. In order to be lazy, I started to use novels as the content of the diary from the fourth grade. As for the beginning, I had a dream. I dreamed that XXX started to write my ancient debut.

At that time, my friends liked "Yu-Gi-Oh" very much. My childhood dream was to build a DM duel school, develop duel disks (actually, I also made it by hand with cardboard) and so on. As for the content of the novel, it is a shameful fan In this article, the good friends in the class (including the girl I have a crush on, the cute girl) secretly write as a team to take risks together.

This is 2005.

However, such novels are very popular in the class, and everyone often passes them around with my diary. I feel very happy and have a sense of accomplishment.

As time went by, my favorite subject gradually shifted from Yu-Gi-Oh to Romance of the Three Kingdoms. At that time, I was a little Three Kingdoms fan in my class, and I liked to brag everywhere that I played all Three Kingdoms games and themes of the Three Kingdoms (because my family had computer, so it actually did).

Children at that age are somewhat rebellious in their minds, and I am a die-hard fan of "The Legend of Cao Cao in Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and gradually I began to flaunt Cao Cao as my idol. This is the beginning of my liking for Boss Cao. All kinds of IDs will bear the name [Cao Man].

When I was in the sixth grade of elementary school, I didn’t want to be limited by the shackles of the diary, and started to officially serialize novels in the class. I added the names of all the students in the class to the original world view, and then made up a Romance of the Three Kingdoms fan fiction "Romance of the Four Kingdoms" (However, in the end, it was continuously refined and remade, but it ended up unfinished, and the longest serialization was about 90 times).

After this incident was discovered by my class teacher and Chinese teacher, she admired me very much, and even spent two classes reading my novel aloud in the class. When I heard who was killed by me in the novel, everyone Everyone laughed out loud, but I didn't feel dead at all, and even felt very proud.

Therefore, in the winter vacation of the sixth grade, instead of writing propositional essays for winter vacation homework, it became a novel for everyone to write.

I don't know if my elementary school classmates hated me, but I just thought I was handsome at that time.

In fact, I have always been very grateful to my Chinese teacher in elementary school. Without her encouragement, I would not be where I am today.

After many years, I finally understand that it is a luxury to have a dream that I have loved since I was a child.

Many people don't know what they want to do or what they like after graduating together, including many of my gay friends.

I'm glad I still have.

This is 2007.

After I entered junior high school, because I had a computer at home, I gradually began to explore unknown areas that I didn't dare to explore before entering adolescence.

I became a dead house, watching anime and watching anime at home every day, and my work was "Zero: The Familiar".

At that time, the Internet environment was still very open, and you could see a lot of meat-selling Crystal Palace Fans that you can’t even imagine, but I have already forgotten who my earliest childhood sweetheart was, and I reviewed my shame to see Fan Fan For the record, the most likely one should be the heroine (Ome from Heaven) of "Healthy All L Swimming Club", but it is too far away and the memory is relatively vague.

But in short, at that time, there were many, many fake harem fans who were killed by heaven and defeated by Ome. At that time, Ome was not as arrogant as Ying Lili. Feelings like this, compared to the noisy and troublesome heroines from heaven, I would prefer this kind of distressed characters, I really want to reach out and give them a hand, just want to smash the obtuse male protagonists that were popular at that time dog head.

All in all, in the past few years of watching fan in junior high school, the concept of "young tame dye" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

This is from 2008 to 2010.

In the first two years of junior high school, I had no new creations. I just occasionally wrote some mood essays, essays and short stories. This is my way of venting pressure.

Most of them are reading novels, reading all kinds of fantasy web articles, reading youth pain literature and so on...

When I was in high school, I met a relationship that I couldn't ask for. I thought we would be a matter of course, but I didn't expect that in the end I would be self-indulgent.

In order to prove it to others as if showing off, I have been creating my own dedicated persona, even if she has a partner, I have been silently waiting, and at that time, the grades also dropped a lot, and the most depressing time can be no more than a month. Talk to anyone, just eat, sleep and study.

