The students in the class didn't respond.

After all, everyone is a top student.

And Oreki-san yawned, but it had no effect on someone like him who casually got perfect scores.

As for Sakayanagi-san, there is also a penalty of -10 points for each subject in the next written test for being in the bottom 10 in the sports festival.

But she didn't look worried.

Probably because I am confident that I can get 90 points in every subject.

"However, this plan is too simple, so the school also made it more difficult."

Teacher Mashima then added.

"If the total score of two people's subjects does not reach 700 points, they will also be counted as failed."

"Then if they fail to meet this requirement, both parties in the team will drop out."

Mashima-sensei said.

And this is the exit exam.

In the previous old exams, there was a plan to fail and drop out of school.

And now it's the double partner dropping out.


Oreki-san raised his hand and said. "Is this special exam the same as in previous years?"

"No." Teacher Majima glanced at Oreki-san, "This was specially suggested by the principal."

It seems so.

The new principal is here.

Oreki-san glanced at Sakayanagi Yusu. Classmate Sakayanagi had previously provided information that Ayanokouji's father wanted to take Ayanokouji back, but was stopped by the chairman.

But the other party will definitely not give up, so it is very likely that they will add their own people.

The principal, who wanted to lick each other, took the initiative to retire from the hospital just to make way for him.

And now look.

This exam seems to be okay, but it can also be regarded as problematic.

One course is worth 100 points, eight subjects is worth 800 points, and since there are two people, it is 1600 points, so it is not difficult to get 700 points.

But if your partner is a bad student and gets 0 points in every subject, then your teammate who is a top student will need to get an average of 88 points in each of the eight subjects.

How demanding.

And if the top student fails to do so, because of the matching relationship, the bad student she is paired with will also drop out of school.

If they fail to display their advanced skills, they will be expelled from school together because their fellow students are unable to display their abilities.

That is to say.

This is a genuine community of life.

How to choose a partner is also a very important lesson.

As for students in Class A or Class B, there are many academic masters, so there is no need to worry.

But for Class C and Class D, which have poor hardware equipment, it is a devil.

And this is the new principal’s proposal.

In other words, the other party wanted to force Ayanokouji Kiyotaka to drop out of school.

Because they were paired up and then dropped out of school or something like that, maybe they were trying to plot against Ayanokouji.

But this kind of thing has nothing to do with him and he won't interfere.

And with that in mind, Oreki-san looked at Sakayanagi Yusu.


Sakayanagi-san seemed to be thinking about something more unpleasant.

I wasn't listening to the test questions at all.

Chapter 109 The sudden arrival of love, Sakayanagi: He won’t fall in love! Go!

Sakayanagi-san was not listening to the question, but Oreki-san was listening to the last rule of the exam.

"The content of the assessment this time is only at the level of the third grade of junior high school. At the same time, as I said just now, the examination is not issued by the school, but by the class."

"Eight subjects, each subject has 50 questions, all of which are left to each class to set their own questions."

"In other words, you will be asked to think about and create the questions for the final exam."

"The test questions will be assigned to one of the three classes other than the one you belong to. You can give the papers you produced to Class B, Class C, or even Class D."

"This test is also related to the class evaluation score. You prepare the eight subject questions yourself, and before that you can challenge one of the other three classes. The two classes will give each other questions and compete for scores. , the class with the highest total class score can take 50 class evaluation points from the losing class.”

And here's where it gets a little interesting.

The two classes gave each other test questions and then compared their scores. There are many actionable links in this.

For example.

If they ask each other questions, they can naturally reveal the questions to each other. This ensures that students on both sides will not drop out because they know the answers.


There are many problems.

For example, is the other class trustworthy? What if the other class betrays? Memorize fake papers, causing a large number of students in the class to fail, and then even the students with good grades were kicked out of school.

It's a very scary thing.

at the same time.

It's August 1st.

Then you need to decide which class you want to fight against in three days, and then submit the test papers for the enemy class at the end of the month, that is, on the 24th from 6 am to 17 pm.

The time span was interesting, and the classes needed to be made against each other quickly.

However, it takes a long time to finally give the other party the question, so it is okay for some variables to appear during this time.

However, the class evaluation score for this exam is very low. Only the winner gets 50 points from the loser, which means that the gap can be shortened by 100 points.


For Class A, which has a gap of nearly 1,200 points in class evaluation scores with other classes, this test cannot shake them even a cent.

Then there's only one question.


The steady Katsuragi-san also raised his hands and stood up.

"What if the content of the question is something very tricky?"

"Is this a biased question okay?" Katsuragi-san asked.

The hardware accessories of the students in Class A are very good, and almost no one has a score below 50, especially the simple content from the past third grade of junior high school.

So if you don’t read, then everyone in the class can reach 60+ to 70+ with their eyes closed.

"At this time, we teachers need to take care of things." Teacher Mashima said. He knew what Katsuragi-san was thinking, so he said. "If it is a tricky question, then it will not be accepted."

"At the same time, if this kind of question appears, the other class will not be able to come up with questions that comply with the rules in time. The school will use backup questions."

"The content of the backup questions is relatively simple." Teacher Mashima added. "Probably the kind of thing a kid would do."


In other words, if you come up with tricky questions, it is equivalent to destroying yourself, because the enemy class will get points from the school.

"I understand." Katsuragi-san sat down after receiving the result.

Because this means that this exam will not be stressful for Class A.

Because everyone's academic ability is not low, there is basically no chance of failing. The only problem is that the other class deliberately created difficult problems and the plan for tricky questions was blocked by the school.

So this exam is very safe for Class A.


Oreki-san glanced at his seatmate.

Sakayanagi Arisu stared at the blank exercise book.

There is no action.

It seems.

This aggressive little Tyrannosaurus rex still looks completely indifferent to the outside world.


As expected, Sakayanagi-san was not listening to the question.

But just now, he had already discovered it.

This exam actually has an uneventful answer.

And this can only be discovered if you see through the purpose of the exam.

First, let’s analyze the assessment content of the exam. The assessment is based on eight subjects in the third grade of junior high school, which is completely separate from the current class content. At the same time, students are still required to write papers for each other.

Don't you think it's strange?

Having students write their own test questions can increase students' control capabilities, but... it also gives students the opportunity to freely use their own test questions.


Since we are writing each other's papers, can't we also share the questions with each other?

And this is the shortcut to the exam.

This crappy school likes this kind of thinking that carefully examines questions and then allows smart people to get the best solutions.

So this is a safe and sound solution.

Think about it from the perspective of being able to share questions with each other, then you can go through difficulties with enemy classes, ask each other questions, exchange answers with each other, and then pass each other.

So although the question this time was not stated clearly, it was probably [group interest collaboration].


This condition is based on the fact that the enemy class will not rebel.

You can't trust schools like Ryuen because they may give fake test papers. The fake test paper will cause a large number of students in the class that the other party has not prepared to drop out of school, and this result is more tempting than any benefits, so they will definitely betray.

So can anyone still believe it?


Just like Honami Ichinose from Class B. Her character and the characters of her classmates are the wonders of this school, a holy mother.

You can see it during the sports festival.

While most people would refuse Class C's request to be released, they chose to agree.

In other words, the final total score of their class in the sports festival was 1800 points, and this was the result of the classmates giving up on several events for the students of Class C.

If they did not abstain, their score might be 100 points higher.

And this score may allow them to win directly in the sports festival.


Ichinose and the others actually lost the chance to win because of the Virgin from the beginning.



Such people are very trustworthy.

So the best answer for this exam is to discover this and then challenge Class B first.

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