Episode 006. gnome voice

“Baron. Did your old lover learn horseback riding?”

“no. Amelia was an ordinary country woman. I’ve seen horses many times, but I never knew how to ride them.”

“hmm. So, that’s a real talent.”

Kane and Gardy chatted while glancing at Aaron who was following them.

After leaving the mine, Gardi taught Aaron the basics of riding.

How to sit on the saddle, how to put your feet in the stirrups, how to hold the reins, and so on.

It was a bit difficult for a beginner who had not even trained his body, but after trying it a few times, Aaron started driving the horse well.

‘It’s hard to pretend not to.’

Aaron smiled bitterly at the two whispering in a small voice.

In fact, as soon as he got on the horse and took the reins, he mastered all the knowledge of riding.

It’s hard to demonstrate advanced techniques because my body isn’t up to it yet, but with a little practice, I’ll be able to handle anything in no time.

[33] [28]

Kane and Gardi’s level was around 30.

The level was 30 at the beginning of Sword Expert in the game, so it was an appropriate number.

‘Good start. For the time being, I’ll have to grow my strength under these guys.’

Odd Haken was a good stepping stone for living in this world.

Although he was a baron, thanks to the mana stone mine, he had a lot of money and a good personality, so if he behaved well, there would be no friction.

“The sun is about to set.”

Gardi raised his head and murmured.

It’s been several hours since I left the mine.

The cloudless sky of late winter was gradually turning indigo blue.

Tmoline Mine is located inside the mountain range, so you must spend the night in the mountain to get in and out.

That’s why slaves couldn’t dream of escaping.

Even if he ran away, it was certain that he would become monster food overnight.

“How long until Mineville?”

the baron asked.

Mineville is a town built on a mountainside for supervisors and commoners who work in the mines.

When the village was first created, it was small and many people died from monster raids, but now that the mining industry has developed, it has become a great shelter for people traveling through the mountains.

“I think we will arrive before sunset.”

Gardi looked at the map and said.

When he first left the mines, he headed for Mineville.

I used to sleep in the mountains when I was alone with the baron, but I liked staying in the village now with Aaron.


Aaron hardened his face at Gardi’s words.

Mineville is where Mountain Drake, a giant monster that lives in the Tmoline Mountains, first appears.

If you select the Kingdom of Dellore as your starting point, it will appear in the beginning as an event, but I still have vivid memories of being torn to shreds after being unknowingly attacked when I was a newbie.

When I first encountered him, the quest given to me was not to kill him, but to run away from him.

‘Green Calamity Gedrik.’

It became a named monster after its first appearance, and it was difficult to catch even after raising its level, as it used the wide area of the Tmolin Mountains as its territory.

“Sir Gardi. What is today’s date by any chance? Being in a mine, I lost my sense of the date.”

Aaron asked. Gardi looked back at him and replied right away.

“It is the 3rd of February in the year 1004 of the imperial calendar. Please speak comfortably. young master.”

His attitude towards Aaron was no different from his dealing with any other deficit.

Even though he was a bastard, he was mixed with his master’s blood, and his actions and speech contained consideration and dignity that would not have occurred to him that he had lived as a slave all his life.

In addition, he tamed a horse that even two young men could not win at once and rode it so well that he had enough qualifications to become a young master.

“Just because I became your son, you can’t blindly treat the person you love the most. I am still comfortable with this.”

“Thank you for your consideration. If you still change your mind, feel free to be comfortable with me.”

“All right. kyung.”

Aaron smiled and nodded.

‘The buds are very blue.’

The baron smiled heartily upon hearing the conversation between Gardi and Aaron.

He knew how mine slaves were treated.

Thanks to the order not to treat slaves, the number of deaths has decreased significantly, but there are still many people who cannot endure exploitation and persecution and go crazy or commit suicide.

Aaron did not lose his will to live even in such circumstances and grew up well.

‘He even forgave the man who put him in the mine.’

When he first decided to take Aaron with him, the baron tried to track down the man who sold him into slavery.

But Aaron stopped it.

I said that now that my mother’s wish has been fulfilled and I met my father, I want to forgive and forget everything in the past.

‘Fortunately, not today.’

Aaron muttered to himself, reacting appropriately to the baron’s intense gaze.

The green disaster arrives in mid-February, when the snow melts and spring begins.

Winter wasn’t over yet, so we had to wait a few more days for it to appear.

“I can see the village.”

Just as darkness began to set in the deep mountains, I saw a faint light on the other side of the road.

It must have been a torch lit on a wooden fence built to block monsters.

“I’m in a bit of a hurry.”

The party hurried their steps towards the light they could see in the distance.

* * *


Eventually, as they approached the village, two men in leather armor crossed their spears and blocked the road.

They were self-selected vigilantes from Mineville.

“Don’t make a fuss, open the way. And inform the village chief that the owner of this land has come.”

Gardi showed his identity card and said.

“Me, me, baron?”

Then the vigilante, who belatedly recognized the party’s identity, retrieved the spear and bowed his head.

“Wow, welcome! Come on, eat inside!”

After belatedly discovering the identity of the party, the men made a fuss and opened the way.

“I would have told you not to make a fuss.”

As soon as there was a hint of noise, Gardi hardened his face and threatened.

His face, reflected in the flickering torchlight, resembled a wolf hunting for prey.

