The New Year’s Eve party and Top 100 Awards Ceremony at station C are the first large-scale performance celebrations held by Yuanxi Huyu. Although the first show has a lot of cottage flavor, the effect is exactly as Mei Fang imagined. Down-to-earth, natural, corporate, and youthful.

There is no dazzling Avenue of Stars, but there is a group of enthusiastic audiences who sincerely support you instead of fake smiles. There is no exquisite and luxurious service, and some are hard-working performances with extreme program effects. The performances full of sincerity have been harvested online There was a lot of praise, and many up owners said they would never forget this New Year's Eve party.

Although they are about the same age as these well-known UP masters of later generations, Mei Fang always looks particularly conspicuous when he is in it. He and Xia Yuan are often dragged by the top 100 to take photos together. The top 100 are more like a star chaser to them The excitement of chasing the scene.

The impression Lin Youxi leaves on people is always cold and cold, but today she changed into a gothic dress that was forced to open for business, which is one of the mascots of station C, Xibao. dress up.

Such Lin Youxi looks very eye-catching today, everyone has become more active and enthusiastic, and Lin Youxi is also very cooperative in taking photos together, so that after returning home, he hugged Mei Fang directly, asking for his comfort and touch.

"You know I don't like places with many people... Today I worked hard to cooperate all because of Ah Fang. I'm so tired."

"Okay, okay...I know you've worked hard...Didn't it be said at the beginning that you can avoid it?"

"If it's someone else, forget it, I'll definitely avoid it directly."

Lin Youxi raised his head and looked at Mei Fang, "But Ah Fang is no one else. For our future, of course we have to wrong ourselves to do things we don't want. This is how life is..."

"Wuwu, don't say makes me feel so guilty...let me love you so much——"

Mei Fang put her arms around Lin Youxi and wanted to kiss her, but Lin Youxi pushed her face and refused to let her kiss. At this time, Lin Youxi suddenly showed a very sad expression, "Don't do this, Mei Fang... We have broken up, and we will never go back to the way we were before."

Mei Fang was stunned for a moment, then understood her intentions, and asked her affectionately while holding her cheek:

"Then, do you still love me now?"

"It's not a matter of love or not."

Facing the topic that Mei Fang raised, Lin Youxi tilted his head and looked away, "After going through so much, I, I no longer have the courage to love someone anymore."

"Look me in the eyes, don't run away."

As Mei Fang said that, he slammed Lin Youxi against the wall, supported the wall, and looked into Lin Youxi's eyes.

"Look into my eyes, look at me well. We are childhood sweethearts who have known each other for almost fifteen years. Our lives have long been intertwined with each other. I don't believe you have no feelings for me at all."

"If you don't believe me, why don't you touch my heartbeat and see if I still have feelings for you?"

Lin Youxi puffed up her chest as she spoke, staring at Mei Fang's eyes with a smile in her eyes, and Mei Fang also stretched out her hand tremblingly at this time, as if afraid of confirming that this person who was no longer loved Facts are average.


"Can you feel my heartbeat?"

"I feel... I can't feel it." Mei Fang said sadly, "Maybe the clothes are too thick."

"Then I'll untie it and you can feel it."



Xia Yuan, who was regarded as air at the side, immediately said cursingly, "You can't just patronize two people to enter the play! What should I do! I want Afang to hug and hold him high!"

"Then why don't you kiss and hug Afang after I finish making out with Afang?"

"Not good! Why do you let Youxi play the fresh A Fang? You haven't won the love game this week."

"Where is there a chance for a love game this week..."

Mei Fang sighed, "I think we should compete for the final victory next week."

"Don't you have to prepare for the final exam next week? You don't even take the exam?"

"I heard that many exams are open-book, and the computer knowledge here is very childish, so it shouldn't be difficult."

Lin Youxi said warmly, "This is much easier than the college entrance examination. There will be people who can't get 60 points in the exam, right?"

"I have to bet on the questions, bet on the questions... I have to review and prepare."

Xia Yuan mumbled, "We in the music department have to study a lot of things like art history and philosophy history, but the trouble is so complicated, it's not as simple as you imagined! Anyway... I have to study hard."

"It's true that the winter vacation is not far away. At this time, let's focus on studying first. There is only the final competition left in the love game. You can also wait for a while and watch it again..."

"What about that night?"

"At's so cold at night, let me warm everyone up!"


"I have no problem."

The busy Mei Fang began to review his past studies in the final sprint of his freshman year. The theoretical knowledge he learned in college is not empty. For Mei Fang, this is also a way to supplement system knowledge and improve game design thinking. good chance.

In his previous life, he studied an engineering major with no practical application. It was only when he graduated that he began to review whether his major was what he wanted to do, so he started playing games later on. The growth of design is actually very disadvantageous.

On the one hand, you need to rely on your previous life experience, but on the other hand, you must also improve your foundation. You must know where these games are popular, and it is really not advisable to blindly copy them.

In this way, after a busy January and the equally busy Yuanxi Huyu Annual Meeting, after drawing prizes and handing out red envelopes to everyone, Mei Fang began to plan to go home again.

This year is the first year of university. Unlike previous years, Mei Fang no longer needs his fathers to come and pick him up. He can drive his wives home by himself.

But the journey is very far away, and Mei Fang has not had more than one year of driving experience. In the end, he could only discuss it with his family. In the end, Mei Fang's father, Mei Lijun, came to pick up the Big Three back together.

Seeing Mei Fang's father at the station this time, Mei Fang suddenly felt very heartbroken. Looking at Mei Lijun's sparse hair, he also saw his own sad future in an instant.

"Dad, you're really turning into a Mediterranean..."

"Don't talk about things while stroking my hair! Your father just has less hair, not bald!"

This time the journey home is very far away, but the Big Three will still live in Meilijun’s house for a period of time according to their previous habits, and then return to Baimei County. Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi are still thinking about the final match of the love game, But Mei Fang looked at the date displayed on the phone, but felt a little bit embarrassed and emotional.

In a blink of an eye, the timeline of the original story has come to 2015.

After this birthday, Youxi and Yuanyuan will be 20 years old.

Ah, so you're only 20 years old?

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