"I think you can try joining the cram school at Kogenji in Class C." Oreki-san said. "His cram school will be carried out until the end of this month."

"You might be able to gain something by taking a get out of class."

"Also, you don't have to follow me any more. I won't interfere in this exchange exam again."

So after getting information from the innocent Ibuki, and then returning the courtesy, Ibuki began to perfect his way out of Ryuuen's control, while Oreki-san continued to walk up the floor.

Because when he came to the library, he found that a girl with long silver-white hair who he had seen once came to the library.

Because she is wearing unique gray silk and is very cute, so she is impressive.

The other party seemed a little troubled.

She had looked at the upper shelf twice in a row.

ps: This is today’s update.

Yesterday's reward was untimely and was withdrawn. The more pertinent thing is to pay off the reward before offering it.

Yesterday’s reward data monthly pass 10827 blade 3709

Current data monthly ticket 10402 blade 3913

I owe you a total of 62 updates and 2,000 words.

4.25+4.08+62=70.33 updates, counting 71 updates and 2,000 words.

It’s still the same, guaranteed updates once a day, and then pay off the debt.

pyA book by a big guy


After traveling through time, there was a system called Liev, who asked me to show her some weird documents.

Okay, let me present a beautiful [basement] to this world of racing girls who are [going crazy] towards [the peak]!


Is it me who needs to be locked up in the basement?

.....Don't even think about running away!

Chapter 115 Oreki-san is a good person! The matching test begins!

Hiyori Shiina is a person who loves reading.

To describe it accurately, she is probably a literary girl.

I like reading, swimming in the ocean of books, and coming to the library.


Her life goal is also to become the administrator of the National Library.

She is not that aggressive or ambitious, but wouldn't it be a good thing if she could do a job she likes in the future?

As long as you become a library administrator, you can have access to books and have more time to read.


No matter what you do, as long as you go into society, you will find that everything will become difficult.

The class she is in now is Ryuen Class, and she has dropped from Class C to Class D.

And Ryuuen's tool to dominate everyone is violence.

She doesn't like violence.

And she was born into an ordinary family, and when she was in junior high school... she also fell short because she couldn't handle interpersonal relationships well.

At the same time, I don’t think that if you want to get a position you like, you can get it through violence.

After all, what's the use of being able to fight? What you need to come out to hang out is power and strength.

The recommendation letter from Yucheng High School is still very valuable, so if you can graduate as Class A, you can realize your ideal immediately.

She doesn't have much ambition to go to school, she just hopes to get a job.


This ambition is basically gone.

Because she was assigned to Class C.

She has found out.

The students around her, as well as the students in the four classes ABC and D, had different basic accessories at first. Then the school seemed to pay more attention to Class A and Class B because she found that the students in these two classes were not like Class C and Class D. There are so many...difficult people to deal with.

Her academic ability is very good, but there are classmates in the class like Ibuki-san who are physically strong but have extremely low academic performance.

For example, Horikita-san, Takaharaji-san, and Kushida-san from Class D seemed to have some r-volume rankings from the very beginning.

And this was done by a large number of boys in their class.

It's simply unbelievable.

The junior high school Hiyori went to was just an ordinary junior high school, but she never met such weird classmates.

And Yucheng High School is very famous. She was recommended by the principal that she could try to apply, and then she came.

I took the written test and passed the interview.

At that time, there were a large number of students participating, but only 160 were admitted in the end.

Her physical fitness is average, but her academic ability is very good. So I can get through it reluctantly.

It’s just that many outstanding students failed. Even the top student in her class failed.

She has always been curious about how the other students in Class C and Class D with extremely low academic abilities passed.

Because I have not passed the written test, I am not eligible for the interview.


These students, what should I say...

Kind of like being specially chosen and brought here.

It's similar to a default decision.

at the same time.

Perhaps the evaluation she received was not very good, so she was assigned to Class C.

Then it is almost difficult to graduate from Class A.

And now Class A also has the Great Demon King Oreki, the Money-Taking Monster Oreki, and the Oreki Pigeonmon. If they want to catch up to the first time that Class A has in front of them... they have to defeat him.

too difficult.

From a difficult start, it went directly to hell difficulty.

So Hiyori-san doesn’t have much confidence now.

At the same time, she was also upset about the fact that Oreki Pigeonmon deliberately said a few days ago that he wanted to go to the library, but failed to come, and then made her wait until the library was closed.


The other party must be in a bad mood after being followed by Ibuki for several days~


As long as Oreki Dogemon is in a bad mood, she is in a good mood.

Ryuuen was worried that Oreki wanted to interfere with this matching test, so he arranged for Ibuki to follow Oreki Houtarou in plain sight.

This exam is very important for Class D.

There is no room for error.

This is something to note.

Because the angels in Class B actually started to show their fangs, which was very scary.

Therefore, there cannot be a scenario of dropping out of school in this exam.

in this way.

Naturally, Oreki Houtarou, a money-drawing monster, cannot be allowed to join.

If he intervened and asked Class B to raise the price at the last minute, it would be over. Because even if Ichinose and the others raise their prices, they don't have the power to fight back.

After all, there are a lot of scumbags in the class.

And even if they start to study again now, the academic ability of some students is still extremely low.

The more he tutored them, the more Hiyori felt that everyone was specially selected from all over the country by high school because some people couldn't even figure out a linear equation in two variables.

I don’t understand the problem of chickens and rabbits living in the same cage.

He also said that he had never studied it.

So she is also very desperate.

in this way.

The current configuration of Class D is still very poor, so this special exam must be treated with caution.

Therefore, it is very important to separate Oreki from the money monster.

The current Class D still owes him 2 million personal points, and then because of the agreement signed with Class B, not only the agreement materials for the Kojima exam were invalidated. At the same time, he still owes Ichinose's class 3 million points.

So now Class D is in danger.

Has been stripped naked twice in a row.

Then we can’t let Oreki’s money-taking monster come over again.

Otherwise, if you owe so much and cannot pay it back at all, some members of the class may automatically drop out.

So the current scene emerged.

Ryuuen arranged for Ibuki to keep an eye on Oreki.

As long as Oreki wants to move and interfere with this exam, then let Ibuki continue to stare at Oreki.

And it may even get worse, even waiting outside for the other party to go to the toilet, etc.

And this will cause trouble in the other person's daily life.

From this perspective, Ryuuen is indeed a rather disgusting person.

However, when Ryuuen first conquered Albert, he did not rely on himself to win, but resorted to any means to make Albert's spirit almost collapse, and then conquered him.

Therefore, it is understandable to arrange for Ibuki to follow Oreki now.

But this behavior can also be described as tenacious.

After all, Class D cannot lose this time.

Hiyori was thinking about what she had and what she didn't.

Then he raised his head.

She came to the library because she suddenly wanted to read again the books she had read in elementary school.

It feels like revisiting an old place or re-reading an old book.

The book you are looking for is [5 Centimeters Per Second].

There are novels, animated works, and even live-action versions.

What she wants to read is the version of the novel. She still prefers the paper version to audio-visual products. The paper version can give people more room for imagination when reading.


5 Centimeters per Second is placed on the bookshelf starting with K, and then on the fifth floor.


Hiyori stood on tiptoes.

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