“Oh, sorry, sorry. Because it was so sudden… … . I will inform the village chief as soon as possible.”

“There is no hurry. I’m going to stay quietly for one night.”

The baron came out and spoke softly.

The men bowed their heads and left as if they were running away.

“Baron. You had a really hard time walking in the dark.”

After entering the village and waiting for a while, the village chief ran out barefoot and bowed his head.

Contrary to the wide smile on his face, the inside of the village chief was burning black.

‘How come it’s been a bit rare these days.’

It was a fact known to many in the estate that the baron’s hobby was secret inspection.

Usually, lords are too lazy to go on regular inspections, so they send an agent, but the baron went so far as touring the territory separately, not enough to take care of regular inspections.

During regular inspections, when escorts and attendants are rushing around, you have time to know and prepare in advance. It was very troublesome when it came to me out of nowhere.

For a noble, he has an easy-going personality and doesn’t ask for much, but he didn’t know what disadvantages would come if he was neglected.

“Even a small room is fine, so give me a place to stay. I will leave early in the morning.”

“All right. I will prepare it right away.”

Miners and merchants frequented Mineville, so there were a couple of useful inns.

The village chief arranged for the best room among them and gave it to the party.

“Do you like the room?”

After the group unpacked their luggage, the village chief came to us with a meal and asked.

Warm corn soup and freshly baked soft bread. Even chicken seasoned with salt and pepper.

The spice he sprinkled on the chicken should have cost him a few silver coins.

“Thank you for always being so kind to me even when I visit without notice. This is a reward.”

The baron nodded and tossed ten silver coins at him.

Money equivalent to a hundred fairy tales.

Usually, it was ten copper coins to stay overnight at an inn, so it was no small amount of money.

“Thank you, Baron! This money will be used to help the people who come and go to the mine by adding to the town’s operation.”

The village chief looked at the silver coin that had fallen into his hand and bowed his head several times.

The pretentious smile changed to a heartfelt smile, and the annoyance at the sudden visit disappeared.

‘Is this the financial treatment?’

Aaron looked at it and swallowed a laugh.

Of course, what the village chief just said was a lie.

The money he received will be used solely to enrich his own ship.

“If you need anything, call me anytime. Then have a good night.”

The village chief greeted them with exaggerated gestures and then disappeared.

“This is meat I haven’t seen in a long time. I thought you were just chewing jerky until you got to Yeongju Hall.”

As the village chief left, Gardi salivated as he watched the steaming chicken.

The dignified appearance he had shown in front of the village chief and villagers had long since disappeared.

When I went on a secret inspection with the baron, there were many cases where I couldn’t see meat for several weeks, so I had to do that.

“Let Aaron eat this.”

Gardi was just about to pick up a chicken leg when the Baron pushed the plate of chicken in front of Aaron.

“I am fine. My father and Sir Gardi suffered more, so please share.”

Aaron pretended to be calm and pushed the plate back.

In my mind, I want to eat the soup right away and then chew the chicken leg to the bone, but I couldn’t destroy the image I’ve built so far.

“As expected, Bocchan is a generous person. Then I’ll stop worrying and eat well.”

Gardi took the chicken leg into his mouth before the baron could say anything more.


The sound of meat chewing was especially loud in the large room.

“hahahaha. okay. Sharing anything is a good thing. Then let’s eat.”

The baron looked at Gardi with a puzzled expression before picking up the bread.

Dalgrak, moongrak.

The three of them concentrated on eating the prepared food for a while.

‘My tongue is about to melt. I can’t believe this was so delicious.’

Aaron closed his eyes and savored the savory gravy spreading in his mouth.

Although he entered this world a few days ago, his body, which had been rolling in the mine for over ten years, had completely forgotten the taste of meat.

‘I should save this.’

Aaron, who glazed and ate the meat in an instant, left one chicken leg for himself and turned to the bread and soup.


Just as I was about to dip some bread into the soup, I heard a shrill scream through the slightly open window.


As soon as he heard the screams, Gardi drew his knife and ran to the window.

“monster! It is a monster!”

“The eastern barrier has collapsed!”

All the villagers were screaming and running in all directions.

“Gather all vigilantes! Don’t run away!”

“sh*t! How can we stop that! Shut up and fry!”

Armed vigilantes were also common among those fleeing.

The vigilantes in Mineville often fight monsters that come down from the mountain, so they are well trained for vigilantes.

Seeing those people running around, it seemed that they weren’t normal monsters.

“Gardi, what is it?”

After taking a sip of the soup, the baron stood up and asked.

Gardi stretched his neck out of the window to survey the situation before returning to his seat.

When he returned, the smile on his face was gone.

“Lord. You must evacuate immediately.”

“I asked what was going on.”

The Baron asked again impatiently.

Gardi gave strength to the hand holding the sword and said clearly.

“I am a dragon.”

“… … A dragon?”

The baron’s face hardened.

Only I am immune to magic

Author : Sileng

From noble mtl dot com

Publisher: Son Byeong-tae

Publisher : RS Media Co., Ltd.

Address: 201-503, Chunui Techno Park 2nd, 18 Bucheon-ro 198beon-gil, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do

Phone : 032-651-8576

E-mail : [email protected]

ISBN: 979-11-6949-052-8

RS Media Co., Ltd. has the right to edit all contents of this book under the contract with the author, so unauthorized copying, modification, and distribution are prohibited.

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