It has been three months since the wedding of the century in Bali ended.

The five-month-old Xiao Yuanbao is already very obvious, Xia Yuan is now very pregnant, and Lin Youxi is also slightly convex.

Xiao Xixi found out on the second day after Mei Fang completed the marriage proposal ceremony, and Lin Youxi checked it on a sudden whim.

After discovering that they had won the lottery, the family immediately went to the hospital for a detailed and complete comprehensive examination.

Lin Youxi, who got the results from the doctor, was as happy as a child, jumping up and down with Xia Yuan and Mei Fang in his arms, as if he had returned to the time when he was a child.

In this way, both Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan got their own little happiness.

The life after marriage requires Mei Fang to let go of work more, and his uncle Chen Rui has gradually become the actual manager of Yuanxi Interactive Entertainment Group.

The biggest development investment of Yuanxi Huyu now is the last work "Yuanxi Fantasy Realm" completed by Mei Fang as a producer.

It would be difficult for such a huge project to maintain its popularity without the presence of the three giants. Fortunately, the promotional video for "Fantasy Land" involving Mei Fang, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi has been shot in advance, and there is no need for it now. Worrying too much about these things.

The three of them are currently raising their babies peacefully in a private villa in the suburbs of Pengcheng. Because of their special status, only doctors and nutritionists have specially hired a team. Daily care is mainly taken care of by two elders, Xiang Xiaoxia and Liang Meijuan.

Of course, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi were accompanied by Mei Fang for at least half of the time every day.

This is exactly his ultimate goal after finishing his career in college and then retiring.

Boss Mei, who is 23 years old, very introverted and afraid to work, is now trying to play the role of a father-to-be.

In addition to reminding her wives to eat more folic acid every day, accompanying them for prenatal check-ups, sharing housework, and preparing more low-sugar fruits, Mei Fang will also provide prenatal education for her unborn babies.

Of course, there are many ways to carry out prenatal education in the traditional sense, and of course the most common way is to listen to music.

"Okay, this is OK."

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi were sitting on the sofa and recliner. Mei Fang put on headphones for Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi respectively, playing today's prenatal education music - the song "I'm Happy" sung by Mei Fang herself.


As soon as Xia Yuan heard the prelude, she immediately hit Mei Fang on the arm angrily, "Why do you let the baby listen to pop music? Can you let her listen to more soothing classical music?"

"Isn't it good to listen to Dad's voice once in a while... My voice has been lowered." Mei Fang was a little aggrieved.

"You talk to Little Yuanbao every day, and I'm tired of hearing your voice."

"But this is a limited edition of Daddy's high school, it's very precious and rare!"

"If Xiao Yuanbao is a boy, then when he grows up, he will only think that Dad is perverted—"

Mei Fang squatted down and rubbed Xia Yuan's legs, "I think Xiao Yuanbao will be a little princess."

"If it's really a princess, then——"

As Xia Yuan was talking, she suddenly clutched her stomach and moaned in pain. Seeing this, Mei Fang quickly took off her earphones and helped Xia Yuan rub her stomach.

"Xiao Yuanbao, Xiao Yuanbao... good boy, don't kick mom, okay? Hmm? Listen to what dad says..."

Under Mei Fang's care and caress, the fetal movement slowly slowed down.

"Little Yuanbao is so lively, if she was a girl, she would be a super wild girl."

Xia Yuan held her stomach weakly and even shed some tears. Seeing this, Mei Fang quickly wiped Xia Yuan's tears, held Yuan Yuan in her arms, kissed and hummed to coax Xia Yuan.

This state lasted for five minutes, until the corner of Mei Fang's clothes was pulled by another hostess on the recliner.

"Don't pretend that I don't exist," Lin Youxi's belly is now so small that she wears the earphones on her ears and listens to herself—

She took off her earphones and looked at Mei Fang calmly.

"If you don't coax me together, I will get depressed during pregnancy."

" is that possible!"

So Mei Fang hugged Lin Youxi again, touched Xiao Xixi, and asked the child to listen to her father's voice.

"Youxi, let me hug you in five minutes. Little Yuanbao is really bullying me. It hurts."

In this way, Mei Fang's tenderness comes back and forth.

As for when it was time to go to bed at night, Mei Fang didn't dare to move. She had to wait until Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi.

Although this is more tiring and hard than when the three of us went together, it is also very happy.

As a father, being a dad...

Winter turns to spring, the ice and snow melt, and when midsummer arrives, while Xia Yuan enters her labor period, "Yuan Xi Fantasy Realm" also officially begins its public beta.