At that time, the only thing that accompanied me was my mood notebook.

I record my mood in a notebook.

What I want to say to her, essays, mood essays.

And have ever done, any dream about her.

In the end, as I was writing, I actually started writing novels again.

The opportunity was that I watched "Cangtian Hanglu" that year, which is a drama specially created with Cao Cao as the protagonist.

Then I thought, like him, to create an original novel about Boss Cao’s life trajectory, which should be a very refreshing novel.

When I was in the third year of high school, I was still serializing it even a month before the third year of high school.

As much as it sounds, it really helped me.

Helped me through my most painful and hypocritical years.

In the end, my performance was not bad, and I entered a 211 university in Wuhan without extraordinary performance or hip-pull performance.

That's why I love the business of writing fiction.

Because in the age when there were no childhood sweethearts and no one to confide in, my gay friend Fa Xiao almost didn’t do anything except play games, and I was the most hypocritical, astringent, mature, sensitive and vulnerable one in Fa Xiao.

As far as I am concerned, novels are my childhood sweethearts and my only loyal companions.

This is from 2011 to 2013.

After I went to college, I actually didn't forget her, and I didn't even realize that I was a licking dog, and I did a lot of humble things that weren't just a single thing.

But as time went by, I slowly let go of a lot. I gradually began to serialize some short stories on Qzone, sometimes they are stories that are biased towards youth literature, and sometimes they are long-form serializations on the theme of the Three Kingdoms.

As I write, I am not satisfied with sharing my stories with my friends. I want more people to see my works. After going through a series of preparatory work, about 15 or 16 years ago, I started writing web articles at Qidian, when there wasn't even a light novel section, only a fan section.

While transferring what I wrote on the space to the starting point, I was already waiting for the editor to sign on, fantasizing about becoming the next platinum god.

Of course, the results are realistic and tragic.

When I wrote 200,000 words in my first work "Elegy of the Bronze Sparrow", the starting point collection was only 20, there were almost no book reviews, and the signing site was even non-existent.

I believe that the editor's vision is bad rather than my work is bad. I have edited and revised my work, revised and revised it, Jinjiang, and 17k.

This is my first low. Every day I browse the background collection and read book reviews, I began to wonder if the "writing talents" I showed in my childhood were not worth mentioning at all.

But at that time, I didn't give up completely. If I couldn't pass a subject, I just had to open a new pit.

Later, as the Qidian light novel area replaced the doujin area, two-dimensional light novels and national light novels became the hottest topics nowadays, and everyone was looking forward to becoming the master of light novels in China.

I also tried to submit a draft, the theme is similar to FGO's urban supernatural heroic war, the great chaos inherited from the emperors in Chinese history, and it is a little bit like the soul-hunting street that became popular later.

I finally received a short message from the website. I still remember that it was when I was in class in my junior year. I'm even happier now that I've got the Wanding badge.

Of course, the ending is also realistic and tragic. The data of the work I signed is not much better than before, and it will be discontinued if I don’t persist until it is put on the shelves.

At that time, when I was young, I only thought that if I signed a contract, I would be able to get recommendations and soar into the sky. How could I have imagined that signing a contract was just the first step in the long journey of writing online articles?

This is from 2013 to 2016.

I also met a lot of authors who had the same dreams as me during this low-level Xiaopu Street. At that time, I also made a lot of author friends, but those netizens are basically not updating, and it may be that they have changed their vests. I don't know anymore haha.

The road of writing is always lonely.

"Reina and His Battle Princess Legion" is my first work on the shelves in Chapter V. The theme is inspired by a well-known RM game "Tale of the Abandoned City". The booking seems to be in single digits, and I didn't pay much attention to it. I was already a senior at that time, and I had to write a novel code word update while busy looking for a job.

Looking for a job is actually not very satisfactory. My major is electrical engineering and automation. Many positions are like Liu’s going to work in hydropower stations in the wilderness. I don’t want to do this kind of job that can be seen at a glance. In the middle and late stages of the year, I changed my plan and started to try to apply for some jobs in the game industry.

But after all, the career planning of our county-born children does not have the guidance of others, and we did not work hard enough and did not plan well in advance. In the end, the school recruited a BJ’s game company to do game evaluation. In fact, it is a combination of testing and operation. Internship The salary is very low, only 4,500, but I will report 6,000 with my mother, because I still have income from novels.

Although the subscription income is very low, but relying on creative incentives (180,000 updates per month), I can get a guaranteed 1,500 yuan.

Although the work is easy, it is also an 8-hour work system. It is not easy to change 6,000 a day, not to mention that I still have to travel tens of kilometers to work every day. Changping—haidian, I first lived in Shahe.

The CP area of ​​bj is really broken, even worse than my hometown Huangmei County, there is not even a street light on the road.

I dare not spend money casually, because it is very difficult to live in BJ with this little money. My colleagues often have dinner together. I always say that I don’t have time to code and I want to save the money.

At that time, my family was still in debt, and my university tuition was paid on an interest-free student loan, so I had to help repay the money to relieve some of the pressure.

At that time, around 6,000 yuan before tax, I could still save 3,000 yuan a month.

However, the friends who studied in bj saw my living environment and salary in bj, and immediately strengthened their will to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

He felt that we had worked so hard to get out of the small town of Zuotijia and passed the 211 exam, but in the end we were burning our youth in such a moldy rental house, looking at the white ceiling and thinking about life.

He said that he didn't know what I was planning, and the conditions were better than going to a hydropower station.

Yes, what are you drawing?

Whether it is a game or a novel, being able to pursue your dreams seems to be a very beautiful thing.

But is there anything more attractive than money?

It seems that there is no.

But I have a very stubborn personality, and of course it can also be called a personality that wants to save face.

The more everyone thinks it's not good, the more I want to go all the way to the dark.

The first two years of work were my precipitation period in the game industry. Game evaluation is a very leisurely job. I usually test game bugs and play STEAM games when I have nothing to do, and the company will reimburse me.

During this period, I came into contact with many independent games and wrote many evaluation reports.

In terms of novels, I made a promise to myself that I must finish the book well. Starting from "My Young Tamer Is Not a Goddess", I gradually mastered the skills of signing.

Open a new pit, go to the outer station, and study the routine.

Shuke, Boluobao, and even Ahli Literature Network have had trumpet exploits.

Of course, there was no fire, and they were all rushed to the street by Quan Qin.

In fact, in the past two years, light novels have always been very popular among fans, and they have attracted a lot of attention, but I desperately wanted to save face and insisted on writing original works.

So I am very envious of those writers who became famous at a young age when they started writing books. I don't have that kind of talent and talent, so I can only write silently.

With a passion.

The first order of "Young Taming Dye" is as high as 20, which is a great double-digit breakthrough.

Relying on these 20 first orders, I silently wrote a million words to the end.

Although not many people spend money to read this book, there are many readers who are willing to join the group.

Many of my readers have also become friends because of this book, and have become friends who chat happily on the Internet, such as passers-by, old R, Lin Lin, cute men, and loli.

For example, when Luo Li first read my book, she was just a junior high school girl who was in military training in the first year of senior high school, and now she is even about to graduate from university.

Some readers were only active for a period of time, and then disappeared from my online life, but when his ID appeared in my book review area, I could quickly remember the memories he had left with me. trace.

Many readers in the book friend group watched me walk along the street, especially those guys with group titles in the 2 groups. I really really appreciate everyone's company.

Frankly speaking, many of my previous works more or less have some literary problems or thunder points, and some of them do have some intentionally disgusting readers. I admit all of these. Someone screenshotted it and posted it to YY Novels and other posts, so that I didn't get popular. [Watanabe Old Thief] has already been given the title of green hat author.

I really didn't understand it at the time. When I saw people scolding me, I was often so angry that I wanted to cry, and I was depressed and insomnia all night. I almost didn't insist on finishing "Love Song".

But I keep telling myself: You can't be defeated by malice. If you admit defeat and compromise with them, you will lose completely, because you will let down those readers who have always loved and supported you deeply, you are sorry for them, you are even more sorry for yourself, and you are sorry for the novels you love deeply Role.

So in the end, I also insisted on finishing "Yesterday's Love Song" normally (although some extra episodes have not been written, I'm sorry for some people).

"Yesterday's Love Song" was the work I ordered the most before "Rebirth of Green Plum", and now it should have 800 average subscriptions.

However, it is very hard work to insist on finishing a work with poor grades and no one to read it normally.

Maybe you can hold on to one.

But two, three, or even more?

If hitting the street can be considered an achievement, I think I should get an award.

The author account of the old thief Watanabe has a total of eight or nine works on the street, and some works are indeed suspected of ending quickly (but my single heroine really can't write long).

"Love Song", "Dream Making", "Sense of Existence" and "Young Taming" have all completed normally with a million words. The first two works are 20 and 34 respectively, and the 7 songs in ancient times are ordered "Zhan Ji" Needless to say.

I have always been a character who will shine brightly when given a little sunshine. If readers say they like my work in the comment area, I will be happy for a long time. Your encouragement made it easy for me to persist until the end of the book.

Persist until you see the ending of the characters in the story, and persist until the rest of the readers accompany me to shout the end of Sanhua.

I think it's a very romantic thing.

Just like once I decide to play a story-oriented game, I always hope to see the end of the story in person.

There is a beginning and an end.

Life is already hard, don't abandon them in fiction too.

In terms of career, I moved from BJ to Shanghai, Shanghai to Changsha, and finally decided to develop in Shenzhen.

I transferred to become the copywriting planner I wanted to be, which is also my career plan, enriching game experience and becoming a copywriting expert.

I am gradually getting results in this area.

To prove the level of strength of copywriting planning, projects and portfolios are very important, so I have always had a regret because I don't have a high-quality work.

800 Jun is very bluffing, but it is nothing to Dianniang.

By the way, when I was writing the love song, I finally made up my mind, deleted all her contact information, and severed all contact with her.

No longer actively pursue a stable intimate relationship, and no longer expect a stable intimate relationship.

This is what happened in 2021?

Looking back, it was incredible.

This is November 2017~2021.

Before opening "Rebirth of Green Plum", I never imagined that it could bring me further achievements.

At most, I hope to have a thousand-level breakthrough, so I take advantage of the time when my boss asks me to study AI painting, and add color to my novel by the way.

As for the subject matter of the story, after I tried a lot, I returned to my most comfortable childhood love, which is the era of "Young Taming Ran", which can be regarded as a return to basics.

I look forward to the love that will last for a long time, and companionship is the longest confession of love.

I consider myself to be an honest and good person, so the male protagonists in my novels will not behave like scumbags or scumbags, and most of them are more polite.

On the contrary, there is nothing to say about the content of the story, except that there is no Qingmei, and contrary to Mei Fang, I dare not try anything if I fail to succeed. It is my own life.

I am a nostalgic person, I always remember many things in the past, and I can call out the names of my elementary school classmates as soon as I see them.

So in the final analysis, this book is just making up for my own difficulties.

In the early stage of the book, the book review area was closed, and the collection increased a few times a day. I even had the urge to apologize to the readers before it was put on the shelves.

But fortunately, I persevered.

The editor Lu Ming took great care of me and provided me with various writing suggestions. If I have any questions, he always gives me feedback as soon as possible.

Previous readers have also supported me as always.

Obviously I've always been that desperate.

But I still have readers who love it all the time.

This is the joy of writing novels——

There will always be someone who likes you and can relate to you.

So, the testimonials finally came to December 2022.

The stories seem to go down the road full of regrets, whether it is me, or Leo Messi, who I have been following since 10 years, watching him play.

I am not a senior fan, but I will pay attention to Messi's information, and I will watch his important games, whether it is a club or a national team.