On the first day of its open beta, "Yuanxi Fantasy" attracted the attention of countless players around the world with its extremely magnificent MMO open world.

The number of online users in the entire server exceeded 5 million, and the revenue easily exceeded 100 million within 6 hours, creating a landmark miracle in the history of domestic and even global MMO games.

In the huge and complex AI-generated world, more than 10,000 NPCs each play their own role in the story and interact with more players;

At the same time, players can also immerse themselves in the world built by the game, become a part of the world, connect with NPCs, and generate new task chains;

Maintaining the code generated by AI automatic control requires a lot of technical investment, but Yuanxi Interactive Entertainment is willing to pay for it and is exploring more efficient and concise code maintenance methods;

With the initial iterations of several versions, the quality of "Yuan Xi Fantasy Realm" has finally withstood the test.

After a period of time, active and active players chanted similar slogans to the previous game on various social platforms——

"Yuan Shen, activate!"

It seems that no matter what they do, top-tier games can never escape the fate of being criticized for cultivating filial sons...

But that’s okay.

I have worked in independent and AAA games. Although I still have a lot of games I want to make, Mei Fang’s game dream in his previous life has come to an end for the time being.

Compared with players who are eagerly looking forward to the new version iteration and the addition of new origin characters, he is now looking forward to the version update and iteration of Earth OL——

The birth of two new lives.

Xia Yuan, who was about to give birth, had been staying in the hospital since her due date. During this period, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi, who was also pregnant, had been accompanying her. The family members also stayed in a nearby hotel to take care of her. After all, it was Queen's Suite in a private hospital.

Of course there was no doubt about the environment of the Queen's Suite, but Xia Yuan, the expectant mother, started to get a little nervous when it was time to give birth, and she was able to talk to Mei Fang all night long.

"Am I going to turn into a fat woman after giving birth?"

"Will it be painful to give birth to a baby?"

"Yeah...but I'll stay with you."

"I, I, will I still turn into a fat woman after giving birth?"

"Although I'm pregnant, haven't I been taking care of my body? And I've applied pregnancy oil on you every day. Our skin is very good, and there won't be any traces after giving birth."

"My breasts have been very swollen recently. Why are they there before the baby is born?"

"This is normal, don't worry."

"Would you dislike it if our little Yuanbao looked cute?"

"How can our child not be good-looking, and I can't possibly dislike it."

"I might dislike it... Wuwu——"

"You won't mind it, it's just words."

Xia Yuan's nose was gently scratched by Mei Fang, "Okay, okay, my Princess Yuan Yuan, it's time to sleep now."

"Ok, I know."

Xia Yuan patted Mei Fang's hand and said, "You should also go and stay with Youxi. She will be lonely when she sleeps alone."

"I had already made out with Youxi before I came to accompany you,"

Mei Fang said softly, "Youxi said that it would be better to stay with you recently, and you can tell the doctor as soon as you have a situation. After all, you are about to give birth now."


Xia Yuan pursed her lips, and while gently stroking her stomach, she let out a long sigh.

"Although I have been playing house since I was very young, when I really wanted to be a mother, I always felt like wow, can I be a qualified mother?"

"Don't question this kind of thing... no one is born to be a mother.

Mei Fang thought for a while and said, "But Yuan Yuan is an exception."

"I'm the exception - exception to what?"

"I think you feel like a mother every time you play house, exuding the brilliance of motherhood!"

"Hmph, Ah Fang is too perverted! I didn't have that kind of brilliance back then!"

"There is... there is! I want mother loli! I want mother loli!"

Mei Fang coaxed Xia Yuan, lying on her side beside the bed, playing with her to sleep.

After a few days, Mei Fang's Earth OL is finally going to be updated.

The update notice has been released, and the new DLC package has begun to be downloaded and installed.

Because this is a VIP independent delivery room, Mei Fang can accompany Xia Yuan as a family member to install the version together.

Even so, Xia Yuan still couldn't hide her inner fear.

Already feeling a little bit, she tightly grasped Mei Fang's hand, her expression was very pitiful and helpless.

"Afang...I'm afraid of pain."

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt...Little Yuanbao won't hurt mom, and then—"

While coaxing Xia Yuan, Mei Fang stretched out her arms towards Xia Yuan, "If you really feel pain, bite me. Bite me as hard as it hurts. I want to feel the same pain as you."

"No...I can't bear to bite Al Fang."

Xia Yuan groaned, "If I suffer alone, just--that's fine--"


At the same time, Lin Youxi, the parents and family members of the three families were waiting anxiously outside.

Xia Yuan's painful wail came from the delivery room, and everyone was worried.

At the same time, Mei Fang gritted his teeth and grunted loudly.

Lin Youxi paced back and forth outside the delivery room with a bulging belly. After wandering for a while, she thought about going in to accompany Xia Yuan and Mei Fang. Then she was stopped by Xiang Xiaoxia and Liang Meijuan.

"Don't go in, youxi! What if I accidentally hurt you?"


Lin Youxi still showed worry, "I'm really worried that Yuanyuan won't be able to take it."

"If something goes wrong with you, Afang and Yuanyuan can't stand it!"

At this time, Liang Meijuan pulled Lin Youxi and said sincerely, "Ancestor, my little ancestor... don't mess around, just think about it for us elders!"

At the same time, Xiang Xiaoxia also closed her eyes and prayed silently.

Ancestors bless... I hope the bracelet can protect Yuan Yuan and be safe!

Xia Yuan, who was installing the DLC package, was wearing a green jade bracelet on her hand. This was passed down from generation to generation by the daughter-in-law of the Mei family. However, because the Mei family now has two daughters-in-law, Xiang Xiaoxia never left the bracelet alone. Handing it over to someone, this time it is a major matter related to production, so the bracelet ended up in Xia Yuan's hands;

The three grown men, Mei Lijun, Lin Guochuan and Xia Xun, were all sitting on the chairs neatly, but they were all listening with their necks hanging. Teacher Yu poured tea for everyone, and Xia Xun kept holding the tea cup. Shaking non-stop, Teacher Yu took the initiative to hold him at this time, signaling her to be relieved with his eyes.

And Mei Ya remained motionless against the wall of the delivery room, silently wishing with her eyes closed, and quietly waiting for the birth of the little ingot.

Accompanied by the cries of the baby who had just fallen to the ground, everyone's suspenseful hearts immediately became much more stable.

The version has been installed.

After the doctors and nurses came out, everyone rushed forward anxiously, hoping to get more definite results from the doctors.

"Mother and child are safe, she is a little princess."

It seems to be a successful installation without bugs.

Everyone held hands with each other happily. Xia Xun even held his glasses tremblingly. He was so excited that he couldn't hold his glasses steady and fell off. After receiving the glasses, Mei Lijun immediately handed them to Xia Xun.

"Okay, look at you, how excited you are, Lao Xia, you are a grandfather, so calm down..."

"I don't look... calm? I've always been, very calm."

Xia Xun, who faltered and fumbled a bit, immediately aroused everyone's laughter, while Lin Youxi only cared about Yuanyuan's situation at this time.

"Excuse me, can I go in and take a look now?"

The doctor exhorted.

"Less people go in at a time, keep your voice down as much as possible, and rest."

"I-I'll go first."

"I'll be with you--"

Xiang Xiaoxia said she was going to help Lin Youxi, but Lin Youxi refused.

"No, no need, Mom... I can do it myself."

Lin Youxi tremblingly supported the wall and handrails, and entered the delivery room cautiously.

There is a strange fragrance in the air.

It smells good.

Lin Youxi walked forward slowly, only to see Xia Yuan covering her face and crying.

Mei Fang was coaxing her softly.

Seeing Lin Youxi coming, Mei Fang immediately stood up and went over to help Lin Youxi, helping her to come to Xia Yuan.

You can see a very bright red tooth mark on Mei Fang's arm.

"Yuanyuan...why are you crying? Where is little Yuanbao...let me take a look, is it in the incubator?"

Lin Youxi was about to get up and take a look when she was pulled back by Xia Yuan.

"Don't look... there's nothing good to see... ugh..."

Xia Yuan rubbed her red and swollen eyes and cried, "Little Yuanbao is too ugly and doesn't look like me at all!"

"Why don't they look alike? Look at those eyes, that nose, that little mouth. They look so much like you... She will definitely be a great beauty in the future."

"In your eyes, I am so ugly..."

Xia Yuan said and took Mei Fang's hand again, "Afang...can you have another one? This one won't's too ugly!"

"Oh, I told you... a newborn baby looks like this..."

While Mei Fang was coaxing the emo Xia Yuan, Lin Youxi stood up with a bulging belly, stood in front of the incubator, and reached out to touch the glass cover of the incubator.

Now, Mei Youyuan's family of three has become a family of four.

A new member was born.

Little Yuanbao was lying quietly in the incubator, squinting his eyes, raising his hands slightly, clenching his fists and shaking them, feeling this new world.

"Hello, little Yuanbao."

Lin Youxi put her hand on the incubator, leaned over slightly, and whispered softly to little Yuanbao.

"Be a good sister to Xiao Xixi."

"Just like...we were like that at that time-"

OK, it's over.

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