I like the character of Messi, he is from Argentina, he plays well and is a nice guy.

But every time I look at Messi, I always see all kinds of regrets.

Watching him become the head of the orphanage in the Champions League, carrying Barcelona forward alone, but suffered countless reversals;

Watching him staring at the Hercules Cup in the final of the World Cup in 2014, when he was only one step away from the Hercules Cup;

Watching him kick a key penalty kick in the Copa America final, looking at the sky with remorseful and weeping expression;

Looking at him chasing Mbappe in 18 years, his eyes are full of himself when he was young;

Seeing him being abandoned by his beloved Barcelona, ​​he failed to fulfill the promise of one person and one city, and he did not usher in the most magnificent curtain call performance of the Nou Camp king;

In fact, it's not just the coal boss, Ah Kun, and the angels, their dreams have never been realized, and the way they cry is so heartbreaking.

Even a great player like Boss May is full of regrets. I couldn't sleep for a long time after watching the game against the French team in 2018.

Because I thought this was his last swan song.

Just like my brainless pursuit of the dream of web articles, I will never get what I want.

However, all the hard work and dedication really paid off, like an adult fairy tale.

However, everything has come true in this fantastic December. Both me and Messi have achieved their own consummation.

Of course, my trivial achievement is definitely not worthy of being comparable to Boss Mei.

But this December is really dreamy for my road of web writing.

For the first time a milestone breakthrough occurred.

This means that my work has gained a certain degree of widespread love and recognition in a real sense.

You don’t know how many times I have dreamed of waking up to see the recommendation votes swiped to 99+, and the dream of adding more than 100 new favorites every day.

A little adaptation of a sentence by football poet He Weihe:

Why do we love the Internet industry so much, because it entrusts us with beautiful wishes that we can never achieve in real life.

This is not just a feeling that can be interpreted by the word "cool".

For me, the suffering in life can be filled with code words, and it can be made up with your support and encouragement.

For you, I hope that my works can bring you yearning for a better life and make up for the difficulty you felt when you were young.

Let you find a little solace in this not so beautiful world.

I still like to read your book reviews, and I will read almost every one of them carefully.

I see a lot of people resonate with me, a lot of people lost his or her childhood in childhood.

They could have maintained a good relationship, but now they can't wait to travel back and dump themselves.

After all, the ignorance and ignorance of youth is the most regrettable.

Looking back, I don't even know what stupid things I was doing back then.

But life is like this.

Looking back on my creative process now, it is still a very dreamy journey.

For seven years, or even seventeen years, the indissoluble bond with the novel has brought me to this day.

How many roads have I traveled before I finally got your book.

The thunder points and lessons accumulated in every fluttering book have become the big pits to avoid in the creation of the book "Rebirth of Green Plum".

Of course, new pits will continue. So far, I think the control is pretty good? (self feeling)

Undoubtedly, the characters I designed in the past have been deeply imprinted in my mind, becoming some elements of the new book, and becoming part of the design inspiration of Yuanyuan, Youxi, and even Meifang.

The above are all the stories that have happened to me so far with Novels.

If readers want to get involved in the field of online literature, this journey of mine can be regarded as a very complete comparison.

Of course, I am also very clear that now I have not achieved the level of success and fame, and it is not my turn to be complacent.

There is still a long way to go for the book "Rebirth of Green Plum". Recently, there is a bit of water because I am often busy working overtime. In the follow-up, the sweetness of the main line will be gradually raised, and the outline is available.

To be honest, I have almost written 7,000 words now. Damn it, I don’t usually work so hard at typing.

I only post hypocritical articles like this once, mainly for the benefit of everyone hahaha, they are all casually written things, so don’t take them too seriously.

That's about it, the new year is coming, I wish you all a happy new year in advance and all the best!

Thanks again everyone for being here.

Thank you for reading my book.

Thank you for liking me.

Whether it is this book or myself, I will continue to accompany you in the coming year and help you achieve your childhood dreams.

In 2023, please continue to give me more advice.

by Cao Manjun